Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)


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Did you apply/have you heard back?

Actually not full. We pay dorm and meals.

Wow . I didn’t know Seton Hall gave full-tuition scholarships. Was it merit or need-based?

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Neither I believe.

Yes, never go by N=1 success or failure stores that too without knowing full details. Most scary stuff you hear is without any details. My S’s friend is at UPenn (he and my S are the only two to get Penn) and got 2 T20s admissions so far but no T5s like my S. He he has strong stats and good research exp but not sure about his volunteering experiences. May be the difference is he didn’t apply to BSMD :slight_smile:

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My daughter got a call yesterday and was offered a position at Upstate.

She has been waitlisted at Brooklyn and has interview with SBU next week- Does anyone have feedback on Stony Brook 2 interviews.

She was rejected by Rice/Baylor.

I did not have much idea on MD process ( son is UT CS) and just grazed at this wonderful and smart kids group- She is Valedictorian but was unfortunately waitlisted at Caltech.


Does anyone know when Drexel will release their BSMD results?

From Drexel website

Late March – The College of Medicine will notify applicants of their BA/BS+MD Early Assurance program decision via Discover Drexel.

Does BU call accepted applicants before decision day? I thought I read that somewhere but maybe I’m just nervous and confusing it with interviews lol.

Does anyone know if Brown already sent out likely letters?

Sooriya2021 - Thats great! If your C is sure about medicine, then you guys should choose Seton Hall BSMD over skidmore.

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@compengineer1 - Congratulations to your D on her upstate BSMD admission

Congratulations @OatAlmSoy

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I have heard Brown doesn’t really send them except for athletes.

Also more depressing- it had 10,000 more applications than usual, a 26% increase.

And 8% of the 46k applicants applied for PLME.

Brutal. That 2% chance is harsh as heck


So that will make this year’s acceptance rate only about 2%?

How many spots are there typically reserved for PLME? I wonder if they’ll increase it

Does applying to PLME reduce your chance of getting into Brown?

@lojo23 @jawacat

Class entering 2019 stats on site say:

Offered admission: 94 (20 ED, 74 RD)

Matriculants: 61 (20 ED, 41 RD)


Thank you for the comment.

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