Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I know last year the GW/GW decisions came out March 20; does that seem like a fairly typical release date? Tried looking at former threads and it seemed like the interviews still went off at a normal time so maybe decisions will…

Also did anyone last year get a notice before the decisions released? Wondering if we get a forewarning or if the news just pops up in the inbox like REMS. I need to be prepared.


Great points and very helpful! I am in New York so neither school is in state for us. Both schools offered a scholarship with UConn’s being the better scholarship. UConn would be less expensive, but only buy $5000 per year which is negligible given the value of an assured medical program. She feels very comfortable with UConn, but also feels that she can’t turn down an offer like this from VCU. A big challenge I’ve had is speaking to parents from VCU. They won’t let me on the parents page until she’s committed to the school. So I can’t really hear about the ups and downs people are experiencing like I can on some other college parent pages. Very frustrating!

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Yeha I just wanted to double major because I love music but I guess it depends on where I go and how open the curriculum is

My friend’s DC to VCU BSMD and seems pretty content there. They are very busy because they plan to apply out. I would recommend my kid take up VCU in a heartbeat especially because they have excellent scholarship and allow applying out.


Agree with @Mom22DDs. VCU is the better option, unless your C is not yet sure about going to medicine. If he/she doesn’t like it there, can always apply out. Don’t worry about any ups and downs at this point.


Lot of colleges and programs got record numbers of applications. So won’t be surprised if decisions for GWU will come out a week or so late this time. I don’t think they send any indicative signals ahead.

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One issue with doing double majors is you may have to do more courses which means less time focus on ECs and more study time. You can do minor music. Anyway, you don’t need to declare major until sophomore year spring semester. Focus on premed class and general education requirements in the beginning and see how it goes.

Yes definitely you can double major or minor as my son is doing BBB(Neuroscience) with Health Management minor with Wharton. Only thing you have take some general requirement that Upenn requires, otherwise is flexible. But my son is taking all premed classes first two years and will finish if the schedule works and will take MCAT like in January of Junior year and May of Junior year, so that time he does not want to take any premed classes so can focus on MCAT.

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yes and yes. DC got in :slight_smile:


Congratulation @saws21 & @OatAlmSoy Did you receive email this morning from Temple? We are waiting on LKSOM through W&J

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we received on the 15th of March. This was PMHS with Temple (not W&J).


We are local to VA.

Not many kids from Cs school opt to go to VCU. VCU is 4 th of the list
UVA/VTech/Georgetown or GW and then comes VCU. But this is for UG.

The opportunities are plenty and campus environment is good though.

Like others mentioned if BSMD is important to my C, she would go there but if UG experience and being at a place where she needs to be challenged, she would choose else where.

Best wishes to your C whatever she decides.

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We are planning to go visit PPM/SKMC during spring break early April. Next week we do have official college visit with UAB EMSAP. Hoping these two trips will help S seal the deal. Although, he is definitely leaning towards UAB at this time.

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Today was hard. Rejected from Johns Hopkins. While as the parent I know this is probably a good thing due to grade deflation, rugged to see this one. He loved this school.

I am fervently hoping we hear from GW soon!

My daughter was awarded full tuition as Westage Scholar at John Hopkins BME. Tough decisions ahead.


DC waitlisted. What would be JHU’s waitlist acceptance rate historically? Does anyone have an idea?
Due to the large number of undergrad applicants received for this year by almost every university, will there be more chances for candidates on the JHU waitlist to get accepted?

I’m sorry to hear that, hang in there.

+1 … Oh well…

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As per me, the major point in favor for Upstate is that of a batch of 168 or so medical students, 60 to 80 students will be BS/MD students. This will create a very different medical school experience. This will also impact Upstate’s competitiveness in the coming years. Upstate also has summer programs for all 4 years for the entire BSMD batch (from all feeders).

I read in one of the brochure that one of the reason for launching this program was to make the school much more competitive.

NJMS results will come out on April 6 right? Will there be a waitlist option too for NJMS ?
Praying .

I was just about to ask this question! I’m so nervous for NJMS results. Also were we ever informed about when results would come out?