Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I think there is a high chance for alternates

Rochesters like a t50 med school right? or is that RIT

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When you go to more results link page, you just have to apply more filters like date, etc. to go to results in specific period. Then change date range & additional keywords to focus extended discussion if something is interesting to you from those results. We have to do more work to get to what we want.

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@Speedskater - Whipple scholarship is a one time award. This not given out every year.

Also, last year one of the students mentioned that they got in from being an alternate, in the college confidential. I remember that they got into a Prestigious (T10) UG college and then withdrew to join UofR REMS program.

So, hopefully things will work out for you as well. Otherwise, you do have other offers to choose from.

@REMSHOPEFUL123 - University of Rochester’s UG ranking is #34. SOM research/primary care is 34/16. So, that makes UofR very selective!

BSMDs are only 5% of all medical school seats. Regular route MD has a better 42% chance of at least one medical school admission. Do not be mislead into thinking BSMD is the only way to become a doctor. All LCME accredited medical schools in US are good and make you a licensed MD.


Good tip, thanks. I figured out syntax for date in search;
So for all posts with Boston in it and posted after Feb 1st, I do “Boston after:2021-02-01”
How do I add multiple keywords though?

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@grtd2010 - Ofcourse, you are observing these forums for a long time now so it is possible that I am incorrect. I have removed/edited my post above.

However, last year, I somehow remember one parent mentioning in this forum that their C got interviews for CSWRU, U Of R etc
and her chance of admission being very low inspite of the interviews.

Relatively speaking, PMM or SMED are the programs where students have a good chance of getting in. Penn State PMM selects about 50% of the students they invite for interview. BU SMED invite 2.5 times students for their interview.

It is precisely about a very low chance of acceptance into these BSMD programs. Is it worth spending time and energy just to be disappointed in the end? What is the return on your investment of aspiration, hope, resources, time and effort ? One can probably get into a medical school without a gap year with a proper plan via regular route MD. May be even get an admission into a better medical school (T5-T20).

Lol, your D in law won’t be a surgeon then.:slightly_smiling_face:


Interview to acceptance conversion is around 25-50% accounting for waitlist movement for BSMD and it’s similar for traditional path. However traditional path except UCSF most seems to interview 5-6 times the intake .

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Applying BSMD gives head start but also heartburn. As I mentioned before DS applied to 6 only since he has high goals and wanted. Not getting Top programs 2 programs (HPME and PLME) taught us what schools are looking for and made adjustments accordingly but not fully. I will never go for schools that have social justice as the main criteria, not a fit.

@grtd2010, I think every failure makes kids stronger. DD was selective about which programs she applied to and did not get. I felt bad for her but she didn’t. She is like, oh well, they are v selective, it’s a hit or a miss, and moved on. I learnt something from her, to move on and not look back
 It has been a great experience, going through the application, learning about the process through people like you and other stalwarts on this forum, learning what SOMs expect. So when the time comes to apply four years later, we will hopefully be better equipped. So, do we regret going through this process? No, not even once.


If you search multiple words separated by space like “Boston CGS after:2020-03-01”, then it will search for “Boston University CGS” or “CGS Boston”, etc. Hope it will help others too.

@srk2017 - social justice is a major factor in determining BSMD acceptance at these two programs? Or for general admission applicant (e.g. not BSMD)?

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I wasn’t referring to those two programs. I am saying some schools have social justice as primary criteria and I think it applies to BSMD also. Research, leadership, service and social justice seems to be the themes.

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MIT can now be thrown in the mix with Stanford and Yale. Still am hopeful for Rice/Baylor though. Idk



MIT: “This past year, inclusive of both Early and Regular Action, 33,240 students applied to join the MIT Class of 2025. This is an unprecedented increase of 66% over last year, when we received 20,075 applications

"On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my pleasure to offer you admission to the MIT Class of 2025! You stood out as one of the most talented and promising students in one of the most competitive applicant pools in the history of the Institute. Your commitment to personal excellence and principled goals, even during a year full of challenges and disruption, has convinced us you will both contribute to our diverse community and thrive in our academic environment. We think that you and MIT are a great match.

You have until May 3 to let us know if you’ll call MIT your home for the next four years. Until then, we look forward to helping you get to know us better. We are excited to invite you to join us virtually for CP✱ (the event formerly known as Campus Preview Weekend). Activities will take place throughout the entire month of April! CP✱ is one of the most fun and informative ways to discover all that MIT has to offer, and we will share more details with you over the next several weeks.

MIT’s mission is to educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship, to best prepare them to solve the world’s greatest challenges. Make no mistake, the rigor here is real, but so is the excitement of discovery, both inside and outside the classroom. The ways that students collaborate and help each other, especially in these unprecedented times, are varied and many.

I hope you’ll agree with us that MIT is the perfect place to prepare for your future. As a member of our community, you’ll join builders, scholars, entrepreneurs, and humanitarians. Together, you will make a true difference in a world that desperately needs you.

Many congratulations and welcome to MIT! Now stop reading this and go celebrate!


Stuart Schmill
Dean of Admissions and Student Financial Services"

Yeah, they kind of let you know it was bad. I just didn’t know how bad. This is scary.