Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Is there a pre-interview meeting? Is it selective invite or everyone @InspireTruth?

We are thinking business casual - since its meet and greet. He will have to sit in full interview attire all day tomorrow. what are you thinking?

In case @NoviceDad won’t be able to respond to this on time, based on experience from few years ago, it was an informal setting mostly with the current students in the program.

for everyone. meeting ID is on the initial email sent out (with the schedule)

Probably a nice button down shirt with a tie - if anything I can always take the tie off. I think it is going to be an informal meeting like others said.

Thanks! that is what we had in mind.

Good luck to all who are interviewing tomorrow!!!


Thank you. I’m sure my daughter knows but I’ll mention it to her all the same.

All the best to all who are interviewing for PMM.


I don’t think everyone is required to attend, more like a pre interview warm up.

Will let @NoviceDad or @Vicky2019 confirm though.

Business casual- Boys Button down shirt with tie, Girls either a formal blouse or simple dress. Saying it from experience I had with my son 8 years ago.

Any idea when we will hear something from Rochester REMS?

next week i believe?

good luck to all with PMM!


It will be a good warm up session to calm the nerves before the real interview tomorrow.

Good luck to all with Penn state interview!!


Just be yourself and honest with your replies.


@rk2017, @InspireTruth
PMM interviews:
Past 3 years, practically all students were in formal attire.

Even though it is a Zoom meeting, I would encourage folks to be in formal interview attire.


Pre-interview meeting - you can be business casual.
Interviews - formal.


Can you save progress on the AMC supplement without submitting the supplement?

Yes, there should be an option at the bottom of the application that you can save.