Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Has anyone applied to the Burnett Medical Scholars at UCF this year? Not seeing too many mentions on this thread which kind of worries me

The high benchmarks required, among the highest, for the program probably is a big downer for many people towards the Burnett Medical Scholars program.

Thank you. Was able to do it.

The Council on Selection will choose to admit a student, deny a student, or place a student on the alternate list. The final class will be 105-110 students, with approximately 60-65 students from the state of Missouri, 30 students from the regional states (Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma) and 15 students from out-of-state.

How many from Out of state ? → I am out of state.

Every program does it differently.

We cannot control how they decide - things that in our control are to ensure that we give our best shot at the interview and then pray for the best results.

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Congratulations for everyone receiving UMKC and other interview invites.

My D out of state and got interview for UMKC


Anyone interested in knowing more about UMKC, search under my handle and keyword UMKC, you will find info.

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Do you mean benchmarks to apply to the program or benchmarks to matriculate into the UCF COM?

It has gone from 3.75 to 3.85, mcat from 511 or so to 514, with minimum in each section. I also hear not everyone in the program makes it through nowadays because of these restrictions, and looks like they are admitting more than they have space for and that is why they are increasing the requirements more, so their final COM admit list will not increase though they are admitting more to UG. A bit disappointing.

My DD really likes UCF, so we are trying to get a sense of how impractical 3.85 is compared to 3.75, would appreciate any inputs.

My daughter picked a later date.

@gracewins - Go to February - you will see the dates that you have in the mail.

  1. Log-in to your School of Medicine Online Student Portal to view the interview calendar. (Note: the dates on the homepage of the Student Portal may be incorrect. Please refer to the calendar view and the correct dates above in this email.)

I got an interview for UMKC

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I think around 300 and incoming classes are usually around 110

UofR Undergrad school has a special early assurance program with TJU/SKMC. This is specific to computational medicine major.

Yes, you are right
UofR SOM early assurance with undergrads listed below-- Amherst College, Bowdoin College, Carleton College, Colgate University, CUNY Hunter, Hamilton College, Haverford College, Middlebury College, Swarthmore College, Williams College, Xavier University of Louisiana. This School of medicine early assurance doesn’t list Rochester Undergrad as its feeders.

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To all those who got UMKC interview - Congratulations!

Wow, I knew the requirements were high but I didn’t realize they make them to the the point where they expect people to drop out
 Thanks for letting me know. In the event BMS is my only bsmd acceptance I hope it is still worth it, as I’ve been told that traditional premeds need to maintain close to those numbers anyone to even have a shot anywhere. I wouldn’t assume UCF is terribly rigorous anyway so hopefully that makes the GPA benchmark not too terrible to maintain

How do you do that exactly?

New to this forum. My C got waitlisted in UMKC for an interview. We are OOS. Yes, we will be called for interview if there is a slot. Anyone can shed more light, seniors, past parents, Didn’t see anyone placed on a waitlist for interview in the past, only waitlisted after the interview.

Same thing, with Drexel, waitlisted.


Based on the below from Rochester med school class of 2020 profile, it appears 3 (13 - 10) from their own undergrad, not clear if EA or regular and 9 from EA from all other feeders:

Among our special matriculation programs, 10 of you entered
under our Rochester Early Medical Scholars Baccalaureate-MD
program, 3 as Bryn Mawr or Johns Hopkins Post-Baccalaureate
students, 9 of you as part of our Early Assurance Program, and 8 of
you are MD/PhD matriculants in our NIH-funded Medical Scientist
Training Program. Eight of you have alumni or faculty affiliations, and
22 of you are members of groups that are underrepresented in
You attended 63 different colleges and universities as
undergraduates. Thirteen of you attended the University of Rochester
as undergraduates, 5 each attended Cornell and Xavier University, 3
each attended Duke, Hamilton, Johns Hopkins, Cal-Berkeley, and
Wesleyan. Two each attended Brigham Young University, Canisius,
Carleton, Dartmouth, Holy Cross, McGill, Penn State, SUNY-
Geneseo, and Tufts. Almost all of you graduated Cum Laude, Magna
or Summa Cum Laude, many with Departmental or University
Honors, and about of fifth of your class were elected to Phi Beta