Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Just received an email that I was accepted to UConn undergraduate with no mention of SPIM. Does that mean I am rejected from the spim bsmd?



Funny thing, this is such a deja vu for us. Few years ago we were in exact situation at this time of the year. Back then I quickly came up with a calculation which shared in last year’s thread too.

Once at the interview stage, the chances of selection is 50%, but some programs tend to Invite more for interviews. So I took the probability of selection in a given program, P(s) to be 1/3 to be more conservative. So the probability of no selection P(ns) = 1 - P(s) = 2/3. Assuming one has interviews at n programs. So probability of no selection in all of them turns out to be P(ns) ^ n where ^ denotes power of or raised to. So the final formula for selection in at least one program is 1 - P(ns) ^ n. Plugging in a value of say 4 for the number of interviews one had gotten, it comes out to be 1 - (2/3) ^ 4 = 80% probability of at least one selection.

I showed this to C at the conclusion of all the interviews, so as not to interfere with the focus. C quickly dismissed it saying that’s not how it works :slight_smile: (was enrolled in AP statistics as one of the subjects in senior year). Perhaps C is correct in traditional route scenario where the equation of selection includes many variables, but hope it is still a reasonable estimate in the BS/MD route which is more simplistic and straight forward.


Lol, but that IS exactly how it works and that’s the way we learnt in ap stats lmao!

I just love the fact that you’ve used statistics as a way to predict, it may just be me but I love it when I’m given a way to predict things, although it may just be numbers it’s in some sense comforting so thank you for your insight.

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And what is funnier, I had learnt probability theory some 30 years prior to that :slight_smile: :muscle:

Whatever the math hoping will work out for C. Had 3 interviews (AMC, NJMS, REMS), one decline (Case), waiting on PLME.


It is binomial probability.
Your calc seems correct.

But admissions do not work like math.
Subjective factors cannot be modeled that easily.

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Hello! Have rejections for BU BSMD come out yet? I haven’t received any news from them. I doubt they’re going to consider any more applicants right?

Actually for the example of 4 interviews above, one could use a different model and approach. All combnations of getting into 1 out of 4 programs = 4, all combinations of 2 out of 4 = 6, 3 out of 4 = 4 combinations and getting into all 4 = 1 combination and getting into none = 1 combination. So out of 16 combinations only 1 combination of not getting any selection.

So it comes out to be 15/16 which is kind of over optimistic. So I replaced with the simpler approach with higher chances of rejection (2/3) per program.

AMC result comes in March, in the same week with UG. Our daughter is in 2nd yr UG, stress free UG so far. With all AP credits, she’ll graduate 1yr early. GL!


@Kitty1002, which program is your D in? Which AMC? RPI/Union/Siena. We are waiting for RPI/AMC results. Can RPI UG be completed in less than 3 years?

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They are done with calling for interviews and if you have not been called so far, you should assume that it may not happen. We called them to change to regular admissions recently

I just messaged you. GL!

Is FAU BSMD similar to UCF’s where they admit more students than available seats in MD program banking on students not graduating ? We were told at UCF thats clearly the case from their admissions.

My D got accepted to MSU’s OMSP program last night. Does anyone know about the program? I was wondering how many students get accepted and if it is a true direct med program.


Wow interesting statistics! So far I like those chances. Keeping those fingers crossed.

@Nebula1, No. FAU is not like UCF (or USF). They only admit 10 students (they said they reduced their intake - it was 12 students last year). All of them make it. In their information session, they told throughout program’s history, only 1 student did not make it because of MCAT score (which has requirement of 510). They provide lot of support to the students, including MCAT study material etc.

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking as well. But did you receive a formal rejection email/letter? I’m just wondering why I didn’t get one.

Thank you @Kitty1002.

if we havent heard anything from NJMS, is it safe to assume that we’ve been rejected?