Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Makes sense. Thanks.

My daughter said she is checking with the Program Director about ESF because of her specific inclination to Env. Science but is also meeting with her SUNY Poly advisor about Env. Science courses there. She would not be switching UGs for the sake of switching, so you might want to write with your query separately. Also note that SUNY is one of the least expensive options, even for OOS, $18k/yr before scholarships vs $50k+ for RIT.

Please do share what you hear back, and we will as well.

What date did upstate interviewees choose please, if they are ok sharing? My DD chose Feb. 15th.

@MVparent, @Pickleball, @doctorpenguin, @Shanmuga20 - Since this is a common occurence, please donā€™t let this get to you. Remember, this is just the beginning of the race and you are far from the endā€¦

What are some good bs/md programs in your opinion then? Sorry still new to the bs/md process

@muscarf - I agree with @GoldenRock assessment.

IMO, one more test has no impact. Unless you applied ED, regular decision at ivy leagues will require you to have unique ECs. We canā€™t predict what these ECs could be since it will depend on the candidate pool and what the ivy is looking for balance out their class.

If you want to join ivyā€™s, its much better to apply ED or REA

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Do you when your DC submitted the upstate application? My D was forwarded to upstate by ACPHS and we submitted the supplemental application this Sunday night.

Adelphi had offered her scholarship and cost after scholarship is much less than SUNY Polytech (without scholarship). SUNY Polytech has not offered her any scholarship so far. She was also feeling that Adelphi can provide some location advantage being closer to NY city. But this is not a major factor.

@sam2024 -

Since HYP are top 3 schools per usnews ranks, there is no BS/MD that can compete with these!

So, if your child likes HYP, itā€™s a clear choice to join these schools if you are able to afford it.

Some points to consider-
There is no negative especially since the BS/MDā€™s you are looking at are with private college undergrads with similar tution. The only BS/MD programs that offer full scholarship will be the oneā€™s that you wonā€™t be considering since these wonā€™t be with top UGs.

BU BS/MD offers presidential scholarships for NMF.

CWRU, UofR, Rice/Baylor, UPitt, Baylor/Baylor, UAB EMSAP also might offer scholarshipsā€¦ (not sure if you are considering all of these?)

There is no harm in waiting and then decidingā€¦

Which feeder colleges for upstate have got interviews so far? From the thread, I understand itā€™s SUNY Poly, RITā€¦

I donā€™t think RIT has forwarded for interviewing yet, correct?

Congratulations @Yashi123. What interview dates available for you?

Upstate/Krystal said that they will review application for all the feeders and assign to a feeder that ranked you higher (along with their own ranking/criteria).

We submitted Upstate supplement on the 5th day/last day- Monday 12/21 late in the evening!

I donā€™t want to offend some of the seniors with my list :slight_smile: Apply broadly (unless you think you can get into Harvard or Stanford) and once you get the admissions we can debate which ones are good

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Does anyone know if anymore applicants from Suny Poly can get sent an interview or is that it?

It looks like they have only 3 interview dates like last year. I am hearing Jan 18th, Feb 15th and March XX. Like interview, results are also rolling. That means some people will get the good news few days after the interview and some will remain in the pool as they do more interviews.

Last year they had interview on Jan 27, Feb 10th, March 2nd. One of the Jan 27 interviewee received acceptance by Feb 6th.

Do you have a real choice here to make ? Please come back with real choices, not just imaginary scenarios. Obvious choice for many would be Harvard or Stanford ( more so for STEM fields).

Haha no worries! Iā€™m a senior and I was fortunate to get into Yale EA. From reading posts, it seems like the general consensus is that if you get into a top school you should maybe shoot for the higher tier BS/MD programs. Ik PLME is up there but I was wondering what other programs are in the top tier. Thanks ahead of time!! :slight_smile:

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@sam2024, Congratulation on your top Ivy admission. This is not a fear mongering but it does not guarantee even one admission to your desired top medical schools.

GPPA Interviews are out. My friend got one.

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