Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

The PMM FAQs call out that students will only get their BS degree after first year at SKMC. This indicates the program is binding.

Well, I would temper expectations. The mail says they are either unable to offer an interview or offer a seat in the program :neutral_face:

Do current students have a say in decisions? I know theres a REMS after party/gathering on zoom. One of the current students really dislikes me and im worried itll ruin my chances

Hmm, it sounds fishy, how can they send out that type of email before the interviews are completed.

Unless you behaved badly, you shouldnā€™t have to worry.

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didnt behave badly just came off as EXTREMELY STRESSED AND ANXIOUS and asked a lot lot of questions

the 2 kids rly dislike me

Yes, it is attrition in medical school (as we all know how many get weeded out in the traditional route or do not get an admission even if they apply) but the base is still small - as you indicated about 3% or if you extrapolate to total medical students - about 4%.
We cannot discount the mathematical effect.
One of these days, I will try to put my Excel skills to use to quantify what it may be.

Yes, as far as I know, you forfeit the seat.

Question is why would want to let go of Jefferson/ SKMC?
Jefferson/SKMC is a strong medical school with a high reputation. Certain specialties at Jefferson are among the ā€œtop 10ā€ in the country.

You need to calm down. I am concerned about you. It seems you are going through an anxiety issue - practically every post of yours is a post of what if something goes wrong.
Remember worrying is not going to solve your problem - focus on what you can control - you approach and behavior to the interview weekend. How REMS or student or others behave is something you cannot control.
I hope in your anxiety you do NOT mess up what you can control.
Just calm down - talk to your parents, friends, teachers, counselors - and do not overthink this interview.


I know one student who is trying to apply out of a BSMD program to come back to medical school of his/her state of residency for cost reasons (in-state fee is almost half). Also, his/her in-state medical school is better ranked. I donā€™t know much about residencies, but I would think you can apply/get accepted anywhere in the US for residencies.
But the question someone raised - pick residency in the state where you eventually want to practice - what is the logic behind this? Does this has anything to do with getting licenses (which I think are needed for each state where you want to practice)?

Yes, each state has its own licensing board and procedures to be fulfilled. It becomes cumbersome and takes time to get a license in a different state than where one did the residency (a loss of income). One can not just move from a NJMS residency to CA and start a medical practice without getting a CA license.
People who are resident of CA may prefer to go to a CAā€™s medical school, hence may prefer to opt out of a BSMD and try for a spot in CAā€™s medical schools via regular route.

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One is locked in PSU/SKMC with a PMM major at PSU since the first year course work at SKMC is probably used to fulfill UG degree requirements. One may complete a BS(Biology) in 3 years at PSU and can get a BS/BA degree while meeting PMM requirements. Then, one can apply out. Of course, your BSMD seat may be gone at SKMC but one may get an admission in a CAā€™s medical school even at UCSF.

Me too!


My DD is not thinking on those lines at all, far from it. The topic of binding vs not came up and I was the one that was curious, thatā€™s all.

My DD is drawn to PMM, and I see this is the case for many students in past years too. She told me PMM (and BU) just felt right for her. We are recommending she wait to hear back from FAU (if still open) and BU to make a decision, taking into consideration her preferences and costs. Money for college is not a concern for us, but we do want her to do understand financial implications of her choices, starting with college.

Any thoughts on PMM vs BU? BU seems to be ranked higher, but even with USMLE Step 1 going P/F, not sure if the rank matters more between the two. DD thinks she bombed her UG Prof interview at BU really bad and wonders if we would even have the opportunity to make that comparison. Would appreciate thoughts all the same, while waiting for BU decisions and also pass time in a sense.

I didnā€™t know that licenses are per state, wow. My friendā€™s DS is doing his residency in CA but he got his job offer in Portland, and I wonder if that means he has to take some licensing in Oregon now?? I have asked her. My kids are commenting that travel-eager students should make the most of it and hit as many states as possible between college, MD,residency, fellowship and jobs :grinning:

We are from CA but my kids have not yet expressed such interests. When asked to file for NJ residency, she did mention she would rather retain her CA state residency for now, so maybe there is some thought in the back of her mind about coming back. Iā€™m now hopeful she could live closer to visit :wink:

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Has anyone else heard from PMM. We got a rejection post interview. Sorry if I missed the posts. I am logging in after 3 days since I am in the Texas winter storm with no power, water or internet for last 3 days. All services just came back.

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Stay safe. Few folks have reported PMM acceptance in last few days.

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Whatā€™s going on with pitt gap? My portal is still down so Iā€™m not too optimistic about it, but someone on this thread said the notification date was listed as 2/15. Has it changed on the portal?