Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

We are in the same boat. My Child wants to go SLU med scholars giving up Georgetown and UVA. We are going to tour it.

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Wow OMG Thank you so much for your thoughts and you definitely read our mind about Brown PLME vs MIT even I did not mention it. We are keep thinking about what will happen if he gets into Brown PLME. Thank you so much for going into details, really appreciated.

would you be able to private message me your friend’s details, if they are ok with it, thanks much.

haha! I love your optimism!

DC received StonyBrook Scholars for Medicine Program acceptance. Just got an email from them. Pressure is off now, finally - this is DC’s first acceptance in to BSMD after CNU :slight_smile:


Even though SLU may not allow the students in the program to apply out without losing the spot, they won’t stop someone from leaving it. Depending on when your C is supposed to take their med school interview, and if all other things going well at that point, have him/her plan to take MCAT prior to the interview and decide whether s/he wants to opt out. I have known kids in another program take it as early as end of sophomore year and score at an average of 520. If for any reason the score is not stellar, no issues s/he will continue the course and matriculatee to the med school there. The MCAT score requirement for the students in the program there is pretty modest as I understand.


Its definitely CoA. Note that what you quoting there is probably average debt. Here is the AAMC report on “Physician Education Debt and the Cost to Attend Medical School” Update 2020.

There are more public med schools than private schools and in public schools there will be more in-state students who would pay lot less in T+F. Median debt in 2019 is 200K and Asians have lowest debt ~160K. Students taking debt are on decline over the years 87% in 2009 to 73% in 2019. So 27% of kids have no debt at all in 2019. There are some good details, dig into the charts!

Among those who have debt for med school:
15% of them have less than 100K debt
30% of them have between 100-200K
35% of them have 200-300K
15% of them have 300-400K
5% of them have more than 400K (a little portion of them have over 500K :sob:)

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Congratulations on SBU. Don’t even think of CNU program as its UG school, as someone quoted earlier, is just a warehouse by the freeway. You will feel like being in a large palace at SBU compared to CNU. Strike off the CNU and enjoy your acceptance to SBU until you have yet another superior one.

cheer 2021 and beyond!

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Btw, my DD is yet to be admitted to UG at SBU. Portal still says “Decisions for fall first-year applicants will be released by April 1”. When we emailed months ago, we have been told that application is complete (for WISE and Med Scholars) and will hear soon.

If we had to hold our breath on it would have been dead long time ago! Luckily DD does not have to wait for SBU or any other as she is all set with her preferred program!

Does anyone know if there is a UMKC group chat or discussion for accepted students. (Not limited to CC)

I think you are too quick to judge and respond to my post without knowing the ins and outs of what I know. That to me seems arrogance, ignorant and judgemental. Thanks but no thanks for your enlightment!!

That’s unnecessary my friend! please focus on your kid but not others and let’s have healthy debate :pray:


@mom2boys1999 , @confident2021

Oh no, maybe this is not the direction we want the conversation on this forum to go! We’re all frustrated by one thing or the other when it comes to admissions. And we have different ways of expressing how we feel. Just know that things will eventually work out. Many things go into admission decisions. I should know because I once sat on one. Let’s calm down a bit and know that, in spite of all the shakings, the cream will ultimately rise to the top. There’s always a place for intelligent, hardworking and focused students. And for those who cheat, there are always walls that can only be broken down by honest hard work. At some point, that time of testing will come and the wheat will be separated from the chaff.


Is it safe to do that with just email/phone call acceptance from college at this time?

Also, the email received from TCNJ states this:
Promotion to the regular medical program at NJMS does not require an interview nor letters of recommendation. You need only fill out the AAMCAS application form early in your junior year. As long as the above retention criteria are met, you will then start medical school in August after your junior year.

Is it the same for all BS/BA-MD programs? How does NJMS know that there is guaranteed seat already for the student? Does the feeder school send the medical school confirmation that the student met all the criteria?

somebody was mentioning about a FB group on UMKC thread on CC. UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program - #7320 by SoccerPlayer247

@cheer2021 Awesome, congratulations on your D’s acceptance to SBU.

D got SBU Medical- JHU BME ( Full ride), Columbia BME as of now. JHU eliminates all other like CMU, UCB, GT, NW etc.

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@rk1235rk when did you get the results?

I meant AMC results…

Although I do not know much on MD, I will take MIT over any BSMD or IVY. Had daughter made to Caltech ( Waitlist), we were done.

As PhD engg, Except Caltech, no school comes close to MIT. Harvard is toss up but nerd go to MIT.

I have several friends and their kids from MIT.

Now I can not comment about chances of MD but I would take a chance over any BSMD including perhaps Brown. Not sure on PMM but UG at MIT is unparalleled and PMM UG is no match.

But that is me.

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@confident2021 - most of us understand the seemingly ‘random’, ‘luck’, ‘wonky’, etc. process that makes up not just the BSMD process, but the college application process in general as well. yes, i agree in that it can be very frustrating and confusing. first, while it may seem unfair to you, in the big picture it may not have any significance to your D’s decision status - even if the undeserving ‘applicant’ was not accepted, there’s no guarantee or way of knowing that your D would’ve been the one then accepted. second, while it may seem unfair, that’s what life is. there are certain things we can control and many things that we cannot. we can do things that put us in a position to succeed (which from your D’s accomplishments and credentials is very impressive and i understand the frustration) but we have limited or no control of other factors (e.g. admissions committee, interviewers, other applicants, etc.). what @love4bsmd suggests makes sense - to focus on your D to get over this temporary hump as her future, despite how it may seem now, appears to be still very, very promising, rather than focusing outward on others. over time, hard work and excellence will yield positive results - this is what your D has going for her. those who cheat and are involved in less honorable behavior, most but not all (that’s life), will eventually have to deal with its consequences in due time. As others have said, i’m confident based on the limited info i’ve read here, your D still has a very bright future and i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s going to be better than if she went via the BSMD route.