Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

For more information, you can check this thread too

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Makes sense–thanks for the information.

I know one who declined all top tier BSMDs for Stanford in 2017. Check BSMD experience thread.

Sorry to hear. Good luck with rest of the apps.

We (the parents) got email from Hofstra inviting us and our kid to visit in January in person (or virtual). Are colleges open and doing in-person visits?? Would interviews end up being in person too? We are in CA where we are under stay-at-home orders - no visiting even neighbors, so feels a bit surreal.

Per the program requirements, one must be admitted to Hons program along with UG. There is no separate application for Hons.

My son received 18K/year. We are OOS. Hope this helps. Good luck

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Sounds like your D has change of heart in just one week, from traditional route to BS/MD.,:slightly_smiling_face:

Son got regular admission at Drexel but was declined for BSMD
He got regular admission at Temple University and waiting to hear back about Honors admission and BSMD program

GPA - 3.89 (Unweighted)
SAT Score - 1550
Math Subject SAT Score - 800
Took 10+ AP courses
Lot of volunteer hours

Sorry to hear about Drexel BSMD. Most of the other colleges will begin responses starting late Jan. Let’s hope for the best.

Sorry to hear that. Good luck with other BS/MD programs.

Your son has pretty competitive profile. I am confident he will hear back from Temple soon. Good luck

those are very good stats. Hopefully you will soon hear from Temple

@Mom22DDs - i was referring to the total number of seats at Stony Brook BA/MD as 10

@nvk - Don’t worry at all. This is very common with BS/MD. you get into some and you get rejected by others for no logical reason or connection to your stats.

Your son’s stats are just fine!

Did you mean Drexel did not forward your application to medical college or did you hear outcome from Drexel medical college ?

Those STATS are so good

@g46qop - It depends

During Last cycle -

SOme kids actively were asking advise regarding which to choose -
one kid was considering MIT vs. Hofstra
2-3 kids were considering T10 (Duke or Upenn) vs. Drexel/RPI/GWU
Not sure what these kids ended up choosing though…

My son and a few of his UG classmates got into T10-20 colleges but left for Penn State PMM. One of these classmates got into Harvard UG but choose Penn State PMM instead.

On the other hand, a few kids applied to Brown ED while simultaneously applying to BS/MDs. Although a couple atleast got into ED cycle. I distinctly remember a couple got deferred to RD but ended up choosing Brown at the end!

So, there are both types of kids…and it depends on the kid what they choose!

Is Purchase College BS/MD a 7 or 8 year program? It does not say anywhere on the website.

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If student made the decision and keen about medicine then the Rice/Baylor, CWRU, UPitt, BU are good even if got in to Ivy or T10. Mostly will not hurt your wallet also since they give decent merit aid for UG.

Of course, we applied to other programs. Still rightfully disappointing as Syracuse’s program was brand new this year.

Does anybody knows if SUNY Polytech provides any merit scholarships? SUNY Polytech forwarded application to upstate but they have not sent any information on scholarship. Based on previous year experiences any input?