Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Oh ok! Thanks for the clarification

Harvey Mudd email

"We know many families wonder if the investment in Harvey Mudd will be worth it. Let us reassure you about the value of an HMC education. Our alumni have among the highest average mid-career salaries of graduates of any other college or university and attain PhDs at a rate higher than any other liberal arts college; the Class of 2020 had a median starting salary of $112,500.

These outcomes may be expected from a school where the vast majority of students are graduating with degrees in STEM fields, but we know the reason our students are so in demand is their ability to think critically, write well, work effectively in teams, and work across disciplines. Our alumni are known as “translators” in their offices and graduate programs because they can communicate their work in the most technical terms but also to those who may not have the same technical background. We know that it won’t matter how accomplished our students are if they can’t communicate the work they are doing.

The impact that our graduates are making in the world is far greater than our small size would suggest. We teach our students how to learn. Therefore, there is no shelf life on their Harvey Mudd degree."

This is a good marketing to buy into HMC UG.

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If independent of MD, You can finish PhD in 4 yrs after BS- Most smart kids do and most top schools are R&D oriented and you dont need MS. For example at UT, most kids with BS finish PhD in 4 yrs and no MS needed for ChE.

Now our AIR 1 from alien world was invited by Feynman to Caltech full ride at 16 ( one semester at IIT B), finished Caltech UG at 17 and Harvard PhD at 20- He only talks quantum physics, relativity etc. and so on and I have no clue what he says whenever he talks!!

Well puts me in real world that this universe has too many geniuses and I am happy to be not going hungry and have food on table with limited knowledge!!

IMO, 2.9 percent of those from BSMD path could not make due to not meeting academic requirements in medical school vs 1.3% for MD only. There is no mention of failing to meet BS/MD requirements for matriculation into medical school. This data has not been made available to public, IMO.

Tried to understand Black holes, not quite sure yet how they are formed in this universe. Do you understand ? Can something escape the speed of light ?
"If you find science boring you’re learning it from a wrong teacher. " a quote by Richard Feynman

I can give you his contact- He can guide you in a minute- the problem would be if you can understand!!!

Quantum physics is the solution to human problems- Not the buzz word Artificial Intelligence in CS or inflammation in health!!

You see all CEOs talking nonsense how AI can solve all our problems!! My CEO friend was saying that to Jim Crammer and Jon Fortt on CNBC the other day! America knows how to market and so do IVYs!!!

Get back to AAMC data :slight_smile:

Ask him to give scholarship to your D.

The radius at which a mass has an escape velocity equal to the speed of light is called the Schwarzschild radius. Any object that is smaller than its Schwarzschild radius is a black hole – in other words, anything with an escape velocity greater than the speed of light is a black hole.

On non humerous note, D did summer project in Astrophysics and currently taking Astronomy and Astrophysics at Columbia Science Honors Program. Will see what she has to say about black holes.

Think all these Astronomy and Cosmology folks are beyond me- I also dont understand Indian Astrologers that can easily make or break a marriage!!!

Which do you prefer? I would personally go with SBU since the medical school is better

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I was leaning towards RPI because it is 7 years. How much better is the medical school? Thanks!

because most of the CEO’s are from Ivies and whole Ivy model is to market. Interesting endowment discussion is awaiting.

But Medicine is research based and model is different from management and if it was so then all Top NIH funding will go to Ivies and you won’t have much left for Schools like JHU and others

Medicine or Pharma CEO also talk a lot of nonsense on CNBC - Pfizer CEO sold tonnes of stock after boasting of Vaccine ( stock stuck in 30s for decades and went to 42 or so the best and now again in 30s).

And Moderna CEO when it was in 50s would boast and sell and boast and sell.

Obviously at that level, selling to CNBC or audience is what matters.

And Robinhood and Coinbase and so on

Welcome to SDN @compengineer1

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CEO role is all number game

I feel bad for techies and MD PHD in that role

The difference is quite significant imo; one is a mid tier school (SBU) while the other is a low tier school (AMC). What does this mean? I took a look at both of their 2021 and 2020 match lists (in particular I look at internal medicine matches). Over the past 2 years 15/38 (39%) SBU students matched at what I would consider ‘Top 30’ IM programs whereas 4/53 (8%) matched at such programs coming from AMC. Going to a top program may not matter if you plan to prusue private practice, but I think overall going to the better medical school keeps more options and career paths on the table


The theoretical Schwarzschild radius is much less than the practical Event horizon.
And let’s not get into Hawkins radiation and loss of information inside a black-hole.

Anyway we digress - this thread is for BS/MD students and path to medicine - not astrophysics.

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Both are good.
What are the cost differences?
Did Stonybrook give you any scholarships?
Have you visited the colleges and spoke to students? Where do you feel at home?

SBU is a 8 year program but is in one location.
It is also a little isolated in Long Island tough much closed to NYC compared to Albany or Rochester.

SBU medical school may have a slight edge than AMC.

I am leaning towards SBU.