Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

You forgetting the one who became billionaire by dropping out of Harvard before the social media kid. I wonder if anyone dropped out of other school in same city and became billionaire :slight_smile:

Do you know for a fact that OOS fee waiver is only for first year? We were hoping it might be for all four years so checking :wink:

you mean normal Princeton and Harvard premed failure stories? :slight_smile:

You mean MIT, The guys usually do not drop out to become a billionaire from MIT. They go out and do real research.

What does your DD award letter state?

Not MIT, the other research powerhouse.

My best wishes for it to happen next 3 more years. At other medical schools, the merit scholarship award may continue subject to medical school performance, IMO.

We don’t seem to have received any award letter. Maybe it did go to DD’s dorm address, but she left mid-March in a hurry when all planes were getting grounded, and we paid for some movers to go pack up her dorm and stick it in storage. The letter might be in storage if it was delivered to her room, else we have to find out what happens to letters received in student mailbox if student already went back home for CoVid and did not come back to pickup the mail last year.

Wondering if its similar to TCNJ’s drop in tuition for all OOS by 7K to make it close to in-state tuition. Its valid for freshman year for now and the announcement came couple of days ago.

Not heard from AMC. DD is waiting patiently!

Understand how that may have gone. I assume there is something called online student account and that has all details. for e.g. I am authorized payer and it shows me details of charges/credits and stuff for my kids.

Yes! I interviewed Jan 6th and was accepted into the program Jan 21!

The authorized payer access will only show credits and debits.

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Exactly! If one pays close attention to those numbers, those number will pop out being a larger number relative to other line items.

Yes, @Mom22DDs can confirm this from bursar’s statement of fees and dues.

Congrats! Which feeder?

Congratulations!!! when did you receive interview notification and which feeder school?

Yes, we see a discount equal to the OOS add-on, and it has a cryptic reference of Education Award E5. We’re not able to find out the terms of that Award, and we tried. If there are any NJMS students here that are OOS and have completed more than one year at NJMS, we’d love to know if the award is for first year, all years, or if it renews based on some condition. My older DD does not want to bug the office or draw too much attention to herself or the award, and I understand where she is coming from. We figured we have nothing to complain about and will let it be.

Are other line items for a year or all years? That would give you an answer for that cryptic reference credit. As they only bill for current year, award is certainly for this year only. Whether it is renewable or not, would be a good followup question to ask finaid office by a simple email.

We emailed a couple of times and called and left messages too, cos we were initially worried they billed us wrong or gave us some Award without explanation. Then we saw same award in this semester also. Now we decided we are happy if they just let it be. Hopefully it just continues all 4 years, and for sure, we’re not going to object to it :wink: