Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I don’t have the context of what ever mis propaganda may be being spread by some folks here since as mentioned earlier I religiously avoid reading their posts. BU is an accelerated 7 year program, and like all of them, if a student wants to opt out of the program, the program director needs to be informed by early fall semester preceding their expected matriculation into the med school. That way they plan accordingly for interviewing more students via traditional route and the necessary administrative tasks. They get around 100 applications for every single open seat in traditional route. Of course there is no point in holding the seat for the one who wants to opt out. Quite reasonable expectation and course of action on their part.

But from what I have noticed, hardly anyone in BA/MD wants to opt out, And yes even the folks with 99% iles MCAT after their sophomore years and having gpas upwards of 3.9 (in a somewhat grade deflated school like BU). Some of these students had let go their regular undergrad admissions from places like Yale, Stanford and MIT to choose the program.

Any one aware about TCNJ zoom link for interview ? We have one coming up this Tue but no zoom link provided. Should we contact them or give it until Mon?

I knew I’d miss some!

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This list is helpful as a guidance

HPME not in pool BS MD spool is a setback

I hope Michigan starts back it’s old BS MD program. Also UC berkley and UCSF and Stanford can have their programs to encourage young competitive kids especially from CA

Quite interestingly, it excludes BS/MD programs those are sought after here.

Top programs moved away from BS/MD for a reason. Its only those programs who otherwise won’t get top talent are promoting BS/MD. BU profile is example of it, 3.69 GPA is relatively low for a medical school class. Think for a moment what if they don’t have all 3.9+ GPA BS/MD rock stars.

I agree all BS MD skids do well and Mid ranking colleges definitely benefit from them

See the original post and ask the propagandist :grinning:

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You get it a few mins before the interview.

@sam2024 CA schools are not going to offer BS/MD at all. When there is so much demand whether it is UCSF or Stanford or UCLA, why do they have a need. UCSD had till 2015 of IS. Heard it became insane to select the 12-15 students because all are outstanding, knowing CA produces the maximum premed for the entire country. UCLA UG alone normally has 1000+ applicants, the honor of 4 digits than any other college.

Thanx, ours is in the morning so was wondering

Hey, sorry I’m new to this thread, I was wondering if there are any BS/MD programs I can still apply to? I know I missed the deadlines for several schools already. I am not dependent on BS/MD because I applied to a LOT of schools for biology/pre-med, but it’s something I would like. I did apply to Rice/Baylor although that is crazy hard.

So UCSD was getting the top poll why did they stopped the program ?

Previous note was from competitive poll
Perspective UCSD could have got the top CA state kids which could have gone to Stanford UCLA air UCSF

Lol, welcome to the club. Please scroll up and you can see the list. I believe it is Stonybrook, Brown, FAU if I remember right.

My daughter got the link five mins before interview I think.

There is no purpose to maintain a small program when their regular program is so competitive and get thousands of applications. Also too much difference in ECs between BSMD and traditional path candidates at the top schools.

I think programs get rid of BSMD programs when it begins to canabalize their honors programs and other recruitment efforts. Many of the kids who apply to BSMD refuse to consider the undergrad institutions if they don’t get selected for a school’s BSMD program. Call me skeptical but I suspect that’s the main reason Northwestern and Wash U (and USC about 6 years ago) ended their programs rather than their stated reason to improve diversity at their medical school.

Yes Case gets approx 2500 BS MD application and takes only 20.

I agree and cannot expect even 248 or 10 percent join them in undergrad out of 2480 from this competitive pool. Hence start with schlarship negotiations etc

does anyone know how many apply to GW and BU?