Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

March 27th seems to be the date for BU decisions. Wonder if it’s the same for SMED

Email received stating BU results will come on March 27, 2021. GL to all who are waiting on BU!


Early April

Yeah, it is same for SMED.

I agree with the strategy your S adopted and I am personally very happy for his success/ your success. Everyone of our kids who succeed is another role-model for other kids following them.

You hit the point - uniqueness and innovativeness.
End of the day - it is not hours but what impact you made/received from those hours that makes the difference.

And as you said, it is still unpredictable.

The trade-off that unpredictability vs a BS/MD admit is what each parent and student needs to factor when they decide.
Apart from other factors like cost, location, type of undergrad, prestige, and that feeling of being at home at a college.


Did you get this confirmed with BU? I thought BU SMED came out a week before BU general admissions to give students the time to request switch to regular UG consideration.

Good summary :slight_smile: my brother’s kid is in BSMD and my friend’s D took BSMD on my advice, so I am not against BSMD and give my advice based on kid’s profile but some of the responses here are toxic and disservice to the community.

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Last year first report for NJMS was on April 2nd via emails. NJIT/TCNJ.

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My D just received this email. She is SMED. @rk2017 had said earlier than BU and SMED decisions come out on the same day. Now since you asked, when I had called BU earlier, BU person had told me that SMED decisions will come out around Mar 15. So I am not sure now. Anyone knows how they came out in earlier cycles?

r u in-state?

SLU is a nice place and was always the backup option for us for this reason. They want the kids to go to medical school if they are motivated. Also, MCAT score makes literally no difference if kids are accepted to their medical school as they will find out at the end of the sophomore year if they have been accepted or not. Thanks for more information. Did not know that 100% of kids who met requirements were accepted to med school last year.

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Does anyone have estimates on how many on average are accepted into the Burnett Medical Scholars at UCF and how many attend?

Also am wondering if anyone has a preference of Burnett Medical Scholars versus SLU Medical Scholars Program

Kind of unrelated, but what is y’all’s opinion on taking the Harvard summer school intensive organic chem course to help prepare for weed out organic chemistry classes? Just curious since I have noticed that the most people who get weeded out of SLU’s med scholars is because of low gpa in chem and organic chem… (disclaimer: I am not planning to take it for college credit, only as preparation. And I would take it this summer to not infringe on crucial summer ECs during college)

If you think that helps take it but probably too expensive. Other option is hire a good tutor while taking the class.

I can give some input on this. Here are some comparisons:
SLU: end of sophomore year
UCF: Beginning of junior year
SLU: 500 if you get into their medical school
UCF: 514 with 126 in each section
SLU: 3.65
UCF: 3.6 by end of 1st year, 3.7 by end of 2nd year, 3.8 by end of third year

These are just some objective aspects of both programs. Personally, SLU seems to have more freedom and leniency which is why I prefer it but ultimately it is up to the C.


Taking Harvard SSP this summer is not necessary.

Some kids (even if they took Chem AP), take Chemistry again in UG before taking Organic Chemistry. This way Chemistry is fresh in their minds when they begin Organic Chemistry.

Thanks @Vicky2019 ! I have a question on this. Is it worth doing that? I heard sometimes it’s more difficult get an A in introductory courses than in higher level courses as it’s curved score. My D thinks she should take introductory chemistry again as she did her AP Chem in Sophomore year of High School.

My son took chemistry class again even though he competed in Chem Olympiad just to stick to the regular sequence and he had to study for the exams. Lot of kids take AP credits and I don’t know how well they do in upper level classes.

Thanks @srk2017! That really helps.

Anyone hear anything about Stonybrook Scholars for Medicine?