Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Got in SLU Med Scholars :smiley:


Congrats !!

Thank you for the info, I was wondering about the same too.

We also got Slu Med Scholars and Honors Program!


yea thats how I feel. I did apply other places but decided to withdraw just because I already got in and didnt want to risk any chances

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Info about SLU for those who were wondering:

They accept about 300 and 1/3 actually join the program. The interview is guaranteed if you keep above 3.65 gpa and other requirements that they tell you. I have heard that for motivated kids, it is relatively simple and straightforward. Obviously the classes at SLU are quite difficult and some have even said grade-deflated but if a student takes an easier major, they can be successful in the program and go to medical school. We have multiple family friends who have gone there and loved it and are now in medical school. It is good if kids can hang on to the motivation for another two years. Also, SLU has a nice enviornment with lots of clubs and activities on campus. It is generally a very nice school and most of the kids are STEM majors, with a few in law and business. SLU has many connections and is overall a supportive place if kids do the work.


As long as one understand what are conditions associated with the BSMD program and one is comfortable, it may be suitable for some folks. This program does prune the initial number of 100+ candidates who finally get into the medical school. The criteria should be specified in the contract, one may sign. Check previous year threads for some interesting discussions on SLU BSMD.

I heard one candidate wasn’t selected after interview and ended up with DO. Again, it’s probably candidate issue not school.

@doctorpenguin good to know, it is always helpful when you share the info from firsthand sources. 3.65 GPA is a reasonable expectation.


Of course, it is a possibility and a risk to consider. It happens with Temple/LKSOM program too.

Just here to report that me and @jawacat got into UIC GPPA!! :slight_smile: So excited


Does anybody know when Union/AMC results come out?


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That’s true and always a possibility to have more than one that can’t make it. SLU had 100% acceptance last year and over 90% for last many years from the 60 or so left in the program after freshman year. That equates to, in worst case, about 4-5 kids not making it. That’s pretty good, if someone is serious about it and be aware of the rules they need to play by. If one can’t be top 25% of any pre-med program, they will have hard time to have good GPA and for a trouble free path even in regular route MD. One will know the acceptance by end of Sophomore year and even before one takes MCAT (needs a 500). They definitely have a very supportive system. So its a good back-up EAP program, if one is willing to be in the same neighborhood in STL for 8 years and can be rated higher than any of the BS/DO programs in my opinion.

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Good to get into in-state program.

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Good start for the week so far. Congratulations on your UIC GPPA acceptance.

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Thanks for that useful information about SLUs Med Scholar program. Wish I was aware of this forum a few months back. Good group.

There is always a Plan B after sophomore year with a great MCAT score ( >= 518) and UG GPA ( >= 3.8) to try regular route MD and get into a T20 medical school, IMO.

I received an email from the Rowan BS/DO program saying they will interview. However, they said that I need to attend an information session before that. What should I expect for the information session and interview? Will they be giving me information at the information session, or is it a chance for me to ask questions about the program? Any insight would be helpful :slight_smile:

Have known ORM kids exceeding those stats and eventually settling for their safety med schools. After a gap year or two. FYI.