Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)


Congratulations! :tada:

I wonder if this means we will be hearing from the GW/GW path soon?!


Hey, So i got an email from rochester saying The [Student National Medical Association] chapter of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry invites you to a presentation titled My Journey to and through Medical School . Join current Rochester medical school students who, while serving as panelists, will answer questions you have about their journey.

Join us Saturday, March 13, 10-11:15 a.m. EST .

Does this mean anything? My interviews went well except for one where i used the word Uh once and my nterviewer he said not uh, its the.

@mom2boys1999 or any other rems appplicants/parents get this as well? I realize they send out a lot of emails for events but i think this is from the med school? idk

Yes my kid received this email.

I agree payers pay all doctors the same and for a procedure code do not differentiate between MD sand DO.

For general medicine it does not matter.

Major advantage of med school ranking is with
Matching into competitive speciality in a higher ranked residency program

Not to say and agree lot of lower ranked medical school students have done very well on their own effort. But from a training perspective There is a major difference if you get trained as neurosurgeon at Hopkins vs a unkown residency program.

if selected one should definitely opt for
to higher ranked programs if cost and location is not a issue.

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Is he/she attending? I know you kid is a genius haha so idk if it means anything or if everyone got it.

Did anyone attend the Hofstra interview? Without any specifics how was it?

@mom2boys1999 I hope so! On their website, it says early April

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No inside knowledge but my son was going to wear a suit each of the 3 days (vary the tie and shirt!). If someone from last year’s virtual interview could chime in, maybe they can have a business casual day but I wouldn’t assume so.

Our school is actually giving us a little push-back about the middle of the day interviews since he’ll miss a few classes but I think his guidance counselor understands how unique this opportunity is. Good luck to your son or daughter cannolilover1092.

Only a few care about neurosurgery or plastic surgery residency. In fact, with 232 neurosurgery residencies, it is only 0.7% (not even 1%) of all approximately 32480 residency positions. With such a small number, there will be no issue with any one who is a board certified Neurosurgeon regardless whether one is trained at JHU or TimbukTu SOM. It is just a prestige obsession thing. In most cases, a patient may not have a choice who may be the Neurosurgeon performing the surgery either due to insurance coverage mandated surgeons or in emergency situations where in search of a JHU trained surgeon, the valuable time may be lost.


Is it prestige obsession or wanting to be trained by best in the field? My S knows that going to top school won’t get him higher salary (knowing from mom’s experience) but he likes to be constantly challenged and wants to be an inventor not follower.

It’s prestige obsession when you join a school or program purely based on prestige and without knowing what it offers you or whether you can thrive there.

There is nothing wrong with being challenged or being your best. This does not mean those trained at places other than JHU are less qualified to be brain surgeons or perform poorly during neurosurgery.

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Luckily licensing standards are good in this country and no manipulation so every surgeon can do the job effectively. May be JHU ones learn new techniques or get to invent new techniques/procedures before rest of them get to learn?

May be your S should switch over to MD/PhD once he joined a MD program. He may have more opportunities to do research and innovation at the medical school. It is just 2-4 more years needed to complete a PhD while postponing the residency training.

@love4bsmd @grtd2010 seems you hashed out SLU med scholar yesterday, what I have been keep saying all along.


a) If you are not able to maintain GPA, than why to even bother to pursue medicine.
b) If you are smart enough to maintain GPA, why tied yourself to one medical school.

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MD/PhD is too long given that he wants to go into surgery. Also you don’t need MD/PHD to invent something. Remember he already lost one year income by not going to BU BSMD :slight_smile:

He may loose one more year income due to 5 years of General Surgery residency instead of 4 years for others.

I didn’t say general surgery :slight_smile: I am not sure what he will end up picking since kids won’t decide until they do clinical rotations. He did shadow lot of specialists (including Trauma) given personal connections.

That’s not a solution as SLU med scholar program outcome is restricted by #of medical seats to SOM. They don’t have 100 medical seats for that program, so irrespective of what help and resources are available 50% is bound to fall out.

Hmm. But I mean doesn’t that apply to pretty much every BSMD out there? You need to maintain a certain GPA and you are stuck with their affiliated medical school. This is the case with almost all BSMDs. So why is there a controversy over SLU every year?

( not accusing, just curious)

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