Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

You can add TCNJ as another feeder school for NJMS along with NJIT and Rutgers-Newark. IMO, NJMS has shown preference for high stats applicants in the past (IMO, minimum SAT >= 1550 and near peferct 4.0 UW GPA, near perfect SAT II scores ).

I had a quick question about secondary apps. Appreciate any clarity you can provide!

When applying thru the Common app, many BSMD programs have a Why medicine/Why this med school etc. prompt.

Do med schools send out additional secondary prompts/essays that ask you to elaborate (again) “Why medicine” (maybe in additional words)? Typically, how many questions are in a secondary (med school) app and what are they about? Any idea of which schools send out these secondaries?

Secondary applications are a source of revenue for medical schools. You pay fee for each secondary. Once your application is forwarded to medical school, it will decide whether to send a secondary or not. You can do a google search for secondary for any medical school. These are same as those sent to regular MD applicants. There is no point right now since you do not know yet whether your application has been forwarded to medical school or not. You may be screened out by UG admission office.

Can someone help me give a list regarding for profit schools for BSMD like California North state. Thanks

How likely will BSMD programs consider perfect unweighted GPA this year. Since most of the schools gave credit/no credit on transcripts last semester.

Don’t worry too much about it. That’s the only one I am aware of. All other programs are fairly reputable (but not necessarily cheap).

Having said that, posters here and elsewhere seem to have gripes about couple of programs. UMKC and SLU. Don’t have direct knowledge of either. But my personal advice would be against any 6 year ones, even if offered under the reputed brands like that of the erstwhile Penn State’s (now 7 year). It is like rushing yourself without breaks and possibly suffer burnouts and not adequately prepared for residencies. The latter seems to have low matriculation rates (high attrition) into med school.

However it is mostly upon the student what he/she makes out of med school or a program. Have come across the profiles of few outstanding students going for the above two programs as well.

@ttb1263 -

some programs are -

Stevens, Drew, Caldwell for Rutgers

DC area
St. Bonaventure/GWU in addition to GWU/GWU

Brooklyn College City University of New York/SUNY Downstate Medical
Hofstra University/LIJ School of Medicine, Hofstra University

University of the Science/ Cooper Medical School of Rowan University
University of the Science/ The Commonwealth Medical College
Washington & Jefferson College/Temple University School of Medicine
Sophie Davis Biomedical Education/CUNY School of Medicine

Thanks for the info. I used to have TCNJ in the list but somehow I took it out and don’t remember why :smiley: maybe the cost to attend even after scholarship :wink:

Thanks for the additional schools. Some of them are a bit out more expensive than what we are willing to pay but we will take a look at other schools.


@grtd2010 Thanks!

Also, what is the best place to put down the volunteering and shadowing hrs/experience? Would that be the Common App EC list and weave it into essays?

University of Sciences programs are not BS/MD programs - they are EAP with only a Guaranteed INTERVIEW.

If air travel of 2-3 hours is not a major deal, suggest BU. Depending on one’s family situation such as income and another child in college etc, it may end up being lot cheaper than what it appears. They have recently upped the ante by committing to meet 100% of the need.

The program has decent number of slots, however is ultra competitive to get in, even amongst all the other Uber competitive BS/MD ones.

Also you may want to think again if you are willing to spend time and energy on programs with very low intakes or EAP kinds.

Yes, TCNJ may be expensive than NJIT. Both TCNJ and NJIT together have the largest share of NJMS bsmd matriculants. If TCNJ is expensive, then certainly BU is out of consideration based on cost of attendance. IMO, BU SMED is not worth the cost as a bird-at-hand option, one could opt for regular MD instead.

Do any of the NJMS feeders have a strong instate preference?

@kaj2017 - yes, you should mention in Common App EC list, weave the most significant (to you) into essays. Also, you can attached a 2 page resume.

@ttb1263 - If you are a National merit semi-finalist and have strong enough scores to be a NMF, then, some colleges offer scholarship. However, these won’t be near (3-4 driving distance).

Stony brook, NJMS feeders, Temple etc
 have previously provided good scholarships.

However, all these programs are first of all highly selective. No one can predict with any guarantee that your child will receive admission and with scholarship!!

IMO, all you can do is to apply widely, for now to 18-22 colleges (usually students have been applying)

What would be the best colleges to apply to for scholarships if student has National Merit semifinalist?

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Thank You rk2017 for your help!

Thanks @Vicky2019

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OU gives very decent NMS aid and Tulsa gives good merit aid also. Both have BS/MD leading to the same MD school with different flavors and can decide which one at the MD application time.

& @ttb1263 You stated distance has to be 4 hours. But in case if you are open consider OU & Tulsa. Both are good options but not pursed by many.

@rk2017 : Thank you for the info. For BU, even with merit scholarship, is still fairly expensive. Of course, it’s not easy to get admit to BU’ s BS/MD program.

@RK2010: agree with you about BU since it’s expensive and far than where we live (8 hours drive).

@Vicky2019; My D’s PSAT index score at at borderline at cutoff score and since we live in MD, she may not qualified. We don’t know the result until September but still hope for anyway.

Before the pandemic happened, we were planning to apply for many more BS/MD schools but now with a very unstable economy and uncertainty future, we want her go to school that closer to home (3-4 hours driving distance) and similar in cost as with in-state tuition (25k-30k). With that in mind, we added a couple more traditional schools and reduce the list of BS/MD schools to only schools that is closer to home, affordable and also good for traditional path.

Thank you all for your great insights.