Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

@helperdad @rk1235rk

Ensure that your child does not change the residency status during undergrad if you want to avail the home state residency.

TX law requires 90% instate residents as students for med. school.

You will do ok with a ACT=33.
Most admissions officers see hundreds of Asian applications for BS/MDs and are always looking for diversity.
You are Caucasian and female - works in your favor.

Apply to your programs, knowing full well that they will be hyper-competitive.
Have your plan B is place but work your best to go after your plan A.

Colleges appreciate a well-balanced profile.
Run with sports wherever you feel appropriate.
Race: With his scores/ profile, it may not be a factor but for BS/MD, being white MAY (again it MAY) work in your childā€™s favor (as most applicants are Asian).

If you apply BROWN PLME ED, you are bound to accept BROWN undergrad even if you do NOT get PLME.
Suggest apply to Brown regular decision if you are keen on BS/MD programs.

Also, apply to all in-state BS/MD programs.


All BS/MD programs are hyper competitive.
Apply to colleges which you want as well as strategically to some colleges you may not be looking now.

Also, all opinions here are based on the limited information you share.

Take all opinions, including from your truly, with that disclaimer in mind.

Good catch @NoviceDad ! I failed to notice that and point out.

Thank you, @NoviceDad . I will add all in-state BS/MDs.

I also want to add other undergrads my list which focuses on premed trackā€¦ Any suggestions you have for that?

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@NoviceDad Thanks! Iā€™m crossing my fingers on this one.

Also, this is unrelated to BS/MD but what do you think about submitting 33 for ivies? They see a bigger mix of applicants and Iā€™m not a minority so do you think I should go test optional for those schools? If Iā€™m able to retake the ACT it wonā€™t be an issue at all, but for now, Iā€™m just preparing for worst case scenario.

Also, does anyone happen to know about GWU merit scholarships for BS/MD students? Iā€™m trying to narrow down my list and GWU is crazy expensive. BS/MD students usually to have amazing apps/stats, so does anyone know the likelihood of getting scholarships (merit) as a BS/MD applicant?

From your list, Cinnci is supposedly strong in state preference in their selections, typically they take 1 OOS, something you may have to weigh in if you are out of state (donā€™t bother what they say on their portal)

Connecticut may be better, but still has in state preference, so I will put it in grey.

UAB also has in state, followed by regional preference (neighborhood 3 or 4 states). You may want to reevaluate your list. Donā€™t know what S2M is.

GWU typically gives a 25-30k price break for each of the undergrad years. But if you are waitlisted for the program and picked from there, you may not get any (happened to one of the students here in the past but he still went ahead for it).

I believe the Northwestern HPME has been cancelled for this year

Few general info points:

  1. Merit aid are given by the school and not by BS/MD program. So review which schools provide merit aid if finance is a key criteria. Search NMS aid, UAB and Oklahoma U, Drexel etc offers. Check the latest list since things change every year.
  2. Any BS/MD programs are extremely small in size, mostly < 10 except few like BU. So unless the program explicitly states it is for IS or Regional (UAB, UMKC), it is not worth analyzing whether the chances are more or less for OOS in program. Case in point, UConn or Cincy. Rather I would strongly recommend to apply to Cincy even if it is just 1 seat. Ohio is one the best state to become IS both in UG and definitely in MD. So folks who are tight in finance, all these are very important.
  3. Any one who has taken ACT or SAT and have decent score (like 33 or 1500 etc), send and state some where if possible, was planning to take if an opportunity arise.

Hi, for GWU BA/MD - this is what it says about MCAT: ā€œproviding an MCAT practice exam score from an online MCAT reviewā€. What does this mean?

@rk1235rk practice exams are typically 4 hrs instead of the full 8 hr MCAT. I think itā€™s just to make sure you know your stuff before matriculating into med school. You donā€™t need to actually take the exam but just show your score from an online practice test. I really like that GWU does this because it gives them a standard of measurement but also saves students the stress of an actual MCAT.

No, there are 4 Full Length actual (retired ??) MCAT practice examinations available on AAMC website for purchase. They can be taken in a simulated actual environment. These are very good in predicting the actual MCAT score. AAMC stands for Association of American Medical Colleges. One should take these 4 FL practice exams before taking real MCAT.

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Any 4 year educational institute will prepare you as a pre-med. A pre-med track is a set of required courses by medical schools ( PSU has an official pre-med major) and a plan when to take these courses. It prepares you for medical school and it is recommended to take all these courses before taking MCAT.

For undergrad pre-med track choose a college where you can maintain high grades plus get opportunity to do your extra-curriculars.
Give a strong look at your in-state colleges plus look for colleges with supportive environment.

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Practically every college publishes freshmen profile and 25 and 75 percentile scores for SAT and ACT. That should help you decide what you want to do.
Remember scores is one factor in the overall evaluation - your extra-curriculars, essays, LORs, and other elements play a role.

We must be lucky to go to a school district that doesnā€™t charge my S anything for HS transcripts. He asked for at least 25 transcripts to be sent last year. I am not sure it was all snail mail though. Isnā€™t there a way for the counselors to submit it electronically? His class is 501 students in Southern California.


Most electronic systems have a fee associated with them. Parchment, Naviance- they all cost money. I have worked in schools where paper was so rationed you had to check it out from the secretary as it was locked up behind her desk. Some schools donā€™t have the money. Or donā€™t prioritize it for that.

My county just got Naviance for this school year- however due to the pandemic and the sheer hell that is working at a school during it, they paused the roll out until next year. Right now we are just trying to keep on eye on kids.