Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

@SpeedSkater Thanks for your posting in results thread. Congratulations and best wishes to what ever college you plan to pursue for your medical career.

What an accomplishment on sports. It is just amazing and thrilling sport. Your family and friends must be proud of you.

Happen to attend one informal zoom event today. The speaker was reporting to Satya and retired last year. He made one interesting point when youngsters asked about the failure he had in some start up in his career. He replied the best lesson any one can learn is from athletes. They work so hard and practice for hours and hours and many times meet failures. But they quickly recover and learn from the failures and they succeed. You are a fine example. You will succeed with such traits in whatever path you plan to march. Good Luck.


For the crazy selective programs, where they take like 3 out of 1600+, how many get waitlisted? What are the chances of getting off that waitlist? Thanks, :goat:

There is still a decent chance. We hear of folks coming off Rice/Baylor waitlist, maybe not every year. We are personally wondering if DD might come off UConn waitlist :grinning:

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Hooves crossed! :goat: :heart: :goat:

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Thank you. VP scholarship says 26500 per year as she is also finalist. So looks like SLU for now until we get more options in the next few weeks. Thanks you all so much for the wise words. Will update as soon we hear the options in next few weeks.

Thank you so much.


Congratulations !!!
Very happy for you.
And I am happy that your decision to take a gap year and focus on your skating career worked out.
Remember, we had discussed about your letting me your next skating meet so that I could cheer for you. Now, I cheer for all your success.

You have good options and I hope the remaining also work out.
All the very best.

Competitive specialties:

Radiation Oncology

Similarities of both programs:

  • Both are guaranteed an interview with their respective SOM. That means, in theory, you can be rejected post interview.
  • You can apply out at both places.

Differences between these two programs

  • No MCAT for Toledo
  • GPA required for Medical School is lower for Toledo i.e. 3.5 vs 3.7 at Seton Hall
  • Seton Hall has newer facilities
  • Hackensack Medical still has only Provisional accreditation; their first match year is this year. We will only then know how the match list comes up. However, I expect a lot of matches to Hackensack as Residency at Hackensack as it is pretty much guaranteed for your primary care residencies. I would be keen to know how many match to non-primary care residencies.
  • Hackensack / NJ is more diverse than Toledo.

I would add your own subjective & objective factors to this list - where does your child feel at home? cost? primary vs non-primary care? location - near vs far?

It always helps to speak to current students in these programs and ask them your specific questions.



Are SLU, Georgetown and UVA the only options you are considering?
Are there any other schools that you ruled out ? what about schools that you are waiting to hear from ?

About UVA:

UVA med school takes nearly 50% of its incoming class of approx. 150 from VA residents. About 750-1000 VA residents apply to UVA and about 20% get an interview and roughly half of those interviewed get an admission. Average GPA is 3.85 and Average MCAT is 518.

Maintaining a >3.85 GPA at UVA will require hard work from Day 1.
It is doable with proper focus. Getting such stats will also open up more medical school doors.
Question - a lot of kids are burnt out after TJ and tend to take it easy the first year of college. Will this impact your child? I do not know.

Georgetown vs SLU:
Compared to Georgetown, SLU has more seats and you have a better shot at its medical school.

some regular medical colleges have 40 % acceptance rate, so is it that hard to get into a med school through traditional route ? My child got into Vandy and UCF deciding which way to go, BSMD or traditional

NMF + VP sounds even better.
Do keep us updated on other options. Best wishes to your D.

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I wouldn’t have otherwise discussed on stats for UVA, but since it has been already brought up, will share the one data point I was made aware of about an in state ORM applicant. This student was very involved in a medical devices upstart in operations and management aspects during all 4 years of undergrad at UVA, had a “good” gpa (don’t know the specific number), had a 100% ile on MCAT (>=523). Applied to about 30 med schools including UVA. Combination of popular, not so popular and safeties. Received 5 interviews and admit into only 1 safety. Needless to say, it wasn’t UVA. Not sure what he chose to do whether to enroll or take a gap year to try again. Kind of peek into competition at UVA med.

Without knowing GPA and all ECs this data point is useless and speaks nothing about UVA. Involving in medical devices company is considered non clinical experience.

Read comments on this topic site. I even created a separate thread for it. Vandy is a stats heavy UG school so I assume your kid did very well in HS. However did he got to a competitive HS or go to an easier school and grades were not difficult? If he went to competitive HS, how stressful was that? Unfortunately good number of students burn out at these HSs and those are the ones take first year easy in college and end up as failure stories mentioned here.

My kid is a Vandy senior. He and another girl did very well this cycle with 10+ interviews and 5+ acceptances but bunch of premeds are no longer premeds or didn’t have good results.

Hackensack has a strong partnership with Meridian health, with the latter even setting up a 100 million endowment for merit awards for students at Hackensack (can’t be counted upon though, especially ORMs). Similar to Hofstra Northwell partnership.

Agree, there is no logic in the whole narrative leading to any reasonable conclusion.

If you check last 4 years threads on this topic you hear lot of arguments including bird-in-hand, so and so failed and then counter arguments from me couple of other dads about fearing mongering and it’s ain’t that bad with traditional path etc. Ultimately it comes down to your own risk tolerance, maturity, work ethic and mental status. If you have time read through all that and come back with specific questions. If you don’t want to discuss you can PM me and I will give my recommendation. I am not an anti-BSMD not anti-traditional path and each one has it’s own merit.

According to AAMC data, top tier applicants have GPA >= 3.8 and MCAT score >= 518, with nearly a 87% chance of acceptance into at least one medical school.
One should aim to achieve a GPA >= 3.8 and MCAT score >=518 if applying via regular route MD. UVA has in-state advantage, which can be a substantial boost for the OP.

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Does anyone know the dress code for the CWRU PPSP interviews? There are multiple sessions over the course of 3 days, of course for the actual interview a suit, but does anyone know what is recommended for the other days/activities?