Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Doubtful considering they probably got a very large number of applications this year.

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no lmao. hold tight! Just another week!

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Does anyone know when REMS send out interviews?

did anyone do the W&J committee interview yet?

Iā€™m not sure if this is what you are referring to but I did interview with W and J

the 20 min one? How was itā€¦like scary / chill ?

The reason for applying to multiple feeders is to increase the probability that your application will be forwarded to NJMS at least by one of those feeder. Once you application is reviewed and a decision is made either to invite for an interview or not by NJMS, there may be no further consideration given when another feeder school sends your application to NJMS, IMO. There is only ONE interview with NJMS.


Last year at this time, there were about 2,400 posts in the thread.

This year, there are more than double the number of posts as of Jan 25th, at 5,800.

Either people are posting a lot more or a lot more people are posting, an artifact of a lot more people applying ?

I am betting by the time this cycle is over, there will easily be over 12,000 posts in this thread, crushing last yearā€™s 6,800 posts


Win or Lose - Team 2021 Rocks :boom:


Does CW have interviews?

i think so?

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IMO, most BSMD applicants are much smarter than average student ( by average SAT score) in top 10 colleges in USA. All of you BSMD applicants should be so proud of yourself.

Here are the top 10 smartest colleges in America ranked by Average SAT:

|School|Average SAT|

|1|California Institute of Technology|1550|
|2|University of Chicago|1510|
|3|Harvard University|1505|
|3|Yale University|1505|
|5|Princeton University|1500|
|6|Massachusetts Institute of Technology|1495|
|7|Harvey Mudd College|1494|
|8|Columbia University|1480|
|9|Stanford University|1475|
|9|Northwestern University|1475|

You may ask politely your interviewer at NJMS. He may or may not be able to answer it.
IMO, It does not matter to NJMS who forwarded the application. The criteria used to select candidates for an interview should be an objective one and not dependent on the feeder school. NJMs does not tell feeders whom did they invite for an interview. NJMS sends the final list of those selected for NJMS BSMD to all feeders sometime in early April.

You mean CWRU. Yes, it will announce the result on one weekend soon.

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Yes I mean CWRU

CWRU announces interview invitations February 1st from what Iā€™ve heard.

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What they said may be true, but wouldnā€™t be pragmatic to keep waiting based on that. What happened this year with Penn State? With record numbers of applications pouring in to these programs, they are able to come to short list of candidates who they like quickly and informing them in a rather short spans of time compared to previous cycles.

Also the statement above regarding end of Feb is generic. BU is very holistic in their selections process, so it is always possible that they may be doing a secondary scan of the applications in the back ground till that time frame to see if they missed out or overlooked any candidates with unique life situations, challenges, maturity beyond their age and compelling life stories. So always a possibility that someone may get called till end of February, but it will be more like the ends of a bell curve distribution. If I were to take a guess the number of such calls would be what one can count on fingers of oneā€™s hand. So one has to think it over if their backgrounds present such compelling reasons.

Not to dash any oneā€™s hopes here but just to alert about the low probability and think of alternatives, especially if one likes the undergrad there and thinks strong chances of getting presidential scholarships or need based.

Will be glad to be wrong, letā€™s see the proceedings of the rest of this week.

Regarding your other question regarding Rowan, their intake is about 3-4, so may accept 7-8 and may offer interviews to a dozen or so. Donā€™t recall anyone reporting getting into that program in the last 4 or so cycles.

This is the response (email) we got from RPI about the status of BSMD Application

Your application is in the queue waiting for review by our committee. We are aiming to complete reading all the BS/MD applications by the first week of February.


@doctorpenguin - They send out interview notifications in January. Interviews are during February.

See the link -,to%20the%20College%20without%20REMS.

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@waitingforivys - CWRU PPSP is good at sticking with their schedule in the past. They also have a website for PPSP interview program, which you can follow if you are interested -