Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Please check with the medical school for all pre-requisites whether they accept AP credits for each one of them. It varies with medical school. General Physics I and II are required as pre-requisites.


Besides that point, also check your UG Pre-med office list of course you must complete in order to get the LOR (in some BS/MD programs, still you need to fo thru AMCAS application cycle and get LOR etc) even to your own guaranteed medical seat.

In OU example, it was a simple clear sheet giving what OU course numbers students must take, which one gets credit for AP and its score. Most of the schools will have a similar kind of pre-req chart. That will serve as the guiding post.

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As all senior members have mentioned, each college likely has web page with a table with AP course, scores that are eligible for waiver, along with college courses that are being waived.

Colleges also assign academic advisors for students. Students will have ample guidance to select courses. This doesn’t happen until August around the time, the college starts.


You have a valid point. I guess I was hoping they’ll evaluate for BU UG, then SMED, but they may not, since it is all or nothing.

@Vicky2019 : did your DS take the general Chem and Bio again in PSU? Also, should PSU BSMD students consider LEAP for Summer before school starts?

Thank you!! Yes he told me about the 5K scholarship, will ask him to check out other available scholarships.

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Getting into Schreyers Honors college with scholarship is really a good achievement!
Going back to our earlier discussion about college decisions, this makes Penn State even more tempting for you.

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My S didn’t do LEAP.

PMM program students are not required to take courses during the summers in order to complete their UG requirement.

I am not entirely sure since S manages his courses himself. As far as I know,
S got maximum waivers for all of his science APs due to 5s.

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Oh, it’s interesting. So my HS rising senior was planning to take Calc 3 DE, does it mean if she is going to Engineering with pre-med track she shouldn’t do it because her UG will almost certainly require to repeat Calc 3. Or this advice refers to science courses only? Thank you!

This applies to any course on any college transcript if applying through AMCAS. One needs to submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended for verification of your AMCAS application to medical schools. AMCAS calculates sGPA and cGPA based on all courses reported to them.

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I guess you mean restraint only for courses outside of high school and college, right @grtd2010 ? Here, it looks like his DD is goi ngto take the course as part of high school courses. That is perfectly reasonable and strengthens candidacy for UG in taking challenging courses during high school.

Wow, thank you! I had no idea.

if one is applying via regular route, the application goes through AMCAS. Any college credits ( even community college credits) earned during high school and UG needs to be reported to AMCAS. One may need to submit an AMCAS application for a BSMD seat when matriculating to the medical school as pointed out by @GoldenRock.

If you are sure about not using AP credits then no point in taking the AP exams.

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@mygrad2021 and @AlenaD - please note that the AP course load taken by your DC will be considered during their admission. Harder the coursework and more the APs, more favorable would be the student profile. Skipping the AP is NOT advisable and could have detrimental effect on your DC’s admission chances, especially for BSMD programs, as these programs typically prefer students that have taken the most challenging courses the student’s school offered and have done well in them. If your school offers AP and your DC chooses not to take it, it could count against them in admission decisions.

I understand that and I was not asking about skipping AP in high school just talking about senior year.

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If your student already is in the AP course, it helps to take the AP exam and then decide whether to take the credit or not in UG, vs not even having that option. I heard sometimes the Bio/Chem courses are weed outs, so they may want to skip it.

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Anyone else received it ? we did not receive it yet.

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Just so everyone knows, Rice/Baylor Med said they were only taking 3 this year instead of the usual 6. I don’t know why and they didn’t say. It was mentioned during the interviews. Notifications of those lucky 3 should come out soon.

Seems pointless really, but I guess the program gets them noticed. We didn’t know about Rice before BSMD.