Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

at this point they should just stick all of our names in a bucket and pull

so need some help, so no email from rice/baylor yet. we applied through common-app and selected option for medical scholars program. what should we do, call them on monday or just wait for the email?

Hey myhouse1, no response from UIC GPPA but have heard they already sent all interviews out. Probably a rejection now
 Extremely disappointing.

yep, im still waiting on a few programs so fingers crossed until then

yea, we got invite to CASPR, got UIC honors admission too but got rejected for interviews. bummer.

Extremely disappoiting, I heard GPPA had 150 interviews this year for only 700 applicants. I wasn’t even in the top 20 percent!!! :sob:

Sorry to hear that. Weird they’d make you take CASPer but not give you and interview. But congratulations on honors!

really bummed, after getting interview rejection, they sent email to ignore the CASPer invitation and refunded the fee.

Congratulations, do you mind sharing ECs your son did

Why did you turn down VCU interview?

I know, they have a really high acceptance rate of 8%, much higher than the less than 1% of other programs like Case PPSP.

Oh, well at least they didn’t make you take it. They told us (I got an interview) that they start with 700 and then screen half of those applicants, so to get a CASPer invitation mean you made it through the initial rejections and they thought you’d make a good doctor. So don’t be too discouraged BDMD is really tough to get in and is not a measure of your worth by any means.


He said no matter if they were the only BSMD to accept him, he was pretty sure he didn’t want to go there. He isn’t super risk adverse so he feels he can still go traditional route if necessary.

He got into an amazing school via REA so that inflated his expectations lol.

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Wow, you really read all history. Let me break another news as I am all about honesty and transparency and not bragging. He is junior at NU. running with 3.95+ GPA and yet didn’t received an interview at NUPSP MSTP or MD. Is it disappointment? for sure. Do I think he is not capable of being a Dr? hell no. If I have to look for reasons, covid didn’t help him as it throw him off track for all ECs he was doing. He is now busy with MCAT.

To address GPPA, it was indeed a big disappointment back in days, especially that you don’t even invited for interview at the same time UofI admiitted him for BioE. But take that it is what it is at the end of the day and keep head high and move on.
The rejection is not a denial of capabilities. The journey of Dr is not over unless and until you become a Dr. One should expect fallback in a long journey and applying to BS/MD is not even a beginning, imo.


Looking back, if you got into UMKC BA/MD at the time, would you have gone??? Looks like you are very competitive at NU. Any plans for gap years??

Time to cry :disappointed_relieved: 4 rejections in 4 days

i dont get too disturbed about it. i am also concerned about ongoing violence in the uic area and always have that in back of my mind. so maybe whatever happened, it happened for good, or we can still go to uic honors. lol

UMKC wasn’t really our choice being a 6 year. TBH, back in days he wasn’t that decisive to be a Dr so he had applied wider net, engineering and 3-4 BS/MD, none from popular east coast BS/MDs. Even during UG he had changed major/minor track few times, he is paving his own journey. GAP year is not ruled out, subject to how covid plays role in ECs as right now one can only do research remotely.

Exactly, keep up a good attitude. Be confident in your own skills and don’t be discouraged. Truly, don’t let others define your worth, otherwise you’ll make like 10 times harder.


ok, dont have to preach again and again. good luck.