Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

We didn’t get the email for essay, we are instate.

This waiting game played by schools makes no sense. All decisions should be on one day, both interview mails and rejections, with published dates just like CWRU. For the schools that have many feeders is somewhat understandable as they may be getting the forwards at different times (even though that can also be done by a deadline), but others its barely justifiable.


Thanks for the tips!

@nvk Got a supplement from RPI, then rejection from AMC.

@rk2017 or anyone else familiar with BU SMED:
My DD says she totally enjoyed her interview with BU Med School Prof. She is convinced that the prof enjoyed their conversation as well. As I already posted, she thinks she totally bombed the BU UG Prof interview. Someone had commented that she had a ‘stress interview’ with UG Prof, and we are wondering if that is indeed the case, maybe her staying calm and laughing a bit too much does not totally rule her out. Any suggestions or comments on whether she stands a chance for BU SMED?

I didn’t want to post this question, cos it looks like one of those Chance Me questions the students pose, but my DD really wants your inputs, thus my post. Thank you in advance.

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It depends on the competition and how many they plan to admit (BU SMED admits 20-25 ) this year. Follow Bhagavad Gita “Just do it and do not worry about the fruits of your labor” paraphrased.

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@Mom22DDs, I would suggest your D not to stress too much about it. My advice is same as what I give to my D - its not over until it is over. Don’t stress too much otherwise the stress will impact other upcoming interviews.

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Please take a step back and relax, none of here are from interview committee or responsible for any BS/MD admission.
Best you can do is support your child is to tell her she did best with her best ability and don’t worry about things those are not in her/your control.


Thank you @PPofEngrDr @rk1235rk and @grtd2010 - advice sounds better coming from you all :wink:

Passing it on to DD :smile:

I replied to the group PM. As I said there don’t read too much and become neurotic (as often said on the other site) :slight_smile: As long as your kid made eye contact with the interviewer nothing to worry.


Read the other site about how much interviews help.

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Which site is that please? Do you mean to say interviews don’t help or have lower weightage?

@Mom22DDs It’s important that your DD (one of the future physicians) learn to be patient as well. Your child did the best. Be positive!

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Don’t come to conclusion that it was a bad interview with the undergrad Prof. Perhaps that is his style of interview. Doesn’t mean he will vote your D out of the selection process altogether. He may be just checking how these young people react, whether they are calm, composed, thoughtful even during unexpected developments. If you feel he is tough with your C, he may appear so for everyone interviewing with him. Also that is the reason they have it with 2 individuals to talk to, to iron out any differences in perceptions, if any.

Also a very good sign she had a meaningful conversation with the med school Prof even after not so pleasant one prior to that. We don’t know what will be the weightage between undergrad to Med faculty recommendation but I think it may be 40:60 or even higher like may be 1/3:2/3. So don’t rule out anything and carry the burden on your shoulders. Every day is a new day in the next month or so and every interview is a new opportunity. Important to live in the moment.


Agree. She is afraid of being hopeful tbh and looking for confirmation like many students on these forums. Instead of spending time checking on past experiences or other comments, she requested me to request input and summarize to her, so she can stay focused on school (finals week, yikes!!) and other college admission activities.

Many thanks to you and other parents for giving her valuable advice - I’ll pass these on!

PM-Ed you @srk2017

Agree that CC is not the best place for kids and can cause more stress.

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@srk2017, I am wondering same - are you implying interviews don’t carry much weightage?

This is a quite a low bar for passing an interview for a medical school admission( a bare eye contact ??), IMO. One might just not value much the importance of the interview. What a waste of resources and time of all involved ? A computer program may just select BSMDs like they do during the initial screening of applicants before a human eye sees their application (at least for most regular MD applicants).

I received a FAU interview invitation yesterday.