Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

ok thanks. Yes it was a great program and my son thoroughly enjoyed it. Its sad that most of the texas programs were cancelled.

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If you have a real question then please post it here cause it could benefit all of us

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I saw that mesg too from SBU’s thread. Seem strange, since they have released Honors notification on or around March 11th in the last 2 years. Maybe they are releasing them early ?

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I got into the WISE program at stony brook yesterday. I intended to apply to the bs md program originally, but I ultimately did not.

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Congratulations! Did you receive an email?

Yes, and thank you!

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DD received an acceptance email this morning from UCF - Bunett Medical Scholars program. We are OutOfState.


DD got accepted to UCF BSMD.


Has anyone had an interview that had a time slot of 40 minutes but ended up being 20 minutes long?

It depends on the prof really. Many times, they have very specific questions to ask you, and if you were able to respond concisely and they got what they wanted, and they have been told not to have a casual discussion or take questions, they will end early. Not an issue. This happened to my DD. The interviewer told her she gave great answers to his questions and he has no follow up questions and he has been asked not to take questions, so he wished her well. He was pleasant and positive about it so she didn’t worry.

How was your interaction? Did you get a sense your responses were adequate?


Congrats!! Same here.

This is my last question - I apologized to the person once (a month ago) because I had to update somethong many times because it wasnt showing up on my end and just apologized again but got no response both times. Does this mean I will get rejected/does this negatively impact me or create bad impressions? I will leave after this

Don’t leave. You provide us daily reprieve from the mundane.

And don’t worry, they won’t reject you for this reason.

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Student to student here, don’t be ashamed of asking questions but to be frank no one can really give you the answers you are looking for, and that’s not cause we don’t want to we just can’t. Now I’m not gonna condemn you and no else here has, but the truth of the matter is none of us know or can know the answer to your questions. While I don’t condone being a worry wart, cause truly worrying only makes you suffer twice, but if it would help you to relax you can PM me and just vent. Just let out all your worries and stress and I can’t promise you I’ll have answers cause I don’t but sometimes being able to just spit out all the troubling thoughts bouncing in your head is nice. Try writing out a list of all the things your worried about and then go through and ask yourself, “is this something I can even control?” And if the answer is no then let it go. I know this probably sounds like crap advice and I’m not answering your question, but it’s just cause I can’t, none of us can. I know uncertainty sucks but it’s also what makes life exciting, so all I can say is don’t fret cause fretting hasn’t helped thus far now has it?


But will they bring up in the discussion that im like over apologetic or something? I genuinely just felt bad for admissioms

I doubt it, besides being apologetic isn’t a bad trait, it shows you care about others and are willing to fess up to mistakes. Now I wouldn’t send anymore emails, but I doubt it will effect you negatively. And again who really knows, it’s not worth worrying about cause what’s done is done. Besides if a school rejects you because they think you’re too apologetic you gotta ask yourself if it’s then a community you’d even be happy in.

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Yes i definitely wont send any more emails and thats a great point you bring up. Im just worried because she didnt respond and I apologized over the same mistake tiwce and idk if that shows im nervous or what. I just want some honest advice from peopl ehere because they can think more logically and clearly

I emailed my interviewer and he never responded, maybe he just never saw it or maybe he didn’t like me. I have no clue but I’m not gonna worry about it cause it’s out of my hands. Sometimes people don’t respond just cause they don’t have the time or just don’t see the email, I wouldn’t take it personally.

Quick question - is it a bad sign if my portal for pitt gap isn’t working? Seems like the portal is fine for everyone else. Not sure if I should email them or just leave it alone until decisions come out on Friday. It says my login credentials are invalid so I want to make sure my application wasn’t completely discarded because of technological issues.

If it’s been like that for a while maybe just call. They could just be having technical difficulties with you portal and may not even be aware, it’s happened to me before not with Pitt but another.