Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

my 2 cents. Only 2 things matter for May 1st if student decided to pursue BS/MD.

  1. Reconfirm if the student is reasonably clear about doing medicine (especially if on borderline or not sure and also have admission for UG in some dream school whether Ivy or T20 or T100 or passionate about some thing else like CS or Robotics or Social work or whatever etc)
  2. Always assume BS/MD is binding. Will s/he be happy and will commit to thrive to do MD irrespective of the ranking or location or fit factor etc)

Rest all is too early to think. In the past few years we started over analyzing and want to know all that will happen to the child until s/he reaches 99 years.

Residency, it does not matter where you do your MD. What matters is what specialty or what s/he did during UG and MD years. CA residency may be hard for certain hard specialty and not necessarily every specialty. It is is true any where. CA is harder for MD admissions more than residency. It is pure supply and demand imbalance.

Though it is true need to get license for any state to practice, again it is not impossible hurdle. That is true for many other professions (like law). Nail polishing or haircutting need some certifications too.

Many times no choice is a better choice. Life flows like a river. It will take in the right direction as long as the student keeps the eyes and ears open and listen. GL.


My advice would be to cross the bridge when it comes to that (once all the options become known)

Portal says 26th now for GAP


Didnā€™t you say that your D was allowed to pay in-state fee for NJMS? Does that mean she already switched her residency to NJ?
In NJMS interview, the faculty did tell my D that they make some arrangement for OOS students to pay in-state. But he did not elaborate how (or may be my D did not understand the whole technicality).

My daughter gets to pay in-state NJ tuition without having to switch residency to NJ. We donā€™t quite know how it works though, and we tried but couldnā€™t get details. we figured we are ok not knowing :upside_down_face:

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Thanks. Is this on a video call? Do you have to be in formals? Are they evaluating students in this session for their participation, etc?

Same here. Got a rejection post interview from PMM

I donā€™t think so but it would be nice if someone already can comment.

My son had NJMS interview. It was quick half an hour very informal call. I am wondering oif other kids had similar experience or things did not go so well with us.

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It is on a zoom call and I do not believe they are evaluating students at all. The first part the Dean speaks for about an hour. Then, all the admissions officers leave, and a couple of NJMS students chat with the applicants.

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Does anyone know stats about NJMS interview? How many interviewed vs selected?

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thanks! Is turning video is mandatory? Do they have to be in formal as someone asked?

I was relatively formal (button down, no suit) and donā€™t think camera was mandatory

Play it safe.
Dress formally and turn on the video.

Thanks @NoviceDad!

Base is small but given that itā€™s not one year data, so you canā€™t say mathematical effect :slight_smile: . Also, it only looking at those dropped out in medical school. Some of BSMD candidates do drop out during UG.

My advise is keep all the birds under the basket until April first.

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Base is small for all the years in the data set.
It should not matter whether you average out or sum them up or do it individually for each year.

Thanks. My DD registered for it but did not get any confirmation or link. Will that be sent just before the call?