Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Stress interviews by design are aimed at testing a student’s behavior under chaotic conditions or conditions that can get on a student’s nerves. During the interview, the idea is to shake a student’s confidence and see how calmly and with how much maturity a student responds.


I feel like I also laughed a lot in my BU interview because it was so conversational…I hope as long as we weren’t unprofessional in other ways that it will end up okay. Laughing usually isn’t a problem in interviews right?

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Meritocracy should not mean a test score. USMLE-1-2-3 were designed for licensing MDs by state regulators, not for allocating sought after residencies. There may be some other objective criteria based on meritocracy not USMLE scores. Some specialty residences do have their own objective criteria ( a test specific to the specialty), others may develop their own in future.

Yes, DD got that email before her interview.

The question is between objective vs subjective criteria.
Test, however administered, are more or less objective.

Any objective criteria whether used for its original purposes or an expanded purpose is still an objective criteria.

For example, SSN was originally meant to for social security purposes. It’s use has expanded way beyond the original mandate. But, as before, it still is a PII.

2/18 Deans session Email came from Lisa Houston

Being relaxed is fine as long as one maintains a professional demeanor. Don’t worry. Confidence matters the most!

This application cycle has come to an end for my D. SUNY Upstate was indeed her first choice but we never imagined we would hear anything this early from them. When the acceptance came two weeks ago, we all debated about it. Anyway since we were all planning to do this waiting game till March end, we convinced her to attend the VCU and AMC interviews. Uof R was out at this point.

The more we asked and thought about it, SUNY Upstate will be the most financially viable option with a relatively a sound program among the options she has. If by any chance, Stony brook ever invited her for an interview, I wanted her to attend since I felt she will get more opportunities for her dance there as well. But senioritis has gotten over my otherwise driven child and just don’t want to attend the interviews just for the “experience” and has decided to commit. She withdrew her applications from the above including Downstate and Sophie as well. Thank you for the support and I wish you and your children all the very best in their journey!


All the very best to your daughter @Herefortwo . I am glad she can enjoy the rest of her senior year. Good luck and Congratulations.

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Congratulations! That a great a relaxation for her to enjoy the rest of the school year and Summer break to get ready for next 4 years fight again.

Good luck and Congratulations once again!

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Congratulations, @Herefortwo. Wish your DD all the very best.

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Congratulations and all the best!!

Anybody received interview call from BU SMED recently? Are still inviting or it’s over?

My C also shared same experience. In group of 5, they ask questions individually. Hardly one/two questions were asked per candidate for BS/DO. Presidential was one to one. It was fully conversational.

Yes, go to the alumni interview. If you cannot make the offered time, ask to reschedule for another time that works better (offer a few times). I strongly recommend not declining, since while it’s not going to be the defining factor in your application if you go, it’ll probably be noted that you declined an interview (unless you have a really good reason, such as a family emergency.)

Think of the alumni interview as a way to help put a face to your application and to ask any questions you might have (just make sure they’re not easily found on Google).

Solution is keep updating tests not cancel and come up with unpublished subjective criteria.

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What is the session about?

Congratulations to your D, yourself and family @Herefortwo ! So nice of you to have withdrawn from your interviews elsewhere just for the experience, so others here may have a shot.

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Congrats !!

Is this the time to call BU if we want us to be considered for their UG? Is it worth still waiting?