Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Yes, around 20-25 seems to be the usual intake at T20 private UG/SOM. Some seems to get thru WL i.e. sometimes they waitlist them if stats are high and they think they will go to another school. Schools play yield game.

FYI, April 30, 2021 is PTE (Plan to Enroll) deadline and one can only keep ONE acceptance as PTE as per AAMC protocol. PTE allows one to be on multiple waitlists (WL) with ONE acceptance declared as PTE choice. Decision time for your DS.

BSMD candidates have an easy task since there is only one possible PTE choice on April 30, 2021. BSMDs do go through AMCAS when they matriculate to their respective medical school and follow AAMC protocols.
BSMDs need to do medical ECs, leadership activities, research etc to fill out the AMCAS sections. One should check with individual BSMD program to be sure of the requirements.

Yeap, still trying decide between T1 & T2 (PD ranks). He has a final also tomorrow in a tough course.

Just wondering, why are so many Indian people enrolling to NSU in Florida. I believe it is DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE school.

NSU has both types of medical schools

  • MD medical school with 50 seats
  • DO medical school with ~240 seats

most go to DO if they donā€™t get into MD. Both are very similar. DO schools have higher enrollment that may be the reason you are seeing more.

Is there any data on how many NYU ( or Columbia since both in NYC) UG end up at NYU med school?

NYU is free ride in ChemBE- Last day complication!!!

Given its free tuition I doubt they will have same in-house advantage than others. My vote is still for JHU BME.

While is tough to make decisions between MIT, Princeton and Penn State BSMD. As only one day left, does anyone have sample letter of decline admission offer as want to send letter to few schools.

thanks, but most of them are enrolling as UG. maybe it might be easier to get into their SOM for MD or DO?

I believe they give lot of scholarships and yes home field advantage will be there at most schools.

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Think may have mentioned before- no point in confusing at this stage but go for MIT if Techie and Princeton if liberal arts/STEM blend. Kid is bright enough that he will get atleast Penn State and am sure top school- You do UG only once- Go for Moon!

My analysis have come to above conclusion.

However at your own risk and if Kid/you think otherwise.


@muscarf 110% agree with @compengineer1 response. Go for regular UG. Teeny weeny biased towards MIT. S/he will be successful to get into MD later or whatever career choice/change, as long as continues to take efforts towards any goal. GL.

The final explanation when every other admission theory falls apart. Yield protection!!! Thereā€™s absolutely to evidence to this crap.

In reality, Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that NOBODY knows how adcoms operate, and experts who claim to know it all are only spewing theories.

If thereā€™s so much that you know about Yield Protection, please provide ONE report based on empirical study.

Advice to self: Take the goddamn guaranteed MD that you have now!

Iā€™m out. I wish everyone the best in the world.

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Lol, I like the meme, even though it is not factual. Please educate yourself what is exactly yield protection is before asking for evidence. I donā€™t blame you for lack of knowledge.
No need to run away like others, who only shows up in admission cycle and then donā€™t bother to report how they do in their college.

I appreciate you participating in the debate but this not what I expected from you! Since you are a kid I donā€™t want to say anything more.

I never said I wonā€™t ever come back again. Then again, I canā€™t stop you from you making those assumptions. :slight_smile:

Keep up the spirit and enjoy the rest of school days and summer.

As you had edited your response, I would guide you to look at here Does yield-protection exist?

Thank you! I donā€™t plan to hangout here like some of you helpful people here who come back to provide advice to applicants. I will still be around to respond to any queries and will come back to post experiences to help the future applicants.

All I request for from some of the experienced people was to provide some concrete evidence on things and not make assumptions.

For example, I understand why yield protection can be a thing to adjust to the moving target of acceptances vs matriculation. Tufts and BU as universities and Boston as a city are always in the center of the conversation related to yield protection and these two universities are allegedly known for this practice too. But, thereā€™s no study, no report, no nothing and we are only shooting in the air when we claim to know how this all works and point as a reason why somebody gets into a particular school or more often times not admitted (when it fits their argument.)

So, one more timeā€¦Iā€™ve been to the end of the internet and back a few times. If you have special access on Google to go beyond, do us a favor and post the link to study here (not conversations or theories.)

Once again, thank you for all the valuable contributions you make to this BSMD aspirantsā€™ community year after year.