Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Till 1 st week of Feb usually. But this cycle, who knows?

If one doesn’t hear of an interview call by then and want to be considered for undergrad (with possible presidential scholars merit awards), should call up the admissions office and have them move the application to the main stream undergrad.

Thanks :grinning:

But it says 2/1 on the website??

My son got a rejection email from RPI BS/MD. If you did not get an email, I think you are still in running.

We got an interview call from BU also. Does anyone know the BU stats in the sense how many are called for interview for specific number of seats?



D received interview notification from AMC. We applied through RPI.


Interview dates are in February. they said they are inviting 80 candidates for interview.

Haven’t received a follow-up yet and no change in the portal!

Congratulations!!! When did your D submitted her supplemental to AMC?

she submitted on 12/24

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It is a not important in the whole scheme of things that you could not answer why were you doing some task ( doing it mechanically) ?. For a scientist/researcher, the curiosity is the main trait and they always think about why first ?

IMO, not necessarily true, the interviewers ( may be more than one sometimes, one open interview(means he/she knows about candidate’s application and another closed interview(blind, does not know anything about the candidate) submit their reports to medical school admission committee and the committee votes on it based on all the facts and evaluations in front of them.

I am curious what it says in the SBU portal when you log in? Jan 15th or Feb 1st?

I know it’s confusing but someone I know got a confirmation to target it for 15th.

Just checked my SBU portal. It says " You have applied for the honors program(s) with checks above. The deadline to submit all credentials, including an additional letter of recommendation and supplemental honors statement(s), is February 1, 2021 ".

Also just checked all credentials page: First Year
it also says Feb 1st. If you have seen Jab 15th due date any where on SBU website for Honors Statement or Scholars for Medicine essay then please post info here. Thank you.

I totally agree with you. All I know is the response someone I know received is different. So I told my D to target it for Jan 15th to be safe. It’s very confusing. If you try to call no one was responding so it’s better to submit if you can.

When I texted Stony Brook, I was told that to aim for the 1/15 deadline.

I suggest folks on this forum also reach out and confirm the deadline.

Contact details for Stony Brook:


(631) 632-6868

(631) 364-0455

(631) 632-9898

Stony Brook University
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
118 Administration Building
Stony Brook, NY 11794-1901

My daughter attended the PMM interview today and saw one of her classmates in the interview call! Is that even possible that they will call two students from the same small school for the interview? Is it possible they would offer BSMD to them both??

Can you give the alphabet of the last name if possible? Wanted to see how far AMC has gone as they are processing interviews based on alphabetical order (last name) as someone said earlier. Haven’t received rejection as well as interview yet. Submitted on 12/8