Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

IMO, why do you want your DC to go through the BSMD ringer ? Go for regular route and do it once with a 42% (a greater than these BSMDs program) chance of success. May be it is every Indian parent’s wish to have DC try for BSMD. The stats alone do not tell much since most ORMs will have it.

Oh, ok that’s weird. You should email them.

Do DO schools teach about “Keto diet and Intermittent Fasting” as a part for life style change to combat type 2 Diabetes epidemic ? MD schools do not do it, IMO.

Because its a gauranteed acceptance often with no MCAT. It takes out a lot of stress and for some programs u can still apply out if you want. I think its crazy cool to be guaranteed a doctor as a high schooler as long as you keep up grades

I will say my kiddo’s journey was more like throwing a lot of spaghetti at the wall and hoping something stuck. And then he decided some of the noodles weren’t for him :woman_shrugging:t2:

I do think he applied very very broadly and once the acceptances rolled in/the rejections came out, he began to pinpoint more of what he wanted. I asked him if he would have done anything differently and he said “eh.”

Welcome to living with my secondborn. I feel like he saves his good words for others.

MCAT should not be a criteria for choosing a BSMD vs Regular MD. As far as guarantee, no one has guaranteed you that you would be a MD. There are conditions attached which one may not be able to fulfil during UG and beyond. Do you have anything lined up as a BSMD ?

Your D’s problem was she prepared by reading outside material, only BU kids need no prep since in-class teaching is geared for MCAT.

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They use Nitanyanda’s videos :crazy_face:

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Do you guys live next to Old Spaghetti Factory? :slight_smile:

If you are worried about MCAT, how are you going to take Step 2, Step 3 and board exams. It’s not crazy cool, $500K cool to be a guaranteed doctor from HS.

Step1 is P/F but not eliminated yet. Any rumors of that.

Step 1 is P/F and SDN consensus is Program Directors will use Step 2 scores.

thanks much @NoviceDad @GoldenRock @RR3600 @grtd2010 @srk2017 @PPofEngrDr - appreciate your insights on the benefits of MD over DO.

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So MS1/MS2 will still have to slog for Step 1.

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they have to take and Pass, so I won’t say slog, but they have to study for Step 1, except BU students.

Usually, there is 6 weeks or less available for Step 1 preparation in MS2 schedule.

Don’t do it! summers between HS and UG or between UG and medical school are the best time to relax, do something fun. There is absolutely no need to study ahead of college. My DS spent that summer transforming our home to a smart home. It was like 8AM-10PM job for him for few weeks. Also, only summer after sophomore year he started doing some prep for MCAT (while doing research and travelling across Europe).

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should be sufficient I guess. They can do some practice before using Anki or question banks.

Man you are lucky, your S is a handy man too. This may be a blessing.