Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

NJMS has IS preference (80% IS vs 20% OOS) from their website. NJMS interview is the second stage of this process. First stage is the screening done at each feeder school via their own interview. Each feeder school decides who to forward to NJMS for a consideration. However, NJMS selects whom to interview and conducts only one interview even if an applicant’s file is forwarded by multiple UG programs. Feeder schools have no role in selection by NJMS to whom it offers a bsmd admission except for forwarding an applicant to NJMS for consideration.

FYI, NJMS has a requirement of a GPA of 3.5 each semester and a minimum grade of B in any premedical course during UG. A MCAT is required but it does not mention a minimum score. Do not take these requirements lightly to achieve. College is a different beast altogether than high school. A “C” grade in Organic Chemistry is not that uncommon in UG. A relatively large number of seats makes NJMS bsmd a likely program to apply.

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To add on top of that, the expected enrollment through the feeders is 60-70% of those offered admissions, for whatever reasons (despite the program being excellent and the free rides given by some of the feeders like NJIT).

As per a parent poster, the BS/MD class strength of those accepting the offer through TCNJ in 2018 was 16. He/she didn’t know or post how many were offered in total through TCNJ, but my guess would be around 30. Will be good to know if anyone has more recent stats.

So my estimate is that between TCNJ and NJIT there may be around 50 unique offers (not double counting the same student applying through both) and 30-50 offers for all other feeders combined. Total matriculants may be in 50-70 range.

IMO, there are 70-80 unique NJMS bsmd offers from all feeder schools ( most applicants apply via multiple feeders) and 35-40 matriculants to bsmd program. Guess-estimate is around 30 in total between NJIT and TCNJ and rest will be in smaller feeder schools. How many of these ultimately matriculate to NJMS ?

@grtd2010 Thank you!

Can anyone please recommend online Human Anatomy and Physiology Classes. Thank You

Johns Hopkins has some online and interactive courses that are designed to go along with regular high school course work. Doubt if they have it for anatomy though, since it may involve lab. Check it out anyway.

Here is open and free online learning for everyone from CMU

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I am applying to the UMKC BA/MD program this fall

I am a Nigerian/Caribbean female: INSTATE
GPA: 4.0 UW, I don’t know what it is W, maybe around a 4.3
Class Rank: 1 of 300
ACT: 26 currently (retaking it in July and September)
Honors Geometry
Honors Algebra II
AP BIO: dual credit
AP Chem
AP Euro
AP Stats
PLTW Biomedical Courses

Varsity track since 9th grade
Spanish club officer
HOSA competing member
100 hrs of shadowing at the hospital
Work at my parent’s private clinic
Volunteering at a retirement home
Medical summer programs at Yale

Earned an undergrad credit at Johns Hopkins Medical School Intensive camp

3x perfect attendance
4x academic conference

This is just from the top of my head.

I strongly want to know what my chances are and be included throughout this thread during the 2020-21 admissions cycle

or black/african american

You have impressive stats except that Your ACT score is very low and you may not make the cut.
Try to get it >= 32
Take some ACT tutoring help if needed.

If you can get the score up, then apply broadly to many programs.

@speedyliv -

First of all, don’t limit yourself to a specific BSMD program (UMKC 6 yrs BSMD). You should consider applying broadly to 18-22 colleges that includes 12+ BSMD programs and another 6+ Undergrad institutions or whatever combination that works for you.

Secondly, you may want to look at BS MD college confidential posts about 6 years programs vs. 7 years programs. Generally, 7 yrs programs are favored over 6 yrs programs.

Thirdly, It’s important to be open minded about BS/MD programs especially when the new application cycle is just starting. You may want to wait until you have all your results in hand before deciding on a specific program to join.

There are several factors to consider such as prestige of UG and/or med school, merit-aid, cost of attendance, GPA/MCAT scores or other requirements for graduation to medical school etc.

Okay. At this moment, I am taking Huntington’s ACT Prep Course and plan on retaking the ACT in July and September

I am also planning to apply to Drexel, Howard’s, and SLU’s BS/MD programs. It’s just that I know the most about UMKC’s program as long as their interview process, what to say and so on

For BS/MD prompts that just ask “why medicine?” and don’t ask about why that specific school or program, should I still try to incorporate that school? My essay does not incorporate a school but I am directly at the word limit even after cutting down my essay by 200 words.

(For example, CWRU asks "By applying to the Pre-Professional Scholars Program, you are applying to gain admission to professional school earlier than students who apply in the traditional way. Please indicate why you’re interested in your chosen profession. How do you see yourself being particularly suited to this field? What events and/or experiences have led you to your choice? ")

@speedyliv You should also look at those BSMD programs that are test-optional for the upcoming application cycle, so you don’t have to submit your ACT score unless you get >=32. Good luck!

Do BSMD programs expect perfect stats from ORM kids?

Is it a requirement to have near perfect stats ? Answer is No. There is always a chance that an applicant with non perfect stat will be successful but if one goes by statistics (normal distribution assumption) there are always outliers, those beyond mean + 2SD and mean - 2SD in the two tails of the population.

@speedyliv - As @NoviceDad mentioned improving your SAT/ACT scores will benefit you. It’s good that you are applying to multiple BSMD programs.

Most BSMD students start researching about the various BSMD programs during the summer after junior year in order to figure out the requirements before applying.

Students usually pick their college list and apply broadly to 18-22 colleges that includes 12+ BSMD programs and another 6+ Undergrad institutions or whatever combination that works for you.

You never know which BSMD ends up liking your profile. Students are usually surprised when the results arrive!

@Futurdoc - If you are submitting “Why college/program essay” then, it doesn’t make sense for you to include about the school or program in the “Why medicine” essay. In general - duplication of content in essays doesn’t make sense