Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Sure and for the same reason we opted for Instate BSMD and Brown PLME. Before BSMD came into picture Duke was the number one choice for both BME and the premed path.

Oh thats good to know. Do you know if one completes UG early ( in 3 years) can they go on to med school or should they take gap year.

@NoviceDad - Any particular reason to look into Rice for UG

Good luck @Bamd2023, the rigor of high school is only going to help whichever path the student takes, as we found out in our own C’s experience.

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Don’t know for sure, but going by what others here shared of typical 8 year programs like Hofstra and others, they normally don’t allow earlier matriculation into med school than anticipated. The choices are to involve full fledged in research (probably paid), pursue a double major etc if still wants to continue on campus.

One can probably take a gap year and probably work full time or focus on applying to other med schools during that time. Better get the complete picture by talking to the school officials and/or students already in the program.

can anyone advise on uva for pre med?

it may be a very competitive scene at UVA. Check this out.

You must be smart to get into uva, but the problem is too many smart kids to compete against. Obviously the faculty is not going to give As to all of them in every class. As a result, it’s kind of grade deflated. As just mentioned above if you are from a rigorous high school like TJ you may not have to worry much. But again as I gather the classrooms there are filled with lot of TJ kids too.


If you are looking for undergrad path, RICE offers a lot to students.
Research, cooperative environment, access to medical centers nearby, a robust student body and more.

If you are looking at BS/MD path, of course, UConn is an option.

Fact is there is not a single class in any major in any college that gives ‘A’ to every student in that class, including BS/MD colleges and students. Even BS/MD students earn less than ‘A’ in some classes. That is not an end of the world.

As one advances academics, their pool is getting narrower and narrower and competition increases, otherwise every BS/MD student become cardiologist but reality is different. To suggest that one who is less competitive at high school level by BS/MD standard will remain less competitive rest of life is a fallacy. Fact is lots of high school kids don’t have opportunities to fulfill medical ECs like top high schools provides. That doesn’t translate as less rigor, but just the lack of opportunity and once those kids gets those opportunities they do perform. Don’t let likes of TJs to dismay anyone.
@symere trust in your abilities and don’t fall for fear mongering.


In general state flagship public schools have lot of students in weed out classes so grades will be little harder, but if you work hard and smart you should be fine. I would say don’t jump into research or other heavy ECs in first semester and focus on getting adjusted and doing well in classes. Also, don’t go to every party :slight_smile:

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Or get an MBA in that year!

Which major? My daughter got in as well and is talking to a few students. She is interested in neuroscience and they only let 25 sophomores to major in neuro. Also some of her HS upperclassmen talked about grade deflated weed out classes.

Unless it’s a combined program, I doubt you can do MBA in one year.

I know a GAP student who did MBA in the 4th year from GW before going to Pitt SOM

You probably need to plan ahead and apply and typically it’s 1.5 year mixed with MD or BS. Upenn and Stanford have MD/MBA programs.

GW Is a different school and it does not make sense

It is like PLME prgram allowing you to do external school MBA from Harvard same time within 4 years and keeping your seat in the MD program

I may be wrong but I think these BS MD program have contractual obligations and prefer you to do research or med related EC rather than enrolling in other degrees as these are not joint MD MPH or MD MBA programs which are after Bachelors

Always you can do MBA and MPH after MD without a joint program ?

Why it does not make sense. He is local to GW area and so decided to do MBA before going to med school.

So finished bachelors in 3 years and for one year instead of research did MBA ? If that is correct he must be very smart

Below is our understanding and experts can chime in

Contractually you sign the contract and most of BS MD programs expect you do medical related EC or research during summer or abroad volunteer programs if you finish early

HPME allowed gap years may be @NoviceDad can confirm if they allow non med related enrollments to NU MBA program

Yes he is TJ Alum. Very high achieving kid. Admitted to UPitt-GAP. And finished MBA before attending SOM. Will try and get more details when we meet him/his parents.

Most of TJ kids usually start research from HS sophomore summer. They start researching at NIH and/or with local scientists.