Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Thank you. Will pass this on to DC.

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I went to TJ for a month before my dad made the decision for the rest of our family to pull me out because I couldn’t make that call. His words, “This is high school for God’s sake! Live a little!!!”

Thinking about it now, that was probably the best move for me. I went to a reasonable public high school, was able to play a sport that I loved, was still able to challenge myself, and got into many programs that I wanted (both traditional undergrad and BS/MD.)

I’ve reasons to believe that undergrad school doesn’t play a significant role for a motivated student like your daughter. IMO, if the end goal is a medical school, NIH research + George Mason will be no different than NIH + Georgetown come application time. There’s no right or wrong answer and it will come down to what’s more important to your daughter and your family.


Thank you for the golden words. We will welcome what she wants ultimately. She is reading all the messages here. We want want to get senior members opinion as they have been info seeing this for a few years now and her/my knowledge is very limited on how all this works.

Again it all depends on what the kid wants. I suggested she go to base school but she wanted to go to TJ and she will be graduating with flying colors. Well she did a lot of time on robotics and clinical volunteering which have Been her favorite activities and not just to fill her resume. She enjoyed every minute of it. She got into all the programs she wanted and is waiting for some. We did not apply to a few becos of incomplete knowledge. And she is very happy with the decision she made and wonderful opportunities that TJ gave.

VCU encourages students to apply out. You can have it both ways :blush:

I missed the Rugers Honors program application deadline. Does anyone know if Rugers gives merit scholoarship to OOS/BAMD students? After the NJMS interview, Rutgers sent me the FA offer letter. It’s bad with no merit at all-I am not sure if there is anything else I can expect or if this is the final FA decision.

Can someone shed light on community based medical School in terms of Competitiveness or weaknesses one need to be aware of before making a commitment? Thank you in advance

@Bamd2023 @Vicky2019

If she is like a top 10% student at TJ, undergrad school shouldn’t matter, should be fine wherever she goes. Except for the stress factor. I gather UVA gets plenty of TJ students every year. So it will be repeat of the high school experience all over in terms of competition.

To @Vicky2019’s point above regarding in state preference at UVA med school, she will have it irrespective of where the undergrad is done. Will it be added advantage to also have the undergrad from UVA? Perhaps, but not too much, like in private med schools that are conscientious about. Guess an instate student with undergrad from elsewhere with a 3.9 ish will have a better shot than a UVA undergrad with a 3.7 ish.


Yes, know a student who didn’t want to go to TJ even after getting selected with full support and approval of parents. S/he ended up being a star of the school attended and got into many BS/MD programs later.

It is unlikely they will offer anything at a later time. Yes Rutgers Nwk is known to give merit awards including up to full rides for undergrad for BS/MD students. However if you get the BA/MD offer you should still consider taking it, since there is an in built cost savings of a year’s worth of undergrad savings due to the acceleration. Also it is not too expensive even for OOS students and you are guaranteed instate tuition for the med school.

All LCME accredited medical schools in USA are good and make you a licensed MD.

LCME stands for Liaison Committee on Medical Education. It is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as the accrediting body for medical education programs leading to the MD degree in the United States or Canada. In short, LCME accredits US allopathic medical schools.

No, do not expect anything else. If you can show a change in your financial situation to be eligible for federal Pell grants, the situation may change.

Nope! Only the FA offer letter from feeder UG(RU) with $0 merit. :face_with_head_bandage:

You do not have to join RU-Newark if you have a better merit scholarship offer somewhere else. You can apply via regular route MD and become a doctor. 95% of medical school seat are filled via regular route MD.

You do not have to join RU-Newark if you have a better merit scholarship offer somewhere else. You can apply via regular route MD and become a doctor. 95% of medical school seat are filled via regular route MD.

Same here. The aid is dismal at best. I was forwarded by NJIT and TCNJ though, so the financial aid there is much better lol.

Here you go, you have other options if selected by NJMS. Every institution has different standards and priority for allocating aid as you have options to choose any institution for UG.

Hi I am Junior, Class of 2022. I was wondering if anybody knew what bsmd program required sat essay section for the current cycle and which ones would require it for the next year. Thank you!

@SpeedSkater - Good to see you after a long time. I saw your post in 2021 BS/MD Results

Congratulations. This is an amazing achievement. Kudos :clap: :clap:

You got 5 interviews last year and another 5 this year. In addition you have three solid admissions to BSMD programs and more to come!

Overall - you are right about your growth and maturity and improvement in communication skills. All these will take you far.

Wish you the very best for future!

College board won’t offer SAT essay or SAT subject tests next year onwards. So, I assume the colleges won’t require this either

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@rk2017 -

With what you said in mind, SLU looks like best option for @bamd2023. Meeting SLU requirement to SOM should be pretty easy. SLU cost is $530 approx for BS+MD and SOM seat is guaranteed. Also, after UG, she can try for the UVA SOM via regular route if interested. Something to note, The SOM ranking for primary care SLU (58) is better than Georgetown (87)

On the other hand, UVA would be very tough UG and getting into SOM even tougher. However, it will be the cheapest of the options with $420K total cost for BS+MD approx.

Compared to this, not sure if the ROI for the total cost of $720 for BA+MD in Georgetown is worth it even if the seat to SOM is guaranteed viA EAP Selection. However, this seems like a stretch goal since typically EAP programs select kids in single digits out of all UG majors combined (1000+ students)

Yes @Vicky2019 makes sense. Your calculations may not be factoring in the Vice Presidential scholarship at SLU though.

Not sure about the number of undergrads vying for EAP also. Don’t know the incoming class size of Georgetown each year, but most may not apply for EAP for variety of reasons, different majors, no stellar GPAs, loss of interest in medicine etc. My guesstimate would be around 200 students for perhaps 10 or so seats.

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