Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Most engineers may not be able to do this much in sales, IMO.


If PHD or MD PHD do not sell how will they get research funding ?

The T20 school have to sell also to get NIH funding

May be most end up working in corporate world?

I already see some MD from Harvard Med school joining consulting and the trend will increase.

May be Elon Musk may enter in medicine and pickup the top ones who knows and pay with Bitcoin. Next generation medicine will be technology driven and will impact these kids and everyone

Nail on the head!!! Teaching selling skills to our kids is very important / irrespective of their carrier choice. :handshake:

Amazon, Apple, Google may eye the healthcare related business entries in a big way, IMO. Amazon has already entered retail Pharmacy.

More samples:

Some of year’s match through RPI/AMC: Neurosurgery (AMC), Vascular Surgery (AMC), Radiology (Brown), Gen Surgery (Rutgers) etc…

Harvard~1 Gap year~ UCF
Harvard ~1 GY~ TJ~ Mt Sinai (Psych)
Harvard~ 2 GY~ SUNY Downstate (No BSMD acceptance)
Brooklyn BSMD~ SD~ Northwell (Neurosurgery) (Turned down Cornell)
Brown~1 GY~NYCOM
Brown~1 GY~SD~ SD (IM then Hemonc)
Brown PLME (Salutatorian from a competitive high school)
Brown~2 GY~NYCOM~Leigh Valley MC (OB/GYN)
Columbia~Mt Sinai (MD/PhD) (Magnet High School)
Cornell~ 3 GY~ U Buffalo
Duke~ 2GY with JHU MPH~ Stony
Duke~ changed major~ Columbia Law
UIC (GPPA)~UIC Med (3 yrs)~ Oxford MS (1 yr)~ Northwestern (Anesthesiology/Fellowship)
MIT~Fullbright Scholarship in Germany~Harvard MS (Turned down Brooklyn BSMD)
NYU~SD (had 4.0 GPA from NYU)
RPI BSMD~ transferred to Yale ~Oxford MS~UC Berkeley Law (Has many patents already!)
RPI BSMD~ stayed at RPI for 4 years by dropping out of the program~ JHU Medical School
RPI BSMD~ dropped from the program since he didn’t maintain 3.5 GPA for 2 consecutive terms
Sophi~SD~Rochester (Anesthesiology)
Union BSMD~AMC~Stony (IM)~Rush (Cardiology)
Union BSMD~AMC~BID (Radiology)
UPenn~changed major due to GPA (No BSMD acceptance)
Vanderbilt~Top 5 MS (Turned down SMED!.. we know this student :stuck_out_tongue:
WashU ~changed major due to low introductory science grades (No BSMD acceptance)
Williams College~NYU Med~ NYU (Radiology) ~UCLA (Fellowship)

As you can see from above examples, there are many different ways to become a physician.
I guess one should ask a question: how much risk am I willing to take? Is it worth it?

If our son did not get into BSMD programs of his choice, I would have recommended him to attend Case Western ($30K/yr scholarship) over Cornell, Northwestern, Vanderbilt and WashU.
Of course, he would have chosen WashU.
Good luck everyone!!!


Grant writing is a little different in the sense NIH is waiting for its dollars to dole out.
It is similar to NGOs writing to Foundations for funds.

It is also similar to Audit firm partners doing β€œsales”. The government laws mandate audit and sales takes on a very different meaning.

It requires skills which are definitely valuable.

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it is like having a captive audience.

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Folks great debate and am learning a lot- I am in WA group of my IIT hostel (AIR 1-200), batchmate etc. group and most have zero knowledge of BSMD ( I being one of the youngest and last to get married as no one wanted to marry(!) has a high school D and others are done while ago and their kids working). They were unanimous in going to IVY/Stanford/Caltech etc. as tonnes of them or kids PhD/UG from these schools. Very few knew BSMD and hence would not recommend ( Like Kupmandak).

I am all for SBU MD and has been struglling to convince D - Think drawback of Engg. family!!! She also has done 6 weeks residential cancer research at SBU so knows SBU.

On related note, can someone comment on relative strength of NY programs:

SBU- MD ( UG BME), UAlbany ( UG Bio as no BME) - Upstate ( Syracuse), Brooklyn ( again No BME) - Downstate, Sophie Davis Medical City College etc.

My gut feeling is SBU supercedes but I dont know much about med schools. Think Brooklyn/City college UG must be few tall bldgs near NYU Engg ( My son refused to join NYU Tanden school of Engg due to 4 bldgs- Desi donated tonnes of $$).

So think safe to assume SBU is best amongst NY based ( cost wise atleast UG is full rides or close to full with tuition max about 10K).

And if med school does not matter, then how does it matter if go to SBU or Brookyln or Sophie or BU or Pitt or Harvard etc. Just go with cheapest school- Am I thinking incorrectly???

It used to be USMLE-1 score which opened doors to many top residencies and medical students started preparing for USMLE-1(a basic science test related to medical school stuff ) from day 1 of medical school. It has been made P/F recently. It is speculated that USMLE-2 CK clinical knowledge test score will substitute for USMLE-1 scores. USMLE-2 CK is taken after completing MS1 and MS2 and doing some clinical rotations.


My examples
Success stories
Declined BSMD (RPI/AMC) β†’ USC(al) Trustee scholarship β†’ UCSD
Declined BSMD (USCal when it existed with Trustee scholarship) β†’ Harvard β†’ Stanford MD/MBA-> Harvard Residency (Dropped out for Healthcare VC)
Rejected RPI/AMC β†’ Stanford β†’ Columbia MD β†’ UPenn residency
UCB-> USC Medical β†’ Yale Urology

Several current UG seniors (Vandy, Stanford, Rice) with multiple As

Alternate paths
JHU with 2 gap years to Full tuition at a new school
JHU with 2 gap years to TX school
UT β†’ Australia (don’t want gap years or DO)
UT->Caribbean (no gap years)->OBGYN match
India after 12th β†’ IM/FM residencies (took 8 years to since 12th so practically no gap year)

Kudos to your wife for surviving with you :crazy_face:

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She wants out of marriage once D joins a school!! She prefers D in Dutchess community college!!

She is a happy gal and does not care about school. I was doing PhD and she UG at UT and I was convinced (!!) by her parents before I was heading to India to find someone who will agree to marry me!! Marriage stories are other fun stories!!

It comes to personal choice. If kid wants to be challenged and wants to be with smartest in the field , can handle the stress and finances are not an issue then go with name brand schools (UG or Medical school) otherwise take the easier/cheaper path. As per BSMD, most of these schools are mid to low tier schools and I suspect kids in BSMD end up staying as a group with less interaction with other UGs. It was like that for my S in HS (school in a poor neighborhood but has good IB program and opened to all other school districts), for most that’s OK but not for other.

So amongst them, safe to assume SBU the best or Upstate with Albany ( UAlbany is worse than SBU UG, I guess) or Brookyln ( perhaps even worse UG)??

SBU medical school is ranked #55 (mid-tier) in Research.

My recommendation always is if you have HYPSM+ or any T20 with full-tuition/full-ride (like my DS) admission go there over any BSMD if your kid think they can handle the stress ( I am not taking about intelligence) and have a plan from day 1. Most kids who had that kind of success will repeat but some fail or have hiccups for variety of reasons (not so rigorous HS, got admission thru some social justice/volunteer experiences/sports, sudden freedom etc…) and need some remedy ie gap years. Some change their career path and go into different fields whish should never be considered as a failure (only ORM parents think like that)


Are you trying to out him as an IBM employee? :crazy_face:

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