Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Here is news for you, don’t dream about going into private practice in any big city in 10 years.

Not as knowledgeable about NY state med schools, but heard good things about Upstate. Also remember someone commenting on last year’s thread that Downstate students do end up in their top choice and notch residencies. May be you want to search for the key word and private message that poster for more details? Also think Brooklyn college is the feeder for Downstate and has decent reputation? though the location may not be ideal.

All these are 8 year programs, correct? If so they may be flexible with allowing the students of their programs to explore out and apply out while still retaining their seats (most 8 years do so except for Brown).

Also if your C doesn’t find the course work challenging can try overloading by taking an additional course each semester and finish the undergrad in 3 years or even less. The additional year can perhaps be spent on research, taking a gap year to relax before med school or taking up a full time job etc even if one were to continue with the same medical school.

Don’t worry about the caliber of the general student populations there. One can surely find like minded and calibered students in these programs and other top performing honors students to hang around with and bond together.

Some of the things you may want to find out discuss with your C.

Anyone got into BSMD in a top 100 US institution please let me know if you submitted a test score! I live in LA (cases are still high), and am debating whether or not it is worth it.

Thanks :")

This isn’t super helpful as far as a program you can apply for since it’s only Illinois residents, but for reference I got into UIC GPPA test optional.

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Just proof of how wonky admissions can be:

His Emory acceptance came with almost zero merit aid.

Kiddo got waitlisted at Georgetown (I told him his dreams of re-enacting Ratatouille with one of their rats has been dashed)

And denied at CMU.

Just a reminder to all the kids lurking- there is no real expectations for admission! Make sure you have that true safety school in your back pocket, sooo many of my students don’t calculate for that safety correctly.


Deja Vu! Same thing happens in the BS/MD too, C got into the program of top choice few years ago (which we had a 5% chance hope of despite making to interview) and denied by what C considered safeties at that time. At all stages, no response to applications, forwarded supplements, no interviews following supplements, denied after interviews even though felt quite confident after them … Same story repeats year after year.

Those aren’t wonky results.

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Accepted into RPI/AMC as well…starting the application cycle last summer with minimal hopes, D’s hard work is paying off. 5 acceptance so far - Penn, BU, FAU, NJMS, and now RPI/AMC. She also let go of VCU interview as soon as she found out of Penn PMM acceptance. Got selected into all 5 programs she interviewed for!


Every cycle there are usually one or two who make into all or most of the applied. This time the glory is your C’s it seems. Congratulations! :+1:


Congratulations, did you share your statistics and the results in results forum? Are you in-state to Florida?

Double RK got 5 times more than single RK :joy:


Not yet. Will post and share once it is all over. We are not in-state to FL.


I thought same after UG cycle four years back looking at UG results but surprisingly his MD admissions are pretty much same as UG since his ECs and stats (100 percentile) are pretty much same. He got into UCB (with Regents), UPenn, JHU, Vandy both the times and waitlisted by Northwestern and Case Western. One difference is getting into UCSF, UPenn, JHU and Vandy medical schools is much harder than UG but he attributes his success to his research and LOR from his PI. Looking at the results, my conclusion is schools look for specific profiles and select based on that.

In case of my friend @rk2017’s D something about her ECs or essays appealed to BU but not to any other school. My nephew got interview at REMS and waitlisted couple of year back but got rejected by low tier BSMDs. My guess was one of service projects he did appealed to REMS. He did get into another BSMD and matriculated.

Without knowing all the details, we all like to call it wonky or luck or something else.


Not really. As a matter of fact, most schools once you declare to apply out, you will lose the guaranteed BSMD seat. You can reapply to the same school again though.

That tells a lot about your DD’s preparation both pre and post BSMD application process!

Apart from having good stats and ECs, you guys did great job with your essays both common and supplemental. And, then super well prepared for the interviews!

That’s one great success story. Your kid and entire family will cherish it for long time.
Congratulations to the entire family and especially to your DD for her great success. I wish her all the very best in her path forward. Cheers!

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And SRK is Super RK with T5 meds in pocket. :joy:

Thank you @love4bsmd. Yes, we are very proud of her and she is very happy with her success.

Congrats! When did she interview for RPI/AMC?


AMC interview on 2/11/2021.