Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

According to the PMM advisor, they are interviewing fewer applicants that normal. Instead of the usual 100, there are only ~80. What do you all make of this?

Did they say anything about final number of students they will give acceptance to? Is that also reduced this cycle?

They said they usually give 40-50 offers of admission.

That is then consistent with 2020 cycle (they gave offer to 45 students last cycle). May be because of it being on zoom this year, they did not have time to interview 100? Did they give any reason why they are interviewing less student this time?

I don’t think they gave us a reason why.

Steven’s sent out decisions.

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Also, I think that test-optional policies will lead to an increase in applications at some programs

We got rejection

Anyone for BU phone call today?

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Nothing from BU today

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PMM students parents, are you able join now? Waiting for host

same here.

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Was anyone able to get in? I am still waiting for the host to start the meeting.

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Here as well


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Have sent an email to them

Waiting too

We must both sent at the same time :smiley:

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Called and went voice message directly

Still waiting to get in. And no response to email.