Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

hmm, I guess it depends on the person and their interviewing style. Anyone else had serious and many questions asked?

My daughter’s faculty interview was short (12 mins questions tops, 10 mins tops for her questions to him), professional, pleasant and casual, and she said they even shared a gentle laugh about something. She also mentioned he was kind, an adjective I have not heard her use in the context of interviewers.

My daughter enjoyed student-interview session also and felt that the seniors there will guide them and suppor them when they join.

Very considerate of the interviewers, both the student-interviewers and faculty interviewers, to ensure the kids feel comfortable during the remote session.

We also got Hofstra UG and scholarship decision.

DD missed a call from BU because she was in class. Any suggestions about what she should do please?

One can not predict the final out come just by these observations. It does depend on the interviewer( faculty member) what do they think is important. Sometimes an informal interview may be sufficient.
For PMM/SKMC, usually 20-25 join the program, so they may offer 40-50 acceptances (assuming a 50% yield). This is a pretty good odd out of 80-100 interviews done. It has easier (UG GPA 3.5 and MCAT 504) requirements for matriculating to SKMC, IMO.
It is not impossible to offer acceptance to more than one student from the same high school, but it is highly unlikely. IMO, this may also be applicable to other BSMD programs( like NJMS BSMD).

Your DD can call back. They will also send written communications(email). Hpoefully , it is a good news call.

Definitely call back in the morning. Did they leave any message? Most likely it will be a good news as I have not heard anyone say that got rejection call from BU.

They called her mobile number as well as the number she provided as home number, which was my mobile number. Both of us had do-not-disturb on. No voicemail, and yes, we hope it is for an interview.


Good luck- the supplements are due in 2 days. May the words come and the thoughts make sense!

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There’s two interviews for BU SMED. 1 with undergrad professor, and one with med school Professor. They have reviewed your application thoroughly and will ask you specific questions about it. Just be genuine, show passion, and show that you are a good fit for BU and BUSM (med school). It’s an amazing opportunity. No one in the history of BU SMED has failed to meet the undergrad academic requirements, so I highly recommend! Good Luck, and feel free to pm.


Just curious, how should we dress for the BU SMED information session? Business casual?

Question to people who have received BU interview - it is a one day event when all candidates will be interviewed? Are there also information sessions scheduled to provide more detailed information about the program, college etc?

Do you know if everyone makes it to the interview phase for Stevens? How does the process work?

Yeah, I would wear either business casual or business formal. Interviews on campus were business formal, so I would expect something similar.

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There is an info session, and the interviews are scheduled for two separate days I think.

Well for the whole day event, people prefer to go formal for the entire day, since it may not be convenient to go back to the hotels and change ahead of the interviews.

I have known couple of cases where people dropped off because they couldn’t meet the seemingly low gpa requirements (MCAT never an issue). Few others had to take gap year in the undergrad itself citing health reasons, but not sure if it is also academic related that they wanted to hide. People who had never seen a grade below an A- in their 4 years of high schools start getting C range grades starting from 1 st semester especially in sciences. The liberal arts faculty are not known to be easy graders either. So it is definitely a very rigorous curriculum, perhaps the most of all BS/MDs out there. 90% or more in the program will eventually matriculate into the med school though after 3 or 4 years (if taking gap year).

BU as a whole is a somewhat grade deflated and rigorous school, by about 0.15-0.25 GPA points. So a typical 3.9 at other schools may translate to say a 3.65-3.75 at BU.

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My suggestion would be to visit the last 2 years of BS/MD threads and try searching with catch words or phrases like interview, tips, UAB, EMSAP etc. They have changed the interface recently not sure how complete and useful the search results will be. Good luck with the interview and everything.

How long do we anticipate BU interviews to be sent out - have all of them been sent out already?

True. One of my friends niece completed BA/MD in BU and he said exactly the same facts about the grade.