Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Good morning, how are your high school classes going?


While we are on the topic of UGs, any compare/contrast of PSU vs UConn please?

For those who received a Drexel interview, has anyone gotten the link? Our interview is tomorrow and tried calling but no one picked up.

I apologize I dont think this site or all will affect me but I definitely realize the mistake i made and will ensure i dont do naything similar and just stop worrying so much over small things in the future. I was just nervous because I am sure I will be fine on the interview but now because of what ive posted here got a little scared


Good to hear. Do you like binge watch or video games or reading or something else?

yeah im an avid reader

Anyways yeah i realize i should probably focus on other things now. The only reason i got scared is because some people online were saying that I shouldnt even do the interview since I am at a disadvantage now with what i did. I realize some people may just be out to get me,


My son’s interview is in March. Sorry :frowning:

What kind of books do you like to read?

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anything regarding science fiction

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Can you find out from your contacts if UAB’s Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math classes are grade deflated?

I’ve read on some blog that the bar is set pretty high and many stellar students that routinely got 4.0 in high school are shocked by UAB BCMP classes’ rigor.

Does anyone know when Union/AMC decisions will be out? I interviewed a while ago and have not heard anything. Also, Stony Brook seems to be a little behind. They have not even determined Honors students yet.

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Does anyone know the stats for the Hofstra program (how many people get accepted from the interview stage) or where to find that?

Even we are waiting for the AMC decisions. When did you interview ?
We did 3rd week of January.

From previous threads, they should release this month end. But with all this going on not sure if they will.

I will try. The one I met at Death Valley was in passing but my DD can reach out to the UAB student from her school district that should be finishing her 4th year at UAB. Will find out and get back to you by PM.

Thanks for bringing it up. UAB assigned a “buddy” a current student to all interviewees. My son’s buddy told him that it has been “chill” and it’s not hard at all. But this is a good thing we need to look into. We know few students in traditional UG at UAB, we will check with them regarding grade deflation.

US NEWS Medical school research rankings

Please note US News places 40% weightage on NIH funding for research.
Philly cluster receives over $800 million in NIH funding but a bulk of it goes to UPenn.
UAB is the recipient of bulk of research $$ for Al - around $300 million.


UAB departments appear to be well-funded, not just in medicine, which seems to be a stark contrast from funding-starved PSU. My understanding is that SKMC is good on research funding though PSU is not.