Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Congratulations !!!
Very happy for you.

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I appreciate this group so much! All of you are so nice over here and itā€™s where I like to hang.


Put it simple, donā€™t sell short your potential to BS/MD programs.
Or bird analogy, donā€™t cut your wings.


Sure, the experience of going through BSMD will help with regular MD. But reading all these rejections over years, makes me sad and question the need for BSMD. Why put your DC twice through this process if one can have a 42% chance of success via regular MD ?


Congrats on MIT acceptance! This has been MITā€™s standard letter. My daughter received this exact one (without virtual invite) exactly 5 years ago 2016. Very impressiveā€¦


A multimillionaire Computer Scientist D-in-law may be near by in the silicon valley.


Congrats to your daughter. Narkor, of these possibilities, which would you personally choose?

Iā€™ve been watching this forum for a long time. Iā€™ve applied for few combined programs but rejected before interview. Recently as a part of AP research I started my own work related to medicine. One of the physician scientists working in T5 med school reached me and told that itā€™s unique and very interested in my work. He suggested that one of his PhD students will work with me to complete the work and publish it. Recently I was rejected before interview from a bs md program that I very much like to attend. I didnā€™t include any info about the research work in the application as I submitted it even before I started my research. Can I reach the program and mention to them about my research and my association with the renowned scientist from T5 med school? Will it have any effect in reconsidering my application. I would like genuine suggestions from anyone. What do seniors like @Novicedad, @srk2017, etc. think (new users can mention only 2 in a message). Was there anytime in the past a decision about interview for a BS-MD program reconsidered?

Idk about reconsideration since I am also a high school senior, but Iā€™ve found my AP Research work to be a point of interest at some colleges and I have definitely not been contacted by any T5 schools :sweat_smile: my research was on how personality type impacts the efficacy of complementary and alternative medicine for an individual. Iā€™m not sure if reaching out will help with a BSMD reconsideration, but as Iā€™m sure you can tell already it can help open doors wherever you end up. Not sure if this helps, but congrats on getting your research noticed, Iā€™d love to hear more about your work :grin:

@studentLib25, It is highly unlikely that it will happen during this cycle. Research may benefit you in future, not now. Have you produced any publication yet ? Just an association with a researcher is meaningless. Why do you sound so desperate ? You can always apply via regular route MD and may become a MD. What are you afraid of ?

No, they will never reconsider since they never tell you why they rejected you. Based on what you said you seemed like a smart kid, why are you so desperate for a BSMD program?

Unless T5 guy gives you a great LOR association means nothing.

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@studentLib25 You can reapply next year again to BSMD programs as @SpeedSkater did. May be take a gap year. Your research can be part your application at that time. Agree here with @srk2017 100%. A genuine suggestion is to move on.

Was there anytime in the past a decision about interview for a BS-MD program reconsidered?

@studentLib25, Yes. Iā€™m a reject from last year (4 interviews - Union/AMC, CWRU, Sophie Davis, and RIT/Upstate) and have made it into a few programs this year. AMC has accepted me after rejecting me at the interview stage last year.

If you have a strong reason to pursue a gap year, do it. In my opinion, doing it for the sake of BS/MD may not be worth it. While AMC is an example of a positive outcome, Case didnā€™t care to invite me for an interview this year. Just pointing out how unpredictable the process can be.

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@srk2017 I respect what you bring to these discussions. However, you are wrong on both counts with that statement. Perhaps they are outliersā€¦but, AMC reconsidered me; Upstate provided me feedback on what went wrong with my interviews, something that I was able to work on.

Thank you, @Vicky2019.

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@Lil_Shortay Woohooo! Congratulations. :slightly_smiling_face:


I think never was in reference to new development for current cycle for @studentLib25 and sending new update now would make a difference or not for already rejected decision. Lots of SOMs donā€™t provide feedback, so its indeed school specific, certainly not outliers.
2nd, your success is certainly praise worthy, but your case is indeed an outlier. How many students take a gap year after high school, barring pandemic circumstances and get into BSMD programs afterwards?
Also generally, taking a gap year after UG will be more rewarding than after high school.

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Didnā€™t they reconsider you after a gap year i.e. next cycle? Even schools that give you feedback tends to give partial feedback is what I heard. my DS never asked for feedback from any school though.

Congratulations!. I would take Stanford over MIT and Yale for premed. MIT is known for grade deflation and Stanford for grade inflation and also you will advantage for Stanford medical. I would definitely not to take any BSMD with that kind of results. Remember, more and more schools are offering merit scholarships thru traditional path.

The way I look at it is what do you have to lose by sending them an update? Are they any downsides? I do not think so.
So go ahead and send them a professional email about your new research (and any link of that research to what that particular SOM may be doing) and indicate that you are still interested in their program and request them to reconsider their decision.

However, be aware, the chances of colleges reconsidering this late in the cycle is close to ZERO.

Also, remember BS/MD is your first shot at medicine - not the only shot.
There are EAP options and, of course, the traditional path.

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