Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

This is just first set of interviews and there will be more interview invites sent. I expect (don’t know for sure) it will be for all feeders, and that upstate is not done for a specific feeder. Hang in there!

RIP… UIC GPPA Interviews are done

FYI, Brown medical school is not very highly ranked. Enjoy your Yale UG and think about medical school later.

I was talking about senior parents i.e. those from previous cycles. if you got Yale EA why do you need BSMD? Brown medical school is not ranked that high. No T20 medical schools have BSMD now. Baylor, Case and BU are T30s with BSMD. Now you will hear how rankings don’t matter.

Lol nothing guarantees one admission at any top medical schools and two those were there in Top 20 bailed out this year.

I was still thinking of applying to BS/MD programs because I still really like the aspect of how being in one of those programs guarantees me a spot in med school. Could you maybe just give me a few suggestions of programs that are higher ranked? Ik Baylor is good but unfortunately I was rejected :sweat:

Are you saying you are planning to apply now? There are very few bsmd programs that are even open for admissions, and other than Brown, it would be quite a stretch to consider any of those still taking applications as ‘top tier’.

If you are in a high school that will support your decision to apply to new colleges during the holidays, consider yourself very lucky indeed!

No, I have already applied to some BS/MD programs but after talking with my parents, we decided to withdraw from some of the lower tier ones and instead focus on the higher tier programs. And yes, I believe I was super lucky to get into Yale EA, I still can’t believe it haha

Nope I called them yesterday and NJIT will still interview more people for the BSMD program

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All you can do is wait for the process to unfold and see your hand before a final decision on or before May 1, 2021.

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Yes, I think that’s a good plan. I’ll just try my best with the interviews that I have been given. Ty!!

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I think I am very late in the game, but is it too late to apply to any of the feeder schools for SUNY bs md program

I was not interviewed for NJIT BSMD yet, but I got a 12k per yr merit scholarship by snail mail. I also got acceptance letter to ADHC by snail mail.

The ADHC acceptance also said that I would get an updated merit scholarship by snail mail.


As a subspecialist who works at a medical school, I think there are about 50 different “top 20 medical schools” depending on whether you are looking at training, research, history, reputation or other factors. Pitt, Case and Baylor are almost certainly in this group. Cincy, Northwestern and Wash U were sniffing this group as well so it was a shame to lose those but I would certainly respect an applicant to my very competitive residency who had good scores and letters from most of the MD medical schools that have BS/MD programs.

My son wasn’t interested in the CU Denver/ Colorado program, which is a shame since Colorado is in this group of top 50 medical schools as well.


Are there any OOS (not NY) students who received interview from Upstate?

My DD is OOS. I believe some of the others are OOS too.

There is one frequent poster, who is OOS.

On vacation these two weeks, so catching up on my DD’s admission and this group :blush:

Well don’t consider Wash U as a loss, since their intake was so razor thin with draconian requirements in the program. Of the 4-6 students who would enroll into it every year, probably more than half may not be even matriculating to the med school. Cincy I believe is suspended only for this year and may resume next year. Northwestern is the only program with a decent critical mass of ~20 and yes that was a loss. And yes CU Denver is a great program.

Yea, Silicon valley closes down during this time every year.

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