Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

My take here, agree NYU or UPenn or Kaiser, UCLA gives merit aid and try to attract only that caliber students who has already got admission at that level.

But the reality out of the 50000+ students who applied in any cycle, only few hundred got in to T20. The same few hundred gets multiple offers and these well funded with billion $ endowment keeps the tug of war. Not the remaining 19500 students who matriculate will not get a dime.

It is sad medical education is so expensive and many folks who can not afford that much. Inequality continues it (don’t want to get into different topic). Kaiser and to greater extent UCLA will give that 50 seats to underserved population but not sure other free schools which attracts merit aid.


Let’s say, we agree to disagree.

I disagree on agree to disagree :rofl:

True, but fear of failing shouldn’t discourage smart kids. How many get into Harvard and Stanford for UG? My DS couldn’t get into either one for UG but he did well with medical school admission. He still couldn’t get into them though, received Harvard interview (900 out of 9000 applied) but no admission.

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Hi everyone! I have been accepted to the GW/GW and Stony Brook BSMD programs. I would appreciate any advice on deciding between the two programs. SBU is the more affordable option, but I would appreciate any advice in terms of pros and cons of both programs. Thank you so much!


As we are definitely torn with making decisions between MIT and Princeton, and ofcourse we have Penn State BSMD.

But was looking for graduate statistics for both schools and see which one has more medical school placement. But I could not find any data at both Princeton and MIT. If anyone has that information, would really appreciated. My guess would be Princeton might have more placement than MIT. But still want to look at the data.

And my son is so confused and do not know what to decide as both will be hard to get the high GPA, but wants to go to one of those two.

Thank you all for your help.

You know I am an engineer and we optimize everything - in Math we call it Dy/Dt limit until it goes to zero.

Just weighing all options on table.

Not sure $$ remain if move to Science but within Engineering secured so can easily change to ChE ( perhaps ChE folks dont care about MD- atleast I didnt and also broader and better branch just in case she does not want MD).

I am now tiltting towards C or BHU eliminating SBU- Earlier it was equal weightage.

Dont blame me if I change mind again- Damn this Harvard/Caltech Waitlist - Life would have been easy if one was in pocket!!!

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Unsolicited advise if it helps.

If D had Harvard, I would only come here for advising kids.

I would take Harvard/Caltech and MIT over any MD or any other school- But thats me. I know the caliber of these kids and have professor friends who went or have kids in these schools.

Dont shortchain your son for state school. Wish we were not waitlist or had applied REA.

Let the chip fall wherever they may after 4 yrs.

But thats me and coincidently my D agrees 100% on this.

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Go with MIT if tecchie type and Princeton if balanced.

For MD, you have tonnes of opinion here.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Its inspiring ofcourse to see kids succeed in life!

In real world, full merit scholarships (even if tution only) in T15 UG and Medical school are rare. So, I reserve my judgement. Some questions I have-

  1. First of all, what qualifications do they have? What awards/accolades did they win that they were given this scholarship? Did IVY give these opportunities to all students? Or do you have to compete and only top 1-2 IVY students get these awards?
  2. Is it worth it for students to join IVY after paying 330K for UG, and another 400K for medical school? thats a lot of money?
  3. Instead of IVY if students opt for full ride UG
  4. What is their EFC? Do their parents have multiple kids in college at the same time?
  5. Are their parents medical professionals or in top research positions that make it easier for the students to be involved in these opportunities which otherwise are not possible for normal students?

If I am taking risk, I need to understand what is the likelihood of success and what is the ROI for risk compared to ROI for less risky route.

Completely understanding the pros/cons before taking the decision is important. Organizations conduct threat modelling/risk assessments/SWOT analysis etc. before deciding on make/buy.

I feel any decision should also follow the same model. No extremes and very carefully whetted decision making that fits your family/Child is needed.


Actually PLME does allow students to take time off to pursue other opportunities like getting a PhD or Harvard MBA , or job exp before starting med school- apparently the longest time between matriculating Brown College undr PLME and starting Warren Alpert Med School is 14 (!!!) years.

I am only speaking to potential medical school scholarships and more and more schools are going in that direction. Most kids I know don’t qualify for need based scholarships but schools are competing now and willing to negotiate.

Check this thread if CC allows the link. Both school went into bidding.

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We both agree on this and I am also true believer ‘fear should not stop’ in making decisions. Folks should not assume just because got in to BS/MD, you have reached Nirvana state and don’t have to sweat during UG/MD/Residency etc.

At the same time, the point here is, if the student truly believes you are going to be one of the top 500 students who will matriculate out of 50000 students every year go for it with the following foot notes.

  1. Need to walk the talk in the next 4 years.
  2. Now you are competing only with fellow HS students of a single year, in MD you will be competing with multiple year students who may have had time to do many things which you may or may not have time during your 4 years UG.

My key point is don’t assume MD school will give you the fruits on the platter (merit aid) for you just because you went to Ivy or T20 UG schools and you need to earn (not just by getting top scores alone since you are good test taker).


Harvard MBA/Wellesley UG from the last century here. No question - Brown PLME- don’t walk, run!!

I have advised DS currently a junior AGAINST applying to Harvard UG (his father is CalTech UG/ Harvard Physics PhD). You’d be walking on eggshells and in a very large student-body (of course nothing like the public state univs) where TAs teach most of the classes. So you would have very little contact with all these famous Harvard College profs we see on TV. Brown, OTOH, is totally focused on its UG pop. which makes up 80% of its entire student body. ALL profs are required to teach UG classes & have open office hours. As I said, no question


Here again it is UPenn vs Chicago. Both are T10-20. My point if a student believes you are going to get in to T10, absolutely take the risk and work hard. But not for all medical colleges.

Again I am posting not based on any stat. The only basis is have read each and every posts from SDN and CC related to medical college admission in BS/MD and after UG for the last 4+ years. Both failed and successful students posts.


I agree on UG teaching quality between Harvard and schools that focus on UG teaching. However don’t you think Harvard brand will help if kid wants to go for prestige. My N=1 gave up USC BSMD with full UG tuition 10+ years back and his path is Harvard → Stanford MD/MBA-> Harvard surgery (before he quit for VC).

When you appealed to Brown, I hope you attached the images of the award letters from Stanford and Duke. Pls let us know if they match. My expectation is that they would but this has been a very odd year.

Wishing it will happen soon. Hoping on this both you and D are on the same page and the twisted drama ends with happy path. GL

Contractual obligation etc NOT true for Brown PLME.
T.O.T.A.L.L.Y. differentmodel from all the other BS/BA-MD programs.