Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Thank you @Mom22DDs, that is good to know. I’d assume that University of Central Florida undergrad isn’t terribly rigorous. Can anybody confirm that?

I was in a parent group for 2017 BSMD-admitted group, and I heard from the parent I was in touch with that their DC matriculate successfully, but they mentioned not all kids might have made it through. 35 kids choose to attend and they have 15-25 seats reserved in medical college for these kids, and if it is 15, then risk is high. I also heard they made the GPA and MCAT requirement tougher from this year, so it likely puts SLU at par with UCF now, and SLU is better ranked. If you can prepare ahead for the weed out courses in 1st year, it might be smoother sailing in SLU vs UCF.

Tough call. Best wishes, and do keep us posted with your decision and the reasoning.

I wanted to put this out there for any further BSMD applicants. If you are set on medicine apply to some BSMD programs, even if you think you have no chance at all. I was leery about applying for any BSMD programs because I felt (and still kind of do feel) under qualified. I felt like I needed to be volunteering regularly at a hospital or doing research with a professional institution, and I couldn’t. I have a situation where my mother is disabled and I am one of her care takers, so being gone over the summer for research or being exposed to the illnesses at a hospital was out of the question. Since I couldn’t do these traditional activities I felt like I had no chance getting in a BSMD, I felt inadequate. Therefore, I only I applied to two cause I felt I was going to waste my time and others trying to reach a dream I felt was unachievable. I didn’t realize that colleges would value my experience with medicine that I have through my mothers complicated medical history, I didn’t think they’d care that I helped my mother research conditions she has and their comorbidities. But I actually got into a BSMD, and wish I had more faith in myself from the start. I suppose my point is, don’t compare yourself to others cause your not other people, revel in what makes you unique, cause while not fitting into the traditional prototype may make it seem like you’re not qualified, BSMD programs don’t want cookie cutter students. I’m great full for CC’s help and you all have been very supportive :grin:


@jawacat, I really admire your maturity levels! You’re an exceptional kid in this group and I am glad the admissions officers recognized that. You don’t need any patient contact, your mother is your patient so probably they noticed that in your essays or activities. Good luck with your bs/md journey!

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Good for you!

If you think about it, you are probably the top 25% of the student body wherever you decide to go. May be even 10% based on your credentials thus far. So you have an edge in being in that top 25% of the class in Orgo. Also it is somewhat overblown about Orgo, have known many kids crossing the hurdle without much struggling. UCF is not known to be particularly rigorous school either.

However make no mistake the regular route premed students are bound to be super motivated and may give you a run for your advantage. So cannot afford to slack off.

Also believe at UCF you can take MCAT in junior year after enough preparation even though the requirements are higher, that is better than say if you were to right after sophomore year as with some of the accelerated programs (have known kids doing wonderfully well even then).

They may still keep your slot in med school while you explore other med schools in senior year, so the added safety net is really nice.

Also there may be a reason why they scale up the gpa reqs with each passing year. Had a chat with this engineering student who was the student guide on our visit to RPI few years ago. He said that he didn’t have too many APs coming into freshman year and so had to take all the foundation courses with tough profs and ended up with a bad gpa 1st year. Perhaps the classes were huge too. But as he advanced to higher level courses in his major in sophomore year and later, the classes were smaller, more focused, he got to know the profs well and vice versa and he was on a steady upward trend.

Congratulations! Admire your honesty and maturity!

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You may want to check with @JBourne5. @JBourne5 's C is in FAU BSMD program already. DM and find out recommendations if any for your situation. Good luck!

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From the limited info we know about you, I would choose FAU.

I suggest you speak to current students in both the programs and get the subjective feel for your questions.

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I’ve read this forum off and on during this whole app cycle but haven’t contributed yet. My son has been admitted also to UCF BMS. I was searching online for more information and experiences from students in the program and not finding much. We are local so are somewhat familiar with it and know some kids in it. I’ve only heard good things about it and they say the GPA is not too difficult to maintain. We have an on campus tour scheduled soon and are looking forward to seeing the campus.

Also considering UF, USF, Univ of Miami. We had gotten an interview request recently for the FAU BSMD but turned it down when my kid was accepted to UCF BMS. We didn’t like that FAU was a binding program but UCF is not. He has an interview in a couple of weeks scheduled for the Nova BS/DO and not sure yet whether he will keep it. He is a NMF so looking for the best scholarship package. So far UCF BMS looks to be the best option.

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Will do. Thank you for the advice

IMO, unless you have presidential scholarship at SLU, it may not be worth taking a chance and debt. Go with UCF, if you can not make it there, apply out via regular route MD. Just to add, 95% of seats in medical schools are filled via regular MD route, only 5% are filled by BSMD. Do not be misled in thinking one has to get in a BSMD program to become a MD. It is not what the facts are.

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Assume your DC takes 5 courses (3 courses each 4 credits, two courses each 3 credits, total 5 courses with 18 credits, max point = 4*18 = 72, assume A =4, B = 3 ) each semester. If S/he gets 4 A’s and one B in a 3 credit course, s/he would barely make 3.83 GPA. This has to be done every semester to have 3.8 cumulative GPA In short, it is not easy but can be done. Large weed out pre-meds courses are usually graded harshly i.e., a fewer A’s are given out. One should not slack off during first two years to take a GPA hit.

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Which BSMD did you get into jawacat? Which ones are you waiting to hear back on?

@Mom22DDs thank you for the statistics. I agree the risk is high. My question is that because you are allowed to apply out without losing your spot, it possible that those 15 are accounting for the fact that some BMS kids will inevitably choose other medical schools? For instance, I have done some research and found that in recent years, BMS kids have gotten into Yale, Johns Hopkins, and other impressive med schools, so it is reasonable to presume that many other BMS kids get into and pick other med schools.

@rk2017 thank you for the reassuring words. It’s good to know that you think if I don’t slack off then I will be successful throughout undergraduate, and that UCF isn’t too rigorous.

@2021almostdone In a very similar situation to your son as a NMF and considering all the Florida schools, although right now I can’t see why I would take any traditional premed in florida over these more assuring programs. On the other hand, I live very far away and don’t know anyone in BMS. However, all of the advice I have recently received has been very helpful and I too am leaning towards BMS right now. Likely will not commit until after information session though, it is frustrating that its halfway through april. Have an upcoming campus tour of UCF as well, excited for that.

@grtd2010 yes, I agree that UCF is looking like the best option right now.

If you’re prepared to apply out, UCF seems like the better option. I heard the UG life is also really good as you’ll be in Honors College with special dorms and support. Go for it, best wishes!!

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I got into UIC’s GPPA and rejected from PPSP. Like I said I only applied to two BSMD programs because I didn’t think I had any chances, which I regret this mind set, but is the case none the less. While I’m a bit leery about going to school in Chicago it is a good program. They require a B in all pre-med required courses, a 3.6 cumulative gpa, and a 513 MCAT which sounds kinda intimidating but if I want to get into a medical through the regular route about the same will be expected of me with no promises. Also the program allows students to apply out and keep their seat which is great. Overall, I really excited that I’ve been given this opportunity, but do which I had more faith in myself from the start :sweat_smile:


Considering both SLU with presidential scholarship and FAU with full ride, it should be your DC’s choice. A MCAT 500 score is a low score for a medical student. SLU may have a risk with interview but it can be managed by proper preparation. FAU is a newer medical school. Visit both if you can, then decide.

Congrats! 513 should be doable with some prep, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Good luck!!


UIC GPPA, so no waiting game, I guess!

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I thought MCAT requirement for GPPA was 512? Not that it matters much