Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Congratulations to your daughter on UG admission and the scholarship!
BS/MD decisions are announced in late Jan, so there is time for those. Good luck to her for all her applications.
Is there a separate supplemental application for bs/md? On common app, we did not see an option to submit the additional (bs/md specific) essay. Can you please let me know how this works?

Child got admission to one of the top ivies EA and now only targeting Top 3 or 4 BS MD programs

It’s all individual choice



Based on my D’s Stony Brook Application process, below are steps:

  1. Applied via Common App and indicated that she will apply to honors and BS/MD.

  2. A few days after submission , she received email to login to SBU Applicant Portal.

  3. In the portal, she could make change and/or remove which honors programs, which she did removed Honors and just chose WISE. In addition, she uploaded essays for both Honors and BS/MD in this portal.

  4. The Admission decision was posted in this portal also but she received the scholarship pdf letter via email.

  5. There is also SBU Solar Portal but I don’t have access to it yet (D. wouldn’t share :slight_smile: ). Maybe there are financial info there.

  6. Hopefully she will receive honors and BS/MD info in Portal or email.

Good luck !!!

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Thanks @ttb1263 for detailed steps.

As I see on the common app, you have to choose to apply to WISE or Honors or university Scholars program. And also indicate just one as a preferred program, in case admitted to more than one. Does one have better chance of getting selected into BS/MD than the other?

Also, will recommendations submitted through common app be forwarded to bs/md consideration? or they have to be uploaded differently from the portal?

Thanks again and good luck!

It said he is not accepted to the BSMD program in the portal.
We understand these programs are highly competitive due to the small number of seats available. Anyhow, just wanted to share the info.
We are prepared for any outcome and know that students will have several other options to purse college education and reach their career goals.

Daughter’s HS school’s counselor and teachers sent transcripts, LoRs, school reports, etc via Naviance, so she didn’t have to submit anything when apply except for SAT and ACT scores directly from College Board and ACT.

Daughter picked 2 honors programs originally but decided to stick with WISE only and made changes in the Portal. She also uploaded “What aspects about medicine intrigue you?” essay in the portal along with the honors essay.

I’m not not sure if they will ask for additional stuff as part of BS/MD supplement. We will give them what they need when they ask, I guess. Here is the link with info about SBU Scholars for Medicine:

I also remember there was yet another student who was deliberating between his/her final two choices - UPenn (CAS) and RPI/AMC BS/MD to whom I had forwarded the contact of someone in similar situation in an earlier cycle, but he/she didn’t share the final decision.

Another student who was communicating with me via private messages was vacillating between Barnard/Columbia and Upstate and finally chose Upstate after consultation with family friend physicians and family.

BS MD a admissions are not assured and if we get then will evaluate in April ,criteria med school prestige and cost

I think our child is good in sciences but as sone one mentioned one may be top in state and ones school but when you join the top ivies then you really feel the grind.


SUNY Polytechnic - Merit

Currently the top 20-25% of our entering first-year students receive an academic merit award. Review by the Admissions Office will begin in January.

So you may hear it when they formally send the UG admission notice in January or may be little later. Because of the stats and other ECs, I would have to believe that all oos bsmd folks should get the some to make it equal to instate. Tuition at SUNY Poly is a bit less than SYNY Albany. instate 7k+ and oos 17k+.

Again comes down to HS competitiveness and which Ivies you go to. For example Harvard and Stanford are known for grade inflation while Princeton, Cornell are known for grade deflation. Also few folks get into Ivies thru ECs and they may struggle to get the required 3.7+ GPA. Those are the cases fearmongers use :slight_smile:

Thank you. D received mail from SUNY upstate for interview yesterday. It was in SPAM folder. Pls check in spam folder if you were forwarded to Upstate from feeders.

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It is true, high school success is not necessarily a barometer for a future success, hence holistic review for admission, otherwise all valedictorians will be in Ivies, but they are not.
So whoever has Ivy admission(s), they are certainly top of crop. What matters is school already loved you, do you love them or not? Do not let fear mongering drive the decision.

Very happy to announce that DC received Upstate Interview invite-
You have been selected to interview for: Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Science
First interview date available for us is February 15th. Mail went into SPAM folder!

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Certainly there is not one size fit all answer for this situation.
Only people who pick BS/MD over Ivies are those who are 100% set on medicine.
If you have little doubt about medicine route, or even you want to do MSTP (not all BS/MD programs have that opportunity) don’t commit to BS/MD route as once you are in BS/MD, plan B is very difficult should you changed your mind later for whatever reason vs if you are in Ivy and should you changed your mind later you have plenty of other options to pursue.

What are some of the top tier bs/md programs that you would choose over the top ivy if you don’t mind sharing
 I’m in a similar position I got admitted to Yale EA and was wondering what some of the top bs/md programs are.

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Also for the top Ivy which we have claims 93 to 95 acceptance rate med school acceptance rate. So joining a low ranked medical college later should not be a issue. The number of kids joining T20 medical schools acceptance is more than 50 to 60 percent for this Ivy.

Definitely we are backing out from lot of BS MD programs which we were planning before. Any advise will be appreciated 


Congrats!! Do you know which feeder you received it from?

Good numbers dig out, why one should commit low tier upfront when you already proved talent by virtue of Ivy admission?

All those forwarded to Upstate, please check your spam. My DD’s was in spam and we would never have known if she hadn’t got an email congratulating her. She said the link indicated she was going to interview for the program through SUNY Polytechnic. There was only one day available for interview and she chose it.

Could folks please share info on SUNY Polytechnic? We didn’t expect to be forwarded by them, so nice surprise.