Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Thank you for your advise. I am at a difficult situation. BSMD route has been my first choice. I was very disappointed when I did not get acceptance to SLU medical scholars program despite having a sibling in that program and having some research experience and LOR from a SLU Professor. I can not figure out what went wrong with my application. My GPA is 4.6 and ACT was 30. SLU Med scholars was my first choice and I thought my academic scores were reasonable for SLU Med scholars. My next choice is Bacc 2MD versus going through the traditional route. I did not get the Presidential scholarship at UToledo but I did get a good scholarship offer. So I am leaning towards Bacc2 MD. Any other opinions are welcome.

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Agree, don’t purely go by school prestige but given choice look carefully at the fit. Most ORMs don’t understand fit part and go for prestige. I know one kid at Harvard Medical School and now he is not fully happy about teaching which is known thing for those in the field but hard for outsiders. Having said that going to top medical schools or UGs clearly help with next step in the process but NOT necessarily financially.

Might be the record number of applications across all bsmds and ivys this year
 one person from my school with 36 ACT and lots of medical volunteering did not get into SLU med scholars this year

@babySimba1: I would suggest you visit UToledo before leaning towards BACC2MD program. Interview with Medical School is guaranteed.No MCAT is required but your most likely accepted to UToledo medical school if you have MCAT score of 513 + (ORM) before your interview date.

I am just curious. What do you mean by you’re most likely be accepted before interview? Are you saying it’s possible even in a regular route if you’ve 513 to get accepted to Utoledo?

Not Regular route. 513 plus will be added advantage, strong point to clear BACC2MD medical interview and get accepted to Medical school

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There is always a reason, may be poor essays or too many ORMs with similar stats and ECs?

Thanks for sharing. Go for Bacc2MD. 3.5 GPA would not be difficult to achieve, in my opinion. And there is no MCAT requirement either! Ultimately, your goal is to become a Doctor!

I have visited Toledo university. The university itself is really nice but being from east coast, the town was something else! Very different from what I am used to. If you are from mid-west, Toledo should be just fine for you.

I am sorry that you didn’t get into SLU BS/MD. Just remember, you are not alone. Many qualified students have been rejected from BS/MD programs and even before that step - from the interviews


I would go to traditional route as one can do Bacc program even after traditional route if needed.

Thank you for kind words and advise. It helps me to make the right choice for myself.

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For UCF, I recommend finding out why the increased the gpa requirements. Maybe too many made it through but they didn’t have enough seats reserved in medical school, or their average gpa for incoming class through regular admission has gone up and they matched bsmd requirements to those. Latter is not a concern, former would be for me.

@babySimba1 Please do not be disappointed. Failures and Rejections are always the first few steps for Success. This is a very long journey and as many have said, there are a lot of tests/exams/steps, Do not be discouraged. There is always a Plan for everyone. Just keep working hard and all will work out. My DC was/is disappointed and i mentioned the very same things. Keep working. Nothing can substitute Hard Work. Wishing you the best.


Thank you for your support. I need it.

I just received an interview for OU’s MHSP. I also got the SLU med scholars with a presidential scholarship (full ride tuition). Does anyone have info on MHSP and what it might be like compared to SLU? Also any tips for a medical humanities interview?


Who knows, that could be another spin to the equation, having a sibling already in the program. Other than the usual suspects like popularity of these programs going up with more top students applying year over year, record numbers in the applicant pool, test optional etc. Perhaps that is another measure of their diversification, not admitting more than one from the same house hold.

I know of and mentioned about someone earlier here, with a sibling in a popular program aspiring for the same program, with even better credentials than the elder sibling, not even getting the interview. S/he of course got into another popular program and went there. Recall someone here also mentioning similar experience with their younger C.

I think you should be just fine at Toledo.


My younger D is in a similar situation. Her older sibling went through NJIT-NJMS and she applied to every feeder into NJMS hoping one of them would forward her. Many of them did actually but NJMS did not pick her for interview. She was so devastated and even wrote to them but didn’t hear back. We figure having alumni status may be an advantage but having a sibling attending the school while you apply may not be.

Given SLU has higher risk that Bacc2MD, this situation makes it easier for you to go with UToledo. You can always apply out, even to SLU’s medical school if you choose to, while having Bacc2MD option. I would recommend that route for my DC if she faced these options.


UToledo - Bacc2MD statistics, not impressive. Only guaranteed is an interview if you maintain 3.5 GPA.
Based on following table <50% eligible for interview (mean >50% didn’t even achieve 3.5 GPA). Out of <50% offered an interview, 50-60% offered an admission (except 2015 where it is ~86%)


Thank you!

From the table, it looks like many students are choosing Bioengineering major, especially prior to 2018

I know that - UToledo offers a 4 1/2-year accredited Bachelor of Science degree in Bioengineering with 3 required/mandatory co-ops and research opportunities. This is a sought after major in UToledo!

As known by some of us, Engineering majors are not good to get high GPA that is needed by Medical school applications. Also, the mandatory Bio-Engineering coops probably take away the needed time for medically related volunteering and shadowing.

@babySimba1 - Do keep this in mind when you pick your major if you end up joining UToledo!

Also, I noticed in the table that the % of students taking BioE major dropped during 2018-2020 - proving that the students in 2018-2020 also/likely came to the same conclusion as I did!

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