Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)


Thanks for posting here and the 23rd post in the results thread. This year saw almost a 50% increase in the typical number of results posts each year. I am sure students will find it useful.

Upstate is a good medical school, especially so when the feeder is giving the 7 year option. Good luck with your future pursuits and endeavors! Say hi to Harry and Ron ! :slight_smile:

Love your sense of humor!! I am an avid fan!! :slight_smile:


You bring out many great points that are worth re-emphasizing:

  • you do NOT need a perfect 4.0 GPA to get admitted, something I emphasize with parents
  • the work you do is more important than titles
  • have a genuine essay (I.e. do not write on a topic because you think that is what the college ADCOMS want to hear)
  • applying to more programs increases your odds.

Wish you the best.

The rumor is that subject tests would be optional.

The webpages are down and getting updated.

All rising seniors and their parents:

  • it is natural to be anxious and worry but do not let that consume you
  • test dates are out of your control. ACT cancelled a test - there is nothing you can do. So, take whichever tests that are offered. Worry about sending those scores after you get them.
  • USE the common app section on COVID19 to describe your situation and how it impacted you.
  • make the most of summer, considering your individual circumstances. If you think outside the box, you can still make an impact.
  • most importantly, stay safe.

I just attended a BU session this morning and asked them if they still require Math and Chem subject tests and this is what they responded.

“Our Accelerated Medical Program is test-optional this year, as well. You are welcome to submit whichever test scores you have and feel represent you well, but we are not requiring the subject tests we’ve required for this program in the past. If you have more questions about our admissions process, I encourage you to attend one of our Virtual Application Process sessions: Visiting Boston University’s Campus | Admissions”

Is it worth it to take the ACT with writing? my ACT for next week did not get cancelled (thankfully) but I am not taking it with writing.

@hermionea -

First of all, thank you for posting your stats & perspectives and Congratulations on your decision to join SUNY upstate BSMD 7 years program.

Your perspective was thoughtful. I am sure the future students will find it very useful.

See my reflections on your post (hoping this is useful for future candidates as well)-

You have a strong profile. A perfect ACT & near perfect subject test scores with mostly A’s in strong courses including dual enrollment, APs and being at the top 2% of your graduating High School class collaborates this. Your reference to not being perfect seems like a contradiction to me!

By this, I am also referring to your excellent ECs. 2000+ community service, volunteering is huge!! Its definitely above average even for a competitive BSMD candidate. In addition, you have volunteering/shadowing/research where you received a second authorship in research. Additionally, your involvement in STEM Outreach and Women Empowerment is a cherry on the top for sure!

You are from Midwest which typically does not have a huge ORM population compared to North-eastern states.

I agree with your theory that a genuine personal essay and good interview skills are crucial. Your excellent profile along with your personal essay got you over a dozen BS MD interviews. I am not surprised to see that at all. This is not a norm for a BSMD candidate. Average candidates get far fewer interviews. This makes me think that you put together a thoughtful BS MD list of colleges along with having a strong profile.
Getting admitted into 50% of the programs you applied to also shows that you interview well.

Your profile and results prove to me that BSMD admissions are cut throat for ORMs.

Some additional details would be helpful for future students- (however no pressure to share)
Your feeder school to Upstate, whether you received scholarship
your list of colleges (especially BSMDs), The colleges where you interviewed and the college which admitted you

Wish you the very best!!!

Thank you for your reflection @Vicky2019 ! I agree that I am definitely a dedicated student

Quick clarification: the 2000 documented hours community service is throughout middle school AND high school.

I simply desired to point out that one does not need to be president of every club and win numerous international awards to be accepted into BS/MDs. The most important thing is to do extracurriculars and work that is meaningful to you, and eventually connecting it to healthcare while applying : )

good luck to you as well!

@rk2017 I appreciate your humor XD

I am going to be applying this year for bs/md programs and was wondering whether NJMS and the undergraduate schools associated with it prefer New Jersey state students.


For BS/MD - no

@NoviceDad @needsomehelp25
NJMS has 80% Instate vs 20% Out of state as per their admittance data ( Check AAMC data available on their website for all US medical schools ). Why would this not be true for NJMS bsmd ? Is there any data to show that it is not true for NJMS bsmd. ? It is just a pure speculation to say ‘No’, IMO.

I concur.

From NJMS perspective, this is probably the only way they can diversify their student base and attract kids into their classes from top talent pool all over the nation. All the BS/MD students irrespective of their state residency are given in state status during med school as they qualify bcoz of their stay in the state during undergrad at the feeders, some of which also give price breaks. (just like the policies of most other state med schools having these programs)

They know very well no one from OOS is going to join them in traditional route paying 60k+ in med school tuition. Either people will go to their own respective in state med schools or willing to go to private med schools paying that kind of money. (In fact myself know few selected in state students who chose to go else where, both traditional and BS/MD routes)

Also they know that the students they will be selecting through BS/MD route will do very well at MCAT (even as no minimums mandated) and during their med school studies, helping raise their own profile … so kind of win win and self interest. No one doing any favors to anyone.

There are a lot of assertions here without any supporting data to back it up. NJMS still admits nearly 20% OOS applicants as per their admittance data. It is not zero as per your assertion here - “They know very well no one from OOS is going to join them in traditional route paying 60k+ in med school tuition.” and

Hi experts, question about FAFSA. Is it desirable to send FAFSA application to colleges even if you know you are probably not going to qualify for need based scholarships? Will it hurt your changes of any merit or other kind of scholarships if they see your parents make enough to pay full tuition? I keep hearing this from school counselors that send FAFSA no matter what. I am not sure which way to go as sending FAFSA is optional in most colleges.

FAFSA is basically for need based Federal Assistance and if you do not qualify for it, one does not need to submit it. Moreover, the colleges will know which others colleges you have applied to by checking on which other colleges have seen your FAFSA application.

Agree, it would have been very useful for future applicants to see the list of BSMD programs applied, interviewed and accepted from this strong applicant.


  1. Merit aid: It is not affected by if some one sends or not sends FAFSA.
  2. Apply FAFSA is the mantra counselors and any one will say. In case if you are in the borderline no harm in doing so. But if the income and assets (home) are high, it is known fact you are not going to get need based aid. But the downside is it is a time consuming task to get FAFSA done. Personally we opted not to fill FAFSA.