Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Teaching Assistant
Now CA, RA is homework. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think the journey doesn’t end here and it continues for the next 4 years and we have to grow along with the kids. Is there a separate thread to discuss about the 4 years of pre-med life/choices/questions etc.,?

Would suggest to address them to school specific thread as students from that school would have better info. One can always create one. There is another parents thread, but mainly used to provide info on kids progress and stuff, doesn’t need to be active like this one as there are not daily questions once kids are in college.

Not at all, TA is a teacher’s assistant

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Is college specific not general? Anything focused on pre-med? Do you think they don’t need any guidance once they are in college?

Medical profession is a life-long journey and tests are part of it even when one is practicing medicine. There are required re-certification test to be taken at regular interval based on the specialty. MCAT is just the begining.

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I guess CA - clinical assistant and RA - Research assistant :slight_smile:

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Generally they have HPA (Health Professional Advice) office and provides all guidance. Colleges have internal mass mail for research opportunities, community services etc
, parent really can’t help there as it boils down to what student wants to do and it is always advised, let student follow the passion. Don’t be cookie cutter to do ECs.
So just to give an idea here is NU HPA office Health Professions Advising (HPA) - Northwestern University and has wealth of information. Depending upon a college, YMMV.

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On a lighter note- Though your handle meant "Proud Parent of Engineer and Doctor (my interpretation), my head/eyes interprets your handle as ProfessorX
 You fittingly gave some home work too!


Follow this thread beyond the current journey-


50% will get F in college
CA - Course Assistant

I don’t go with their grading. Back in days 60% was FIRST CLASS so mine was 2nd class. :slight_smile: What’s difference between CA and TA then? Just making me more curious.

My handle is very simple and nothing secret about it, you are right on target.
In application cycle, humors are always welcome as life is not all about academics. A wise man has said, once you reach senior age, you won’t remember your GPA but those school moments you had spent with friends.

that is now a sophomore/junior year question. :slightly_smiling_face:
CA gets an opportunity to conduct few classes in lieu of professor (facing students), help professor to develop exam etc., while TA mainly helps peer group, office hours, exam grading etc
(more back end task).
However these tasks also varies from school to school.

Some teaching assistants also conduct recitation sections in a small group of students while professor gives the main lectures. Some teaching assistants (usually PhD graduate students) also teach introductory classes as instructors in several universities. Course assistant will usually have lesser responsibilities than a teaching assistant.

Thank you both @grtd2010 and @PPofEngrDr ! Interesting to learn these basics. It’s a long journey.

And yeah HPA office may be supporting pre-dental, PA and other health professions advising.

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Hi, for anyone who was declined for REMS did the email indicate how many applied and how many were selected for interview?

REMS: 70 interview out of 2900 applications.

Are you sure? I know 70 out of 2900 was PPSP.