Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Are you talking about Rice WL here ? IMO, do not expect much movement but a few may be lucky to get in.

Congratulations on SBU BSMD selection by your DS. Enjoy your DS BSMD journey at Stoney Brook in NYC during next 8 years.
If one has gone through previous years threads, some have expressed the need for casting a wide net in quest for a BSMD seat. Some have in past cycle and this cycle(@Mom22DDs case) have applied to nearly 25 BSMD programs. The whole BSMD process is very unpredictable. One needs a strategy to weigh in efforts vs reward in terms of a realistic probability of success.


We have withdrawn from few BSMDs- Hope someone here gets in. Good luck to all smart kids here.

We will perhaps shoot for Moon- Let the Chip Fall Where it May!


So what was your D’s decision after May 1 dead line ? It is May 2 today.

IVY day is May 3 - Cornell came with package Friday and extending acceptance deadline- Few top schools in same boat- Another week may be.

Perhaps compared to others here, D has been sure since beginning. I have been waivering. Few MDs also assured her that she will perhaps easily make to average MD schools and perhaps not happy at UG schools unless top ones. I will abide by her decison- All is gamble but hope it works out.

So what are possible universities left now - Columbia, UPenn, Cornell and JHU ( my guess only, in that order). UCLA and UCB were already out, IMO.

Your D will be successful in becoming a MD whatever university or path she chooses, IMO.

in our push to secure a seat, my son filled out applications to schools he would not have really wanted to attend.

Looking back, we could have cut out about 6 or 7 applications. But he says he has no regrets in how wide of a net he cast- he said it’s like how some days Dad brings home 9 fish and some days he brings home just a sunburn- and no point in trying to figure out the results before the application :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I tell my students someone has to be one of the lucky ones- you are guaranteed a no if you don’t try.


Thank you @rk2017
Yes, as a parent I too thought “StonyBrook BSMD" was an obvious choice between StonyBrook BSMD and USC premed UG with half Tuition.
But seems there was some hype/craziness in DC’s high school, as on an avg only 1 student gets Stanford admission every year and some 4-5 students get into USC and about 15-17 get UCLA and so on. Some of DC’s classmates cheered for USC, not knowing anything about BSMD (forget StonyBrook) program at all. LOL.
UG prestige came in to picture obviously because USC is one of the target schools for most local high school students. At the end of the day, College choice ultimately falls on the student and family, and finally, DC picked Stony Brook BSMD as the ultimate choice. Remembering proverb…you can take a horse to water pond, but you can’t make it drink…LOL :grinning:


Ignorance is bliss :slight_smile: .

Good that hardly anyone in your C’s high school knew about BS/MD or Stony Brook. Otherwise unnecessary competition. In some parts of the country hardly anyone knows about these programs and in some they are hugely popular resulting in cut throat competition. But lately more and more top students of different high schools across the nation are becoming aware and applying for these.

Generally when these programs receive multiple applications from the same high school they cap the number of candidates for interview at say 3 or so and it’s rare for them to offer acceptances to more than 2 (even that is very rare).

We actually lucked out during C’s cycle few years ago. A valedictorian student couple of years prior to their batch was turned down by the same program C ended up getting selected to and landed in. Fortunately the top few students in their batch were either not aware or interested in this route or medicine as a whole, so no competition. Also in the batch next to theirs, the valedictorian applied and got selected to the same program and enrolled.

Now that your C has shown a new trend and path, may be more awareness and competition in their high school going forward :slight_smile:

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At my school myself and a close friend of mine where the only ones to apply to any BSMDs (however, my friend only applied to Baylor and Rice’s even though I advised against it :sweat_smile:). Not a lot of top students at my school go into medicine, almost all of them go into some form of engineering. Therefore, I am the first student in my school to ever be accepted into any BSMD, as few at my school ever even consider pre-med (although nursing is popular). My school also doesn’t do valedictorian, however, they have a close yet more holistic equivalent which my friend and I receive, however, past “valedictorians” at my school almost all went into engineering (except one I know went into pre-med at Wooster). My small town has very few interested in medicine to say the least :woman_shrugging:

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@PPofEngrDr - I see. Makes sense. Just out of curiosity -your response made me look at some ivy league colleges and I found that the number of students differs quiet a bit even among ivy’s

Cornell admitted 5,836 students to the Class of 2025
Dartmouth has offered admission to 1,749 applicants to the Class of 2025
UPenn enrolls a first-year class of 2,400 students across all of its colleges
Columbia enrolls 1400 to class of 2025
Princeton offered 1498 to class of 2025
Harvard offered 1968 to class of 2025
Yale offered 2169 to class of 2025

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Similar for my son. If students even apply to something beyond community college, UF is probably the “reach” school they shoot for and most will do something with business.

Our county is divided very sharply between north (which is much much more affluent) and south. My son is the only kid to ever apply for a BSMD in south county, which has 4 high schools. Even the IB kids on our side don’t apply to BSMD.

The lack of interest in medicine in my area is actually kinda shocking since I am from the Chicagoland which has a lot of top-notch hospitals. However, my town is right on the boarder of Wisconsin, so I feel my town reflects more so the rural Wisconsin vibe as opposed to the liberal Chicago suburb side :joy:

Yeah, if I recall correctly, during C’s batch 3 students ended up going to Princeton. Don’t remember what the valedictorian chose at Princeton, guess something in sciences itself, but the other 2 guys went for Physics (with Princeton being top in that) and financial engineering. The salutatorian didn’t get into Princeton and went to JHU BME. Few other top students went for either business or engineering (some even to the local flagship state school).

The following year was different though, both valedictorian and salutatorian chose to go to BS/MDs.

Yeah, their school doesn’t do rankings either, but by the end of 7th semester the top two rankers, weighted gpa wise, will come to light, even though lot of guess work precedes even as early as a year prior to that with people rooting for their friends. Will be handy to share in the interviews for them both.

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Please share your stats+ perspectives in the results thread, if you have not done so already.

Thank you @compengineer1 and @GoldenRock, finally committed to Princeton as he wants more liberal arts/stem blend education with minor in global health/public policy/finance and has computation biology that he wants to do also and incase if he does not like than he has more options at Princeton. And he thinks Princeton is best fit for him as an premed route, mean he still has doubt about MIT he is going to regret letting go of either one, but has to pick one as final choice. So will hope for the best at the end, but he is very motivated so that’s good. Of course we are also biased towards MIT, but is his choice after all.

As he researched and met with both prehealth advising MIT has like 77% matriculate rate while Princeton has over 90% matriculate rate to med schools. But not sure why MIT as less as could never find out. And he is 100% sure he wants to do medicine.

Also Princeton has program with Thomas Jefferson Medical School that you can apply Sophomore year, but he is going to lean towards hopefully top med school and apply after 4 years which we know is not guarantee at all. But he want to take that risk. And we have no doubt that he will definitely succeed at either school.

Thank you all very much for all the advice given in this thread.



Congratulations to your D and family and good luck!

I have noticed a very similar text in your results as the previous poster, with regards to publications and others. Is it because of a coincidentally very similar profile or because you may have used the earlier poster’s text as a template and edited it but forgot to delete something before posting? I suspect the latter since you said your D didn’t have a publication subsequently.

If so, please edit the post.


Congrats. At this point it does not matter what any other colleges are. As long as your child is focused from day 1 and enjoy Princeton and utilize all the opportunities of the top college, he can get in to any medical college in the regular route. GL