Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Did FAU announce the honors college decision also?

I was reading on their site, here is what they said about their BSMD program:

In addition to the documentation and requirements noted above, all students must be interviewed and accepted by the College of Medicine Admissions Committee. Furthermore, students are only offered an interview if all the above requirements are met. Enrollment in the Bachelorā€™s/MD program does not guarantee admission to the College of Medicine. The Admissions Committee may, at its sole discretion, accept a Bachelorā€™s/MD program student or, alternatively, require a Bachelorā€™s/MD program student to take additional coursework in a post-baccalaureate or graduate program prior to re-applying to the College of Medicine. The Admissions Committee may also dismiss the student from the Bachelorā€™s/MD program and deny admission to the College of Medicine at its sole discretion. As required by the Collegeā€™s accrediting organization, the final responsibility for accepting all students to the medical school rests with the Collegeā€™s formally constituted Admissions Committee.

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Yes, I thought you are prepping for their interview too

Our D is not from that super magnet HS, so the chance will be lower :frowning: >However, they pick 400 students for the interview and pick around 250 for full ride and the rest for partial scholarship, so Iā€™m hoping but not losing sleep over it :slight_smile:

Yes, D got accepted to Honors and chose ILS as her first choice for LLP. Hopefully, she will get in to that program.

Thanks !

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My D was not in the super magnet HS either but she still got into ILS and the full ride so do not lose hope :slight_smile: (She did pick it over several top 10 though)

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Yes, unfortunately it seems so, they were all done in just one week sometime in 2nd or 3rd week of January. As per some who got interviews here and attended some sessions, the number of applicants to the program doubled this year, so they must be dealing with a lot more well qualified applicants than they could grant interviews.

Letā€™s wait to see what happens till the end of next week, but seems highly unlikely that there will be more coming.

Looks like ILS is really interesting Pre-med track. Are you in-state?

Yes apart from all the massaging or manipulation of the data their stats also include alumni with multiple gap years and those attending all genres of med schools including the caribbean. Sometime ago came across a statistic of a relatively popular carribbean med school where the highest consignment comes from UCLA. In fact UCs were 4 out of the top 5 on their list of schools where most of their US based students come from, think NYU was the other. Have also come across someone from JHU undergrad having to go to Caribbean because of the damaged gpa, among others.

Did NJMS selected everyone from NJIT for an interview ? If so I wonder how the selection is going to be. From what I have read it was conversational ?

Citation needed

I think it was mostly conversational with few general questions like why Medicine etc.

Good morning,

Iā€™m taking your offering very serious :slight_smile: . So a few questions to start with:

  • Should my D use AP for college credits ? My D took and got good scores for AP BIO, AP Cal BC and AP Stats along with other APs non-STEM Classes. Should she not using them, and take Cal1, Stats and BIO ? or should she uses the all AP credits and take higher courses ? A pre-med parent we know suggested that not using the AP credits and retake the courses for easy A. Personally, I would rather she claims her APs for college credits but just want your input based on your daughterā€™s experience.

  • How difficult is it to meet the ILS requirements? Are there more courses to take and how much time? . My D got accepted into Honors and indicated. that her 1st choice would be ILS. Hopefully, they accept her to ILS program.

Thanks !

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Did anyone receive an interview from Rowanā€™s BS/DO or Cooper BS/MD yet?? Do you know when you should receive them or if they tell you if you got one or not??

You canā€™t ask citation from senior members, treat it as 100% accurate.

Just looked up Rutgers premed stats for the last few years. About 50% matriculate to med school and out of that 50% go to NJ med schools (Robert Wood, NJMS and Rowan). Is that by design or just a coincidence?

Again I see same old arguments about UGs, committee letters, Caribbean schools with bias towards BSMD. All current cycle applicants, please wait till April first and decide then based on the BSMD and UG choices you have in hand and look deep into that like we did. Also, no one should go into the cycle saying this is my #1 choice based on hearsay. Remember no T10 medical school have BSMD program and aiming for T10 is not prestige obsession like some claim but having high goals in life.

Any insight on what the REMS interview is like?

any feedback on umkc interview. would be grateful on how to prepare for the interviews and what to expect.

@kavithad, did you receive notification from Rutgers that they have forwarded your application to NJMS? OR did you receive interview invite from NJMS? Thanks !

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Suggest to take credit for AP but do some other higher sequence courses at UMD. Assume s/he is comfortable in that area whether it is Chem or Bio or Phy or Math and put efforts especially in the first semester since transitioning from HS to UG. At the same time it also helps since the basic courses will have a lot more students to register and some time you may not get until after 1st semester. Also it can position you well to take MCAT by Spring of Junior year.

Also important to note what UG Pre-Med Office Req. They publish the specific courses that must be completed to get pre-med LOR later during MD cycle. For example, some time the AP Stat or any course equivalent may not be the same what pre-med req, so you may end up doing another stat related course.