Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Getting residency in CA is tough, period. Not having CA residency might make it tougher a bit, but if your DC stands out to be considered, it may not get too much in the way. That said, I told my girls to retain CA residency for now till we know if they want to (even) consider coming back to CA.

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What matter most is UG GPA and MCAT score. One can be screened out before a human eye even looks at your application. Your medical ECs, personal statement, LORs, interview may matter more than any advantage from brand name recognition.


All else being equal (GPA, MCAT, ECs, research, volunteering), someone from a well-known and well-established college known for its rigor will have a strong edge over someone from a lower-tiered college. I don’t know that it is as clean cut as in T20 vs not in T20. Also remember that these well known colleges have better options for research, volunteering and ECs. Unless you DC is capable of identifying those opportunities independently, going to a college that is well-known for premed support is a distinct advantage for traditional route.

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Call FAU and ask them. One does not keep track of such matters unless there is a reason to do so. srk2017 S may have never applied to FAU since S has admissions to UCSF , UPenn medical schools etc. One may try to do a google search.

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AAMC publishes data on UG GPA and MCAT score based grid. There is no data published by AAMC on an institution’s ranking and probability of getting admission to a medical school. There is data on number of applicants ( >50) from schools.

My input is based on how we compare two identical candidates for Intern roles in tech. I should not have assumed the same for MD. Are you saying UG is irrelevant if all else is equal? I stand corrected then, apologies and thank you.

I still would hold that a school that is well-ranked is often well-funded (for research opportunities). I would rather send my DC to a school well-known for pre-med support and research vs a low-tiered school if she is doing traditional route.

I don’t keep track of any school requirements. My only association with FAU is I took one course there and used hang out with grad students back in 90s😀

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Medical schools claim college name is least important but they do have some bias towards Schools like Harvard and Stanford. May be 517 MCAT vs 520.


What are you D’s choices? At this stage general discussions are useless.

So there was some brief discussion on CMU. CMU during application process does not allow choosing BME but indicates choose other engineering and then you can take classes etc. to get BME UG.

Today there is a email from BME ( perhaps because D’s essay was related to BME) indicating seminar how to be BME major while being ChE major ( double or single etc.).

Usually whenever school does not have BME, they call ChE as ChE and Biomolecular Engg. etc. ( NYU, CMU etc.) although at UG it is mostly ChE( thermo, kinetics, fluids etc.) with few electives that could be BME. However at PhD, you can be 100% biomed ( depending on your advisor) in ChE ( UT has few topnotch biomed professors in ChE).

So the question is- is there any advantage to CMU BME?? Think @srk2017 mentioned something CMU with UPSOM. We dont have financial package yet from CMU. JHU ChE is also called Chemical and Biomolecualar Engg. Obviously ChE is much broader discipline compared to BME ( like mech/aero or ChE/Petroleum).

Any feedback of advantage of CMU BME ( assuming financial package is generous!) for med schools in general and UPSOM in particular ( perhaps same logic as JHU Biomed and JHUSOM!).

This year CMU is not separating engg. branches meaning you are admitted to college of engg. and choose a major at end of 1st year. During my sons time and before, it was difficult to get ECE and virtually impossible to change to ECE ( ECE locked at admission unlike this year - UT also locks at admission and virtually impossible to change). D had chosen ChE 1st choice and sciences as second ( allows 2 choices) and usually folks choose CS ( in science) and ECE ( in Engg.) if engineering focused.

There is no advantage with doing BME or any other major except for the one new school in Urbana, IL which is for engineering graduates. CMU kids can do research at UPSOM.

Didnt understand- BME at UIUC or some new school- What is the advantage if BME at UIUC if that is the case- If other school than UIUC, it is irrelevant as D has only UIUC BioE

search online Carle Medicine.

Only school that gives value to engineering major is

To add here, i believe they take in only 32 students.

As of this morning, We are considering StonyBrook BSMD (10K scholarship/yr) Vs Univ of Southern CA (USC) Premed UG half Tution Vs UT Dallas Premed UG Full Ride offers.
Waiting for few more. Game will continue until April 9th. :grin:

Stay in TX and take advantage of low tuition for medical schools.

@BSMDMomofD - one Should never take out from 401K to finance education. One is eligible for educational loans. On the other hand, no one will give a loan for retirement.

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We are OOS for both NY and TX :slight_smile:
Move out to NU or TX or anywhere option is difficult for DC’s parents.

Think UT Dallas should be out unless $$ is important. Choose wisely between SBU MD and USC (good school).

I think I am going to wait few more days before getting more confused and bothering many folks here but great people- Thank you folks!!! Think D knows what she wants to do -firm in her decision and does not care about choices!

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