Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

You can commit to ONE school by May 1, deadline ( need to pay deposit) but can be on several waitlists. If you get in from waitlist, you can ditch your first choice. So Caltech and Harvard are still possible for your D.

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Be careful about UPENN if your DD is planning to apply to any grad school. Apparently the OPPOSITE of grade inflation there- rather every. class has a forced curve. Med schools give a lot of emphasis on the stats,i.e., College GPA & MCAT score

I had heard Harvard has to accommodate 300 deferrals from last year, usually it is ~100. So not sure how that may impact current waitlist. I would plan based on only acceptances.

I am a new user to CC. We just committed to Uconn SpiM program. Any advice appreciated. We never heard back from NJMS and DC liked the Uconn Campus


I whole heartedly say go for JHU BME and don’t get bogged down by Ivy league craze. Remember we gave up UPenn and JHU BME for Vandy money even though it’s not Ivy and he got into same medical schools.

Is it not everywhere premed classes curved to weed out students ?

never heard UPenn as grade deflation school.

in 2017 they took zero from WL

You have convinced me and I am all for free rides after seeing son.

But damn what do I do with determined D!

Btw CMU gave penny- 10K.

I can also move to Texas- UT gives full ride to Vals ( instate only) or CA if that guarantees MD.

Think will keep JHU in loop, C and SBU MD. She is for C, I for SBU or JHU and then let the chips fall where they may!!!

So, again what are your D’s preferences?

Trying to make some decisions…any input will be greatly appreciated! This is what I have so far…NJIT NJMS (in-state), GW/GW, BU SMED, UChicago (50% tuition), Duke, and UPenn. I am planning on studying biomedical engineering. Also looking at ortho/sports. Thank you all for all your help throughout this process!


UPenn, go big and have chance to soar or BU SMED. Someone who was able to get into Duke and Upenn may not enjoy NJIT.

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UPenn or NJIT/NJMS BSMD may be two top choices, IMO. UPenn may give you an opportunity to get into UPenn Medical school, no guarantees. NJIT is like a little India.


@medman16 what are you leaning towards?. Can justify most of those choices - would probably have GWU and UChicago pre-med lowest on your list

I’m in a similar situation. GW/GW, BU SMED, or NJMS IMO. Personally, I am leaning towards GW/GW.


I am leaning towards NJMS or UPenn. NJMS because of flexibility in undergrad, good specialty match % in residencies, and lower cost.


DS got into Brown. Waitlisted Harvard.


Did DS get into PLME?

Are you going to choose Ivy over CWRU PPSP ? A tough call.

Can you post an update on your son’s medical school acceptances through the traditional pathway and which extracurriculars he did?