Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

which bs/md universities have secondary applications (like how OU requires that you have to be accepted to the university first)?

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@9the0girl7 Off of the top of my head, for UPitt, you cannot request the GAP Medicine application until you apply to Pitt and are admitted, which is why they recommend applying before November 15th IIRC. UCF’s Burnett Medical Scholars is an example of this as well: you have to apply to Honors before a November deadline IIRC to receive the Burnett Medical Scholars application, which was due in February this year.

Most schools will have you apply to both the undergraduate school and BS/MD program concurrently (although most have separate application portals,) but it goes without saying that you have to be a strong enough candidate to be admitted at the undergraduate institution before you can be considered for the BS/MD programs. Admissions websites will spell out their application processes pretty clearly, so they should be your first step when it comes to applying to BS/MD programs.

Hope that helps! Good luck with admissions!


Schools with multiple parts:

These are the ones I can think of, there are probably more.

My D is planning to apply BSMD. Can you suggest few top schools to apply for premed ?

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@MyColConf To name a few:

Rice/Baylor, Boston U, CWRU, U of Rochester, U of Pitt, xxx/AMC, xxx/NJMS, StonyBrook, U of Cinciny, U of Oklahoma, Tulsa, U of Conn, xxx/GW, UAB, NY Public schools

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@GoldenRock has given a good BSMD list. Are u asking for a premed list for regular UG MD route? For premed, any 4 year educational institution will do. For regular route MD, UG GPA and MCAT score are used as the screening criteria when applying to typically MD 20-25 programs. Make sure your D can achieve high UG GPA at the UG institution. There is a very tough competition among ORM’s for BSMD as well as regular MD.
A near perfect high school UW GPA and an excellent SAT/ACT score are desirable for a BSMD applicant.

IMO, For ORM applicants,
Excellent - SAT 1570-1600 is equivalent to ACT composite 36

Good - SAT 1530-1560 is equivalent to ACT composite 35

Fair - SAT 1490-1520 is equivalent to ACT composite 34

Decent - SAT 1450-1480 is equivalent to ACT composite 33

Marginal - SAT 1420-1440 is equivalent to ACT composite 32

Just a little mini celebration

Kiddo typed up the last of his essays for his BSMD programs this weekend. Pending reviews and revisions, he is pretty much done with that part of the application path. He will move on to the traditional schools he has remaining after taking a break for a couple of weeks.

Everyone on here is 100000% accurate in that they are going to burn out from these. He started back in May with getting his common app and why medicine pieces together. He started in August once the prompts were out to work on at least 2 schools a week: his writing and typing, his advisor and me suggesting edits, his reworking (sometimes multiple iterations of this) and then submitting . He has definitely lost his verve for this in the past two weeks LOL!

But applying widely and casting a big net so here’s all my fingers, toes, and my eyes crossed in hopes of that ONE acceptance! 14 schools, now here comes the hard part: the waiting (ugh!!).

Is it too late to take the October SAT for this admission cycle? The August score is not too high( 1st time taking it) ; We are taking the September one but wondering if it will help to take it in October as well. Never took the ACT. Also, could we submit without scores stipulating that we are waiting on them. Trying to figure out best approach. Thank you!

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I would like to get your suggestions and thoughts about the BS MD prospects for my son who is currently in senior year

GPA: 3.91 UW (end of junior year)
SAT: 1550 (finally got his first chance this August after several cancelations)
Math2: 800
BioM: 800 (both were completed in junior year)

Completed : 14
AP Statistics; AP Computer Science Principles; AP Biology; AP European History; AP Physics 1; AP United States History; AP Macroeconomics; AP English Language & Comp; AP Environmental Science; AP Human Geography; AP Physics C Electricity/Mag; AP Seminar; AP US Government & Politics; AP Comparative Government & Public; Few Grad level Math courses at local university
(AP scores: 4’s and 5’s)

Current ones: 2
AP Chemistry
AP Research

Gender: M


  • National merit semifinalist (only one in the school district not sure whether it adds anything)
  • National AP Scholar
    Medical ECs
  • Currently doing EMT courses
  • Research at local university biology lab since 9th grade – No publications
  • Volunteered at local hospital since 9th grade – 100+ hours
  • Shadowing – 40 hours
  • Current summer research related to COVID
    Other ECs
  • Sate level awards in Debate and Speech (within top 100 nationally, not sure adds anything)
  • 1 state level HOSA prize and school leadership positions
  • Sound technician for theater for all the shows since 9th grade and Captain since junior year
  • Worked part time for a year

Initial Questions

  1. What are his prospects for BS/MD based on his profile (of course it involves many other things like essays etc.)
  2. Suggestions about retaking SAT (does he need to or should be ok; we are not sure, even the first one we had drive out of state, which was a great stress)
  3. Suggestions on most prospective schools based on your experience. (We live in Midwest, kind of a rural school district, he is interested in east coast bs/md schools)
    If you need any more information that would help, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

October is not too late.
October generally is the last exam all Nov 1 deadline colleges will accept.

All the best for the Sept test this weekend.

And while it is better to submit with self reported scores, if you are close to your deadline, submit without the scores with an indication that test taken on Oct 3.

Celebrations are in order!
Fully agree on burn-out - something I warn parents when deciding the number of schools to apply.
Praying for your child’s success.

  1. His profile is similar to most students who apply to BS/MD. So apply knowing fully well it is hyper-competitive and have a plan B in place.
  2. No. SAT = 1550 is well within the range. Suggest spend that time on your essays.
  3. Apply broadly - you chances are as good as anybody else.

Note: atleast 10+ programs have a Nov 1 deadline (less than 6 weeks away). So finalize your list of colleges fast and start cranking on the essays.

@NoviceDad Thank you!

It may be helpful if you share more details @MyColConf .
There are 70+ undergrad options for BS/MD programs.

I have a different view on ACT - SAT equivalence.
From my observations, most colleges have practically implied the following:
ACT 36 = SAT 1600
ACT 35 = SAT 1570
ACT 34 = SAT 1540

Also, note for ORMs, unless you have something extremely unique or have a hook they cannot ignore, in most cases, scores less than ACT 34 or SAT 1540 make it very difficult to get an interview for a BA/MD program.
There are always outliers and unless you are one, you should not go by outliers.

For URMs, you may have chance with ACT 33+ or SAT 1500+.

@NoviceDad Thank you for all the inputs. Yes, he has started to work on the common app essay and not sure which schools would be the right ones. He thinks not to submit to everything invariably, like for example Brown, which he feels might not be competitive. Thats where he is looking for some guidance and suggestions.

Is a SAT Math2 score of 740 worth submitting to colleges for BS/MD? could not take again because of COVID/Thanx

Does BU still require SAT Subject exams? I’ve been looking for information about their application requirements, but I can’t find anything beyond their secondary school coursework requirements.

@YoungThriver, BU has gone test optional for this cycle and they have removed information related to tests from the webpage. So, if you have good scores, send them otherwise you can apply test optional.

@rk1235rk Thank you. I’m a junior so I’m hoping to apply next year. It’s just that I’m not taking chemistry until my senior year. If they reinstate the Subject test requirements, I’ll have to self-study for the SAT Chem exam next summer.

@YoungThriver, if I have to guess, I would say most BSMD (and there are not many) that have gone test optional for this cycle, will come back needing the scores in later cycles when ACT/SAT testing schedules come back to normal (post covid). Also, taking Chemistry during junior year is a better choice then taking Physics during junior year (so that you can give SAT subject chemistry). My D took AP physics (we did not know much about BSMDs before) and she studied chemistry on her own during summer to give SAT subject chemistry (which still has not happened because of SAT cancellation). In short, SAT chemistry is valued more than SAT physics and if possible, a student should take AP Chemistry during junior year. IIRC, Northwestern and BU needed SAT Bio, Math and Chem for their BSMD during their previous cycles.